Using every occasion sad or happy to extract money

@aninditasen (16901)
Raurkela, India
June 19, 2016 11:20am CST
There are some people in this world who use every occasion in their lives, may it be a bereavement or a celebration to extract money in cash or kind from friends, relatives and acquaintances. How would you handle such people?
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13 responses
@DaddyEvil (144294)
• United States
24 Jun 16
Hello Anindita, welcome to myLot! Hmmm... very interesting question... very thought provoking, as well... Well, I recognize the type of person you are describing here. There are a few of them in my family. What I have done in the cases I am talking about is ignore them... I understand the concept of needing money for certain things, but because I understand that concept, I also understand that the best thing to do in these situations is to ignore someone asking or acting like they want/need money. Things happen, I know, but that doesn't mean I am responsible for their shortage of money. I work for my living and they should be working for their living, too. We all have something in our lives that we aren't happy with/about, but decent people don't try to extract money from all and sundry, either. We suck up our problems and show a happy, calm and caring face to the world, no matter what is going on inside. No matter how affected we are by the situation at hand, or the coming situation, which, is always looming on our horizon. I hope my perspective is helpful to you, and good luck!
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@DaddyEvil (144294)
• United States
24 Jun 16
@Lucky15 I would tell anyone suggesting I should pay for anything that doesn't belong to me to go play with themselves. I am not responsible for anyone but myself. Legally, I am not even responsible for Pretty, since she is past the age of majority. The two people getting married are the only ones responsible for paying for the wedding.
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@Lucky15 (37374)
• Philippines
24 Jun 16 part.of culture or tradition. But.some For.example is wedding, every sponsor is ask for a certain amount of money or if not, they are ask to pay for this and that. So, the more.sponsor, the they can get.
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@Lucky15 (37374)
• Philippines
24 Jun 16
@DaddyEvil i agree. Like the couple should have everything prepared...financially
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• Raipur, India
19 Jun 16
Such people are like parasites. They stay with you just to feed themselves.
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@zap_81 (1019)
19 Jun 16
But you have the option of not being with them..right ?
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• Raipur, India
19 Jun 16
@zap_81 It's not always that easy. Because most of the times you don't know their true face untill the time you are in a certain situation.
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@zap_81 (1019)
19 Jun 16
@Blue_bubble I agree to that. My views were if it happens repetitive. I guess thats why they say.. fool me once ..shame on you and if you fool me twice.. shame on me.
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@vandana7 (101606)
• India
22 Jun 16
I have a simple way. I borrow from banks. I say I have loans to clear.
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@vandana7 (101606)
• India
23 Jun 16
@TheHorse . Are you aware of the rules of adverse possession in your country?
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@TheHorse (224855)
• Walnut Creek, California
23 Jun 16
@aninditasen I have a brother who in theory owes me a lot for work I've done on a cabin we own together in Montana. But he has never offered to pay, and I won't ask. I do the work to honor the memory of our parents.
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@aninditasen (16901)
• Raurkela, India
23 Jun 16
Some just don't listen. I have such relation who really create trouble when they extract money from you.
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@LadyDuck (472516)
• Switzerland
24 Jun 16
I have learned to ignore them. I have no obligation to pay anyone and I do not care what people think, I do not give anymore money to friends and family members.
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@LadyDuck (472516)
• Switzerland
24 Jun 16
@aninditasen I have no friends and family who are really in need.
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@TheHorse (224855)
• Walnut Creek, California
24 Jun 16
@LadyDuck I have loaned people money in the past. I don't do so any more. I owe nobody anything, and nobody (explicitly) owes me anything. Well, one stereo guy, but that's another matter.
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@aninditasen (16901)
• Raurkela, India
24 Jun 16
But you should help friends and relatives who are really in need.
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@akalinus (44214)
• United States
24 Jun 16
It seems that every time the phone rings or the mail arrives, there are pleas for money from bills, charities, and scammers with clever schemes. The news brings more pleas. Someone's dog was hit by a car. A child is sick. Someone wants a dream wedding, yada, yada, yada. After a while, I just turn a deaf ear to it all. Yes, I give to my church. Yes, sometimes I give to causes. I just wish all the noise would stop.
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@zap_81 (1019)
19 Jun 16
First and foremost would be to ignore them. Secondly if they are part of the same group then the devil in me would ask them for money . Needless to mention on all occasions.. sad or happy. Trust me I can do something like that.
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@vandana7 (101606)
• India
22 Jun 16
@aninditasen ..Borrow from bank for gold. Pay in installments. Tell I don't have monies. You would have an asset, you wouldn't have monies with you to spare. I really don't have monies, I have loans!!! For what? They need not know.
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@aninditasen (16901)
• Raurkela, India
21 Jun 16
but I can't.
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@zap_81 (1019)
22 Jun 16
@aninditasen Well you need to learn then. Better late than never.
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• United States
24 Jun 16
some folks'll jest bleed'ja dry if'n ya allow'em to. i grew'p where one did without 'til they were able to work'n save fer 'emselves. a concept that seems to've passed with time... that bein' said, i'm quite generous't times. i'll not give'em money - e'er. if'n they've a bill needin' paid (like their utilities'r fixin' to be cut off otherwise), i'll take the bill'n pay't myself. if'n they need groceries, i'll go to the store with 'em'n purchase their necessities only. if'n they proclaim hunger'n no place to live, i'll take 'em fer a hot meal 'n then by the shelter fer assistance. i know that cultures vary'n the refusal'f cavin' into those kinda folks can be frowned 'pon. but, one needs to learn to stand'n their own 2 feet sooner'r later'n life. a hand'p 'tis way diff'rent than a hand-out. sometimes sayin' "no" 'tis the best thing fer'em'n the long run.
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• United States
24 Jun 16
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@ramapo17 (30441)
• Melbourne, Florida
18 Dec 16
@crazyhorseladycx I agree with your system totally. If they need something I would rather get them what they "need", not just want, forget giving the cash.
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@aninditasen (16901)
• Raurkela, India
24 Jun 16
Sometimes it's the affluent relatives who get into such act.
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@TheHorse (224855)
• Walnut Creek, California
18 Dec 16
Like @LadyDuck, I would ignore them. But I haven't had that happen very often. I have lent money to friends, and was paid back eventually, but I don't know that I'd do that now.
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@LadyDuck (472516)
• Switzerland
19 Dec 16
You think to make a favor and you lose your friends, because they avoid to meet you not to pay back. It's sad.
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@TheHorse (224855)
• Walnut Creek, California
22 Jun 16
I would ignore them.
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@vandana7 (101606)
• India
22 Jun 16
Very difficult in Indian context. They become more daring. First they treat as if we overlooked. Then they become louder, and may even use another party to intervene. Then it becomes difficult when the other party does not know everything.
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@TheHorse (224855)
• Walnut Creek, California
23 Jun 16
@vandana7 What kind of event gets the process started?
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@aninditasen (16901)
• Raurkela, India
23 Jun 16
@vandana7 You are so very right Vanny.
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@just4him (318844)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
6 Jul 16
I wouldn't. I walk away.
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@Lucky15 (37374)
• Philippines
24 Jun 16
Here..some are like that and becomes a big syndicate
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• India
26 Jun 16
such people are the one i don't like ,money minded where is emotions in them are the human or machine
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@ourlot (982)
21 Dec 16
It's sad that such people exist. It seems to be a worldwide phenomenon, it happens to you in India, it happens to me in the US. Anyway, I would not treat them kindly.
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@aninditasen (16901)
• Raurkela, India
22 Dec 16
Obviously, no one would treat such people kindly.