Did you know a deer can attack your dog?

@norcal (4889)
Franklinton, North Carolina
July 14, 2016 3:56pm CST
Usually we think of dogs chasing deer, not the other way around. I was reminded of this fact yesterday when my mom's little dogs were freaking out behind the house, then they all came running with a large doe close on their heels. She was very aggressively charging them. She turned around and ran the other way when she saw me. A few years ago, my little dachshund girl was gored by a buck. It cost me hundreds of dollars in vet bills, and she almost did not survive. You cannot blame the deer for going after little dogs that just keep harassing them. I just found this pretty graphic video of a deer stomping a dog while protecting her fawn. This dog did not even seem to be menacing.
IPHONE 4 GIVEAWAY : http://www.youtube.com/user/TheAppleGiveaways WARNING: this is disturbing stuff. A newborn fawn creates a dangerous situation when mom ge...
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7 responses
@JudyEv (337479)
• Rockingham, Australia
15 Jul 16
I can quite believe this and I've seen a YouTube clip of a doe attaching a man. She just kept on and on. Every time he got up she knocked him down again.
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@norcal (4889)
• Franklinton, North Carolina
15 Jul 16
It seems like I remember that the man smeared himself with deer pheromones or something to cause the deer to do that so he could make a video of it. That's not to say that a deer would not attack a human, but the ones around here usually run if people get too close.
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@JudyEv (337479)
• Rockingham, Australia
15 Jul 16
@norcal That could well be so. Our kangaroos usually take off too but if they lose their fear of humans or get cornered they might attack, especially the bucks.
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@suziecat7 (3350)
• Asheville, North Carolina
14 Jul 16
I'm glad your dog survived. I guess the deer feel it's self-defense.
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@norcal (4889)
• Franklinton, North Carolina
15 Jul 16
My 12 pound dog was no physical threat to the deer, but he probably got fed up with all the barking.
• United States
19 Jul 16
Deer will attack people. If a buck deer is in full rut they can be vicious. There was a lady that lived near where we live that had a buck deer in a tall fenced in area. Her and her husband fostered deer for DNR. This deer was one she had raised from a fawn. One day she went in the fence to feed him and he attacked her. Her husband ran in to help her and he was attacked. She had a broken arm, broken ribs. Her husband was gored, had several broken ribs, a punctured lung. broken arm, etc. The deer had to be shot to get him off the man. One chased my step dad up a tree once. Their hoofs are sharp and can cut you like a knife. Deer can be vicious.
@shshiju (10342)
• Cochin, India
15 Jul 16
She recognizes her POWER.
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@teamfreak16 (43418)
• Denver, Colorado
14 Jul 16
Deer can be vicious when they want to be.
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@norcal (4889)
• Franklinton, North Carolina
14 Jul 16
When you are so big, why would you put up with the little yappers?
@Talknpen (1820)
• United States
15 Jul 16
Hello. I know the dangers a deer can pose. They are wild animals and act as such. Hopefully, your dogs won't have any more run-ins with deer.
@norcal (4889)
• Franklinton, North Carolina
15 Jul 16
They come through here all the time, so I'm sure we haven't seen the last of them.
@norcal (4889)
• Franklinton, North Carolina
15 Jul 16
@Talknpen I live on acreage, in a wooded area. They live all around here. Once I startled a large buck in a fenced garden area. He tried to jump an 8 foot fence and missed. He fell to the ground on his back. He got up and tried again, this time he made it. That was kind of scary.
@Talknpen (1820)
• United States
15 Jul 16
@norcal When I lived in the Midwest. They were jumping in front of the car, hopping into the yard and so forth. I was like geeez.
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• United States
15 Jul 16
i reckon so many'f the deer've 'd troubles with pups they get e'en more aggressive when they've youngsters...'r 'tis ruttin' season 's could'a been the case with yer sweet pup. they'll e'en attack humans if'n they feel the fear.