Big Questions

United States
June 3, 2016 6:19am CST
What is the meaning of life? Is God to blame for suffering in the world? What happens when you die? Find the Bible’s answers to these questions at this wonderful web site. Go to BIBLE TEACHINGS > BIBLE QUESTIONS ANSWERED. READ online content: The Bible in over 100 languages Answers to Bible questions Help for families WATCH Bible-based videos: Lessons and songs for children Advice for teenagers Faith in action DOWNLOAD publications: The brochure “Good News From God.” The book “What Does The Bible Really Teach.” The Bible is providing answers for millions of people. Psalm 119:160 says: “Give me understanding. Your word is truth.” You can find answers to life’s big questions.
Jehovah’s Witnesses: Our official website provides online access to the Bible, Bible-based publications, and current news. It describes our beliefs and organization.
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1 response
• Macedonia
3 Jun 16
Thanks for this, but i think the meaning of life is how we by ourselves imagine it.
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• United States
3 Jun 16
And how do YOU imagine it? Why are we here on this earth? What purpose do we have?
• Macedonia
3 Jun 16
@IreneVincent we are all here for different purpose and to contribute for this world in a different way. That is why we are all different and unique in our own way.
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• United States
3 Jun 16
@rootlesserer What do you think your unique purpose is in this world and how do you contribute to this world? How does what you do every day change the world for the better?