The Jist
By Jaime Cannon
June 21, 2016 6:45pm CST
And so another politician has been proven to be corrupt. Gasp! Say what....?!? Over in Philadelphia, Representative Chaka Fattah (D-PA) has been found guilty by a jury of his peers (cough, cough) of, well, shall we say... misuse of funds. The long-time friend of President Obama was found guilty on numerous charges, including bribery, money laundering and fraud. According to, here's where the Rep. went wrong:
After borrowing a million bucks from a campaign donor (a campaign which he did not succeed in), he then used funds from his personal non-profit organization to pay back this loan. Oh, and then he also used campaign donations to pay of his kid's student loans. When I was a youngster, my mom used to call this "borrowing from Peter to pay Paul."
Apparently, Paul has come a'knockin on Congressman Fattah's door, and he ain't happy.
1 response
22 Jun 16
Sooo... after reading this through, I realized the end line should have been: "PETER has come knocking." Obviously, Paul has already been paid. According to my mother's quote: "Robbing Peter to pay Paul."
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