What name will you use if you will make a similar website like mylot ?

Hong Kong
June 9, 2016 7:29am CST
When I ask this question, some names just pop up in my mind immediately : 1. Yourlot 2. Hislot 3. Herlot. 4. Ourlot 5.Theirlot However, pop up doesn't mean it si a good name to use. I think all these name are funny but may not be suitable. Well, lets see what will you come up in your mind then. Share with us ?
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2 responses
@MEAngle (237)
9 Jun 16
Welot doesn't flow as well as the other ones you've mentioned, to be honest. But if we're keeping the pronouns as the way to go, that's all I've got.
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• Hong Kong
9 Jun 16
Hey, not bad . Not bad at all. Welot sounds good. since we already have something wechat, weblog or so. Why not use Welot. it is good. You answer deserve a reward like this.
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@JustBhem (70555)
• Davao, Philippines
9 Jun 16
Haha. I can't stop laughing with those you mentioned and too bad I can't think of anything. lol