Dallas Police Ambush, 12 Police men shot and 5 Killed!

Torrington, Connecticut
July 8, 2016 7:57am CST
Yesterday I did not post since I was very much bothered about the two african american men were shot by police and I didnt want to write about it or give an opinion since the media was spining it out of control. Downtown Dallas was in lockdown Friday after snipers shot 12 officers, five fatally, during a protest over the deadly police shootings of black men elsewhere in the united states this week. This was not just an act of terrorism but very cruel and unnecesary! Im assuming this will only make things worst and I see either a civil war or marshall law coming really soon if this continues.
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16 responses
@HazySue (39267)
• Gouverneur, New York
8 Jul 16
@BACONSTRIPSXXX I agree with you that it was a cruel and unnecessary action. Too wrongs don't make a right. Like you I can see the actions of few making things bad for everyone. The violence is appalling. Racism and profiling along with violence needs to stop.
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• Torrington, Connecticut
11 Jul 16
@HazySue Life is too short for all this hate nonsense
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• Torrington, Connecticut
8 Jul 16
I agree Susan, And things are just going to get worst before anything positive comes out of this
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@HazySue (39267)
• Gouverneur, New York
8 Jul 16
@BACONSTRIPSXXX I am afraid you are right. I wish we could all just get along.
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8 Jul 16
This country is going to hell in a hand basket this is all going to explode in our faces if something is not done now not tomorrow not a week from now but right now!
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• Torrington, Connecticut
8 Jul 16
I agree with you, something needs to happen and very fast
• India
8 Jul 16
why this is happening what is the real problem behind this?
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• Torrington, Connecticut
8 Jul 16
The problem is that police officers in America are killing black men left and right and are not even being punished for it, last night at the protest im guessing people who were upset planned and decided to get revenge etc
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• India
8 Jul 16
@BACONSTRIPSXXX ho but why police officers killing black men, what good in that for them? what wrong they did? is that racism?
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• Torrington, Connecticut
8 Jul 16
@sunilparthan Its just a matter of injustice and inequality!
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@koopharper (7601)
• Canada
8 Jul 16
As a Canadian on the outside looking in, this is horrifying. I live near Moncton, New Brunswick where a few years back we had several police officers killed in the line of duty by some young man with some serious problems. The community and the country pulled together in face of this. I don't see this happening south of the border. I see the flames of hatred getting fanned. I think there are a lot of people who need to take a long hard look at themselves before there is any hope of resolution. Not the least amoung those people are those in the media.
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• Canada
11 Jul 16
@BACONSTRIPSXXX Far too often that's for sure. This going to take some real leadership from the top. It's also going to take real cooperation from the police. So far we haven't seen either.
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• Torrington, Connecticut
11 Jul 16
I agree, so in canada you guys dont have this issue right? of cops killing unarmed minorities?
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• Torrington, Connecticut
11 Jul 16
@koopharper I get it, but in the states shootings like this happen every other day
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• United States
8 Jul 16
New facts keep coming out - it seems two of those injured were civilians. Not sure if they were included in the original cont of those injured.
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• Torrington, Connecticut
8 Jul 16
Yeah I think a total 4 civilians were injured and they are still unsure if all the suspects were killed or caught etc
• Torrington, Connecticut
8 Jul 16
@birishjames they said they had 3 in custody and the fourth one shot himself in the head
8 Jul 16
@BACONSTRIPSXXX One suspect caught the other started shooting again the gunfight lasted 4 hours but don't know if the suspect was caught or shot/killed
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@Jessicalynnt (50523)
• Centralia, Missouri
9 Jul 16
Protesting is fine, but shooting because of a shooting? I hope anyone found guilty of shooting ANYONE gets hung
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• Centralia, Missouri
12 Jul 16
@BACONSTRIPSXXX all it does is take you from a protestor with a voice, to a waste of space criminal.
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• Torrington, Connecticut
11 Jul 16
I agree, revenge isnt something that should be promoted and killing innocent cops isnt going to change a damn thing!
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• Torrington, Connecticut
13 Jul 16
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@ElicBxn (63792)
• United States
8 Jul 16
It really is scary, and that's only a couple'a hundred miles away from me! I am afraid that there is more bad things coming from all these killings.
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• Torrington, Connecticut
8 Jul 16
Yeah thats the part im scared of, more random acts of violence
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@dodo19 (47363)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
8 Jul 16
It's w really sad situation. I feel so sorry for everyone affected.
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@dodo19 (47363)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
8 Jul 16
@BACONSTRIPSXXX I know. It's not right that they had to go through this. It doesn't make much sense.
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• Torrington, Connecticut
11 Jul 16
@dodo19 I agree, I am still in shock with everything that happened
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• Torrington, Connecticut
8 Jul 16
Same here, soo many innocent lives
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@silvermist (19702)
• India
8 Jul 16
@BACONSTRIPSXXX I too have been listening to the news.I am wondering where all this will end.It definitely was an act of revenge on the police for shooting those black men.
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• Torrington, Connecticut
8 Jul 16
Yeah and it was hate crime and revenge attack, very sad!
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@LadyDuck (472504)
• Switzerland
8 Jul 16
What is going on is horrible. I fear that you are right, a Marshall law may be put in place to stop the violence.
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@LadyDuck (472504)
• Switzerland
8 Jul 16
@BACONSTRIPSXXX How sad to arrive to such drastic decisions.
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• Torrington, Connecticut
8 Jul 16
Yeah hopefully it doesnt get to that but if this continues I see no other option
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@hostessman (11871)
• Tucson, Arizona
8 Jul 16
yeah things just keep getting worse. something will have to change befor long.. very sad
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• Torrington, Connecticut
8 Jul 16
I agree, things are going to getter worst before they get any better
• Eugene, Oregon
8 Jul 16
I don't think we will see either of those drastic things, but I would not want to be a police officer or a person of color in the US today. The shootings in Minnesota and Louisiana and so many more seem to happen daily. I heard a statistic that three people per day are shot by police officers in the US. Some are no doubt justified, but far too many are not.
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• Torrington, Connecticut
8 Jul 16
I agree and im sure their are other incidents that we dont know about since the media covers what they wanrt and some stories get covered up
• Torrington, Connecticut
8 Jul 16
@JamesHxstatic I beg to differ, Fox News and a few other are not relaible since they have been cuaght lying many times and only cover what they can use to get more views instead of telling the truth
• Eugene, Oregon
8 Jul 16
@BACONSTRIPSXXX I think that, overall, the 'media' does a fair job in the US. I rely on PBS for fair, unbiased news.
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@nanette64 (20364)
• Fairfield, Texas
8 Jul 16
I agree @BACONSTRIPPSXXX , the whole situation is getting out of hand.
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• Torrington, Connecticut
8 Jul 16
Yeah and its unfolding very fast!
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@magallon (19279)
• Philippines
8 Jul 16
These acts make everyone scared. It happens everywhere. The same in our place here. In every day' s news there is always killing.
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• Torrington, Connecticut
8 Jul 16
I agree, have the stuff that happens gets covered up as well
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@BelleStarr (61297)
• United States
8 Jul 16
This violence has got to stop.
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• Torrington, Connecticut
8 Jul 16
I agree, this is just awful and scary
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• United States
8 Jul 16
It's just sad that this is the world we are living in
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• Torrington, Connecticut
8 Jul 16
It really is, il be in the states in 22 days and Im afraid for my safety, one of the reasons I moved to The Dominican Republic was to raise my children away from all the racism, hate, violence, and brain wash influences. Its truly sad and alarming that this type of stuff is going on