
June 8, 2016 1:38am CST
Have you ever been at that stage in life when you have two choices. 1. The one that the society, your parents, friends, family feels is right for you, the rationally correct one and 2. The one that your heart tells you to follow, but it could end badly. Do you take a chance?
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11 responses
• United States
8 Jun 16
Oh yes, been there and had to make that choice. The longer you live the more you look back at the choices made and chances taken. There can be no regrets...just lessons learned and stories to tell.
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8 Jun 16
C'est la vie. (such is life)
@Marchy (99)
8 Jun 16
I will choose what I really want because it will makes me happy and if I fail it would be ok because atleast I tried. Maybe after failure on what I want that will be the time that i will follow my family.
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8 Jun 16
I guess it is better to give your 100% to something you wan't and then fall short than not trying at all
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@Marchy (99)
8 Jun 16
@thewordwizard I agree..
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@skysnap (20153)
8 Jun 16
yes I went with my choice in heart. i feel good and not tied to society anymore.
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8 Jun 16
I am glad
@Lucky15 (37376)
• Philippines
8 Jun 16
I choose one. Can not be selfish
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8 Jun 16
To each his own :)
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• Raipur, India
8 Jun 16
Oh yes! Been there. Infact I am still struggling with this situation. I wish I could take the second option but I am not tough enough to do it. I made the first choice and it left me unhappy and devastated and nothing else. Maybe someday I have enough courage to go against everyone and everything and take the road not travelled
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8 Jun 16
I understand! End of the day all of us are scared to take that one step
@JustBhem (70555)
• Davao, Philippines
8 Jun 16
I'll take my chances by choosing number 2.
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@Chungshop (2355)
8 Jun 16
Expectation for something always result in a different way and disappointed. Usually we like to make our own choice but also need the elders advice lo
@Chungshop (2355)
8 Jun 16
@thewordwizard Though harder, you need to make a choice, right or wrong , let time be the judge.
8 Jun 16
Some choices are harder to make than others
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• Waltham, Massachusetts
10 Jun 16
This is such an interesting question. I think that throughout my life I have back and forth and made different choices at different times. When I was younger I used to mostly choose what was expected of me but when I got older I started to choose more of what I wanted. I have struggled with the consequences of choices that I have made impulsively and with worrying about what others think of me and what I do. I have even had problems with dealing with conflict, confronting issues, and speaking my mind. I am 37 but still growing up and figuring it all out with the help of a therapist when I have time to see one like I do now during the summer. Ultimately I understand either choice and want to generally try to follow my heart.
• China
8 Jun 16
I think if I will win,I follow myself.If not,I will choose the another way.
• China
8 Jun 16
@thewordwizard Just try it.If I choose my way to do sth,I will insist it. If every one don't agree you,it need you believe yourself more and more.
8 Jun 16
But one can never know for sure right?
@meowch (2220)
• United States
8 Jun 16
Yes I've been there. Lately I feel a strong inner pull to just follow my heart because I've been very unhappy about my situation. I've been trying to find a way out but I lack the information I need I believe I'm not strong enough to just leave everything behind. People's expectations in my case is suffocating me. Maybe someday I just take a chance and change the course of my destiny.
@meowch (2220)
• United States
8 Jun 16
@thewordwizard thank you :) I hope I will
8 Jun 16
I hope you do find what is right for you someday :)
9 Jun 16
I'll take the chance. Follow what you are passionate about. people have too much expectations of us, you can't meet each one's expectation of you in life. Just do you!