Kid Flash is coming to Season 3 of The Flash!
By N.B. Yomi
@Hanyouyomi (2187)
Dallas, Texas
July 12, 2016 2:33pm CST
Finally after the entirety of the second season, Wally West will become Kid Flash! Now before I get all giddy and gush over the announcement that was made today by Los Angles Times, [link to the article here: I have a few qualms, I'd like to address.
See the concept of Wally West being black was first introduced in DC Comics "New 52" line of comics. And upon seeing that, I got worried, because I know who Wally West is, and giving a black man super speed for a super power seems aesthetically racist. And while it doesn't offend me personally,(because I'm not easily offended by racism, haven't been for eight years or so...) I'm surprised activists weren't crawling out of the wood work saying that DC Comics is a racist company.
Oh crap, now that I think about it, with The Flash being a smash hit mainstream T.V. series, with this announcement, that could very well happen. And with that my enthusiasm for this has been wounded.... But I dirgress, as inititally I was not on board with the change. That was before I saw Wally's character arc in the show, and man did that change my tune entirely. Because Wally's more than a racial palette swap of the original Wally West, but rather a troubled kid who wants to make up for his wrong doings by being a hero to whatever extent he can. It's a simple character arc, but it's an arc I can get behind.
So I'm excited. Despite the possible politically correct backlash, I'm excited for this turn of events.

The CW comic book universe is teeming with super fast supers, and now there’s one more: Behold Kid Flash in full superhero gear.
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6 responses
@Hanyouyomi (2187)
• Dallas, Texas
13 Jul 16
@Hercules7 My sentiments exactly...
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@Hanyouyomi (2187)
• Dallas, Texas
14 Jul 16
@Hercules7 Same, except I hardly find time to play games this days, and changing that is a work-in-progress...

@CaptAlbertWhisker (32748)
• Calgary, Alberta
13 Jul 16
I just want Felicity off this show. Damn I hate the season 4 of Arrow, It can be titled Felicity diaries.
I already heard rumors Felicity will be in legends of tomorrow and Supergirl too. They were trying to make everyone in Arrowverse love her.
I notice Berlanthi have a huge hate of redheads. This is the 3rd redhead character hat got the ethnic palette swap. he is likable at least and he still got Kid flash by spirit.
The Black Jimmy Olsen in Supergirl is highly hated not because of the actor's race but he is just a charisma vacuum who is turned into a forced love interest with no chemistry with the 2 actresses he is paired with. Also he is suppose to be a nerd but he is turned into a vanilla jock.
For some reason, his story arc in the flash reminds me a bit of Arsenal from Arrow.

@CaptAlbertWhisker (32748)
• Calgary, Alberta
14 Jul 16
@Hanyouyomi Felicity use to be this quirky nerdy sidekick who is relatable because she is friendzoned by Oliver Queen. She is basically a hacker who can do everything. I guess the producers notice the audience like her so they decided to make her a Mary sue who has taken over the screen time to the point that people hated her now. They decided to make her Arrow's love interest and she had taken over the show that it became all about her.
To Make it worst every character likes her, even the flash characters adore her. Just imagine if she guested in legends of tomorrow and Supergirl. She is like this Fan fiction charter written by a 12 year old girl.
Kid flash seemed to be well embraced by the fanbase that they don't care about his ethnicity. I guess people in the Flash were better with palette swap characters since they manage to preserve the essence of the character. It seemed like Jessie Quick will be his love interest. It is a CW show after all.
Black Olsen is hated not because he is Black, The actor who plays him is just too miscast. Also Why Jimmy Olsen is having 2 ladies. He is not suppose to be a playboy.
@CaptAlbertWhisker (32748)
• Calgary, Alberta
14 Jul 16
@Hercules7 Nyssa is a lesbian though so that is not going to work. She is not interested in hotdogs, she is more into sushi. Sara and laurel's sushi to be specific.
@Hercules7 (340)
14 Jul 16
I find Nyssca much for interesting than felicity but they keep on showing her exaggerated emotions which I don't find interesting. Nyssca should fall for arrow not that tech geek

@Hanyouyomi (2187)
• Dallas, Texas
12 Jul 16
@skysnap From what I understand that was initiated when Barry went back in time and rescued his mom. So your wish might be grnted, especially since they hinted at it in the article saying that the flashpoint was the result of Wally becoming Kid Flash.
@skysnap (20153)
12 Jul 16
@Hanyouyomi yes. Also if we get justice league dark characters that would be even more great.
@Hanyouyomi (2187)
• Dallas, Texas
12 Jul 16
@skysnap Okay, I'm not familiar with Justice League Dark, so I looked them up. And after looking them up I'm tempted to ask:"You were a fan of the short-lived Constantine live action series, weren't you, and you want to see him comeback as a guest star in Flash?

@Hannihar (130213)
• Israel
22 May 18
To me it makes sense that Wally West is kid flash.

@Hannihar (130213)
• Israel
27 May 18
I can tell you that he went to the program the Legends. He went off Flash and after that someone from Legends found him and brought him to the ship there and he has been with them.
@Hanyouyomi (2187)
• Dallas, Texas
26 May 18
Indeed, I wonder how he's being handled in season 4.
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@Hanyouyomi (2187)
• Dallas, Texas
12 Jul 16
@ModernDayWriter Funny you should mention that, because every since I saw the announcement on Twitter, the Flash Gordon theme song has been playing in my head. xD
@Hanyouyomi (2187)
• Dallas, Texas
14 Jul 16
@promopeople I'd love to say the same, but I kinda can. I tend to lose track of time when I get too engrossed in my projects and means of acquiring finances. knowing my dumb luck, fall will be here before I know it, and I might miss the premiere. ;p