So, this works! Neuro Sleep

Neuro Sleep
@cpefley (1926)
San Jose, California
July 12, 2016 12:15pm CST
I've been having issues with sleeping lately. Restless legs, not being able to stay asleep, night sweats, etc. Oh the joys of being in the 3rd trimester. Anyway, I bought some of this stuff to try and help myself sleep. Well, I started drinking it on the way home last night, and by the time I got home, I was ready to crash. I could barely keep my eyes open. I woke up once in the middle of the night to pee (a necessity) and was so groggy, and fell right back asleep after. Then I woke up again at normal time and felt great. Good night's sleep! I also have one for stress and a daily one. We will see how they work.
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4 responses
@skysnap (20153)
12 Jul 16
I think you should take sleep for about 6 hours minimum so that things can get normal.
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@cpefley (1926)
• San Jose, California
12 Jul 16
I wish I could, but I'm pregnant, so it is hard for me to sleep for long periods of time. I have to take naps in the middle of the day lol.
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@skysnap (20153)
12 Jul 16
@cpefley That's a good news. So the little one is keeping you active :D
@rina110383 (24494)
13 Jul 16
Years ago, I had sleeping problems. I used to take 4 sleeping pills. They give a long, sound sleep.
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@cpefley (1926)
• San Jose, California
13 Jul 16
Wow! A benedryl and I'm out lol
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@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
12 Jul 16
sounds like it agrees with you
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@cpefley (1926)
• San Jose, California
12 Jul 16
For now it is :)
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@lilnana1111 (2305)
• United States
7 Aug 16
I've never heard of this, I might have to try it on my bad insomnia days, how does it taste?