You Can Almost Feel Sorry For The GOP
By DW Davis
@DWDavis (25809)
United States
June 15, 2016 8:21am CST
but not quite.
Once again the presumptive nominee for the GOP has sent the party leadership scurrying for cover as they try to distance themselves from his anti-Muslim rhetoric and his insinuation that President Obama might be on the side of the Daesh Death Cult (aka ISIL) and other radical terrorist groups.
All I could do when I saw this in the news was shake my head sadly and utter a mirthless laugh. Why are any of them surprised that Mr. Trump would say the things he said? He's never made a secret of his feeling about this issue. Could it be the GOP leadership was naïve enough to think Mr. Trump meant it when he said he would try to behave in a more professional, Presidential manner. As I've said often, Trump is one leopard who cannot change his spots. His true nature will always trump (pardon the pun) any façade he attempt to create.
Considering that the American born Orlando attacker who killed 49 at Pulse probably did so as a manifestation of his own conflicted homosexuality more so than because of any true allegiance to the Daesh Death Cult or other extremist cause, Mr. Trump's hasty words seem even more indefensible.
While many Americans agree with Mr. Trump, I put this question to them - Once you've banned all Muslims from entering the US, what are you going to do to combat the home grown radicals like the Fort Hood shooter, the San Bernardino shooters, the Chattanooga shooter, and yes,even the Orlando shooter as his affinity for radical Islamist groups appears to have played a role in his decision to stage the attack?
I am honestly curious to know what extreme measures you are willing to take to prevent attacks like these because no one wants such attacks to happen again.
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16 responses
@JohnRoberts (109846)
• Los Angeles, California
15 Jun 16
Most of those shooters you mention were on watch lists and known to authorities. Trump has stated the FBI etc take harder more in depth looks and investigations. There's nothing that could have been done to the Orlando shooter as he was a US citizen so he couldn't be deported. It's case by case but as in the case of Boston, they knew they were bad apples and did nothing more. Trump is just asking for stronger looks. The same effort as taken with with the intense "watching" of the Mafia.
You keep stating Trump wants a ban on Muslims period and they are to never, ever be allowed to enter. Not true. A "temp" ban for the purposes of improving vetting and screening. Don't you agree to have a better system to alert possible criminals entering rather than the current y'all come! I ask you, what has the Muslim community around the world done lately to make us disagree with Trump's view? You are a teacher. You know history. There is a pattern of forcing a certain way of life through violence dating back to the Crusades. These days peaceful exploitation is a new tact as evidenced by the newly elected Muslim mayor of London taking the first baby step in imposing Sharia Law on all citizens.
Did you know that deportations for expired visa decreased 80% under Obama?
The problem is Trump doesn't articulate well. What he probably means is Obama is a Muslim sympathizer. His biological father was Muslim, his stepfather was Muslim, he grew up and was educated in a Muslim country and that Obama expresses more empathy for Muslims than Christians whom his side is waging war upon. Obama asks we bend over backwards to accommodate and assimilate to Islam rather than Islam adapting and respecting the country they were graciously allowed to enter.
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@DWDavis (25809)
• United States
15 Jun 16
@lookatdesktop John loves to defend Mr. Trump, but this time he actually missed the point. The real question is, suppose we do impose such a ban as Mr. Trump wants, what do we do then to stop the radicalization of American youth? We have to defeat the ideology, or we will never stop the problem.
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@lookatdesktop (27138)
• Dallas, Texas
15 Jun 16
@DWDavis , I only know that I don't have all the answers.
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@Dena91 (16859)
• United States
15 Jun 16
I'm not really sure what the answer is, but I will say I found myself agreeing more with Mr Trump's reaction to the senseless killings than President Obama's.
One thing that bothers me about the killer is that he was on the FBI and CIA watch list and yet was able to buy that semiautomatic weapon. My question is why?
Have a blessed day
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@DWDavis (25809)
• United States
16 Jun 16
@Dena91 Humanity has always been a clannish/tribal species. Any peace among gatherings of diverse groups has always been enforced by the threat of violence from the strongest among us. We are not, by nature, a humane and compassionate creature. We have learned to be so to enable us to live in large, civilized groups, but the veneer of civilization is a thin one.
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@Dena91 (16859)
• United States
16 Jun 16
@DWDavis Thank you. I did not know some of this information. I'm not sure what the proper answer is but I do know as long as there is hate in a persons heart, tragedies like this will never stop. Cain used a rock to kill his brother Abel and there has been hate in people's hearts since.
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@pgiblett (6524)
• Canada
15 Jun 16
A long time ago a great American author, Jack London, wrote about an American president who turned the country inside out. Many people compare the story "Iron Heel" to the rule of Hitler, but I have to wonder if it related to what the world would be like under Trump.
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@JohnRoberts (109846)
• Los Angeles, California
15 Jun 16
Obama and Islam are closer to Fascism and Hitler than Trump. They are bent to subject the people to their will and beliefs.
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@pgiblett (6524)
• Canada
15 Jun 16
@JohnRoberts Certain Muslims are close to Hitler through their actions, that is true.
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@DWDavis (25809)
• United States
15 Jun 16
@pgiblett, I haven't read "Iron Heel" but have you read "It Can't Happen Here" by Sinclair Lewis. It is along the same lines. Written in the 1930s it was a cautionary tale describing how the Fascism sweeping across Europe could easily happen in the US.
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@Jessicalynnt (50523)
• Centralia, Missouri
15 Jun 16
I will vote for an independent before I vote for trump or clinton
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@Jessicalynnt (50523)
• Centralia, Missouri
16 Jun 16
@DWDavis I know it's like flushing our votes...but.... it's like we have the option of voting for a flat poop or a round poop, they are both poop.
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@lookatdesktop (27138)
• Dallas, Texas
16 Jun 16
@DWDavis , The same goes for me.
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@allen0187 (58574)
• Philippines
18 Jun 16
Something that I already wrote in another post, we cannot protect our rights by curtailing more rights. It doesn't work that way.
Let's have stricter laws and extended reviews of the current ones and more so, stricter implementation of these laws but not to the point of curtailing our liberties. If we cross that line, the 'terrorists' have already won.
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@dlr297 (5409)
• United States
15 Jun 16
First Trump said we should stop Muslims from coming here if we can not vet them properly. If we can not find out who they are they should not be allowed here. What is so wrong with that. All he wants to do is protect the American people from the unknown. and that is the Presidents main Job to defend and protect. It is not Hate but all the actions of these radicals all over the world that is making him say what he does. and why are not more people wanting the same thing.
Well the place that the shooter worshiped has produced at least 2. killers. That is not Good. When the complaints about this man came in they should have been taken seriously. And trump is right about others not turning him in when they knew what was happening. His wife knew she did nothing. I know if my child or husband was planning something like this i would do everything in my power to stop it. even if that meant turning them in to law enforcement....
When my first two children one in 3rd grade the other in kindergarten stole a bag of peanuts from the store one day on their way home from school. I took them back to the store and made them tell the clerk what they did, she made them pay for them, that was all. The next day when they were at school i went to the police department and had the police show up at school and pull them out of class, take them to the jail and show them what would happen to them if they did it again. I know this does not compare to what the shooter did, but their were people that could have done something, and did nothing.
This shooter and all the others that are killing and carrying out these attacks all over the world in the name of Islam are being taught this Hate, some where. Look at the Laws in muslim countries they hate and kill homosexuals all the time, did his religion teach him this. look at the laws against women they have no rights. and the rape laws are stacked against them. What we need to do is find out why and where these people are being taught this Hate against innocent people. That is all trump wants. Why do you shake your head sadly when he all he wants to do is protect Americans.
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@DWDavis (25809)
• United States
15 Jun 16
But why should Muslim's be the only group of people we properly vet before they come to this country. Look at Germany's history, Russia's, Japan's. Look at what China is up to these says. Shouldn't we also be properly vetting people from these countries as well? Perhaps we should put a moratorium on all immigration until we get things sorted out here at home, and then we can look at those who want to come in and investigate them on a case by case basis to make sure they are the kind of people we want coming to American.
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@DWDavis (25809)
• United States
15 Jun 16
@lookatdesktop I just went back and tagged you in on a reply I left to John's comment where I mention a commentator I heard today lamenting the devolution of America into groups of tribes.
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@Bluedoll (16773)
• Canada
15 Jun 16
There are some very serious topics. Should anyone write about something as serious with the word Trump in the same paragraph/article? Way back in time when he demanded the President provide proof of citizenship I knew this businessman was a great smoke, mirror and screen master. He is good at it but politics is seriously not his strength but then he makes no claim that it is. I don't know what they were thinking to want to put him in the political spotlight. But he is now there. Not going to comment on the serious issues.
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@koopharper (7601)
• Canada
15 Jun 16
Efforts need to be made to prevent the radicalization of Muslims in the west. That has to include the willing participation of the Muslim community. The rest of the world is never going to force it on them.
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@koopharper (7601)
• Canada
15 Jun 16
@DWDavis We can certainly do a much better job than we're doing.
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@DWDavis (25809)
• United States
16 Jun 16
@Berniezeitler Thanks, Bernie. I was about to type the same thing when I saw you already had.
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@Cristi_Ichim (3748)
• Bucharest, Romania
16 Jun 16
is this a question like "what we gonna do with the insiders/intruders?"? If so, then you simply try to catch the terrorists, bring them to justice and ask them which punishment they choose for their behaviour?
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@Cristi_Ichim (3748)
• Bucharest, Romania
16 Jun 16
@DWDavis ok. so, then what exactly is wrong with banning muslims from entering the country?
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@Cristi_Ichim (3748)
• Bucharest, Romania
17 Jun 16
@DWDavis I disagree with this. I think that it is a greater risk to allow them inside than to ban them.
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@DWDavis (25809)
• United States
16 Jun 16
Our FBI and other agencies are working hard to identify and catch the terrorists, but cannot watch every second generation Muslim in the US who might up and decide to become a lone wolf Jihadi. With our system of laws, you can't necessarily arrest someone just because they visit Jihadi websites or read Jihadi literature. When there is enough evidence for an arrest, an arrest is made.
As to asking them which punishment they choose, I'd like the choice to be between, the noose, the electric chair, the gas chamber, or a firing squad.
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@lookatdesktop (27138)
• Dallas, Texas
15 Jun 16
I always enjoy reading your posts, DW .
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@lookatdesktop (27138)
• Dallas, Texas
15 Jun 16
@DWDavis , It sure makes me wonder what they got, inside their back packs.
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@cacay1 (84464)
• Cagayan De Oro, Philippines
16 Jun 16
But those attackers were already killed by themselves. Let us try to observe what happens if no more Muslims to enter America.If I were to decide, Muslims must not enter United States. Trump is warrior like, never afraid.Better if he is still in his 40's 50's.
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