Dance Recital

@Luke35 (81)
United States
June 21, 2016 1:08pm CST
My 9 year old daughter just had her dance recital last weekend. She has been dancing for between six and seven years, but I noticed a huge difference in her talent and ability from last year's recital to this one. This is probably because she joined the youngest group on their competition team. They aren't pushed or brainwashed into being perfect, but instead just try to have fun. Her big sister was a competition dancer also, but graduated the year before our younger one started (they are 15 years apart!) It would have been nice to see them dance together, but the ages were just too far apart for that to work. We are in Ohio but big sister lives in Florida now. She came home for the recital and spent much of Father's Day with us until it was time for her return flight to sunny Florida.
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1 response
• United States
21 Jun 16
I think its great they pushed them to have fun. Yes its important to be doing your best at all times, but I believe if you are not having fun, enjoying what you are doing how can you do your best. My daughter is a natural when it comes to sports - she just picks it up easily. She played softball for 3 years, boys and girls club, her school, and a traveling team - back to back. The adults that were involved with these groups put added pressure on her and it no longer became fun for her so she no longer wants to play. Let kids be kids.
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