Where's the humanity?
@crazyhorseladycx (39509)
United States
July 15, 2016 10:16am CST
There seems to be none. No simple logic, jest agendas that suit the needs'n fancies'f some...mostly't the detriment'f others.
Selective breedin' 'f our wild creatures that roam this Earth lacks such. Mankind seems most determined to limit the gene pool. Cuttin' off the diversity 'n all that makes 'em more resilient.
Wild horses'd be one'f those such creatures. Majestic animals who've survived through centuries. They round 'em'p, slap'em 'n holdin' pens. Auction 'em off to the highest bidder, to do purty much's they wish. Many end'p 't slaughter houses - not here'n the United States, but 'cross the borders. Yepperz, Mexico 'n Canada get the "credit" fer that injustice.
I could toss ya a rant longer'n the distance 'twixt 's, but instead'll share this latest government brilliance. A waste 'f taxpayer money, an injustice to the American Mustang, an injustice to all that lives'n breathes.
Roughly 67,000 wild horses roam the public lands of the western United States, and around 4,000 of them are in Oregon. The federal Bureau of Land Management (BLM) considers the current population to be more than double the healthy level for the land and h
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38 responses
@rebelann (113143)
• El Paso, Texas
15 Jul 16
You've got that so right @crazyhorseladycx they've already done it to our beloved pups, pretty soon there'll only be those over bred pure breeds I'd never have a use for, I've noticed that people who buy purebreds aren't asked to spay or neuter their pups .... personally I think I'd rather they spay n neuter those inbred purebreds cuz my mutts have always been the best.
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@rebelann (113143)
• El Paso, Texas
16 Jul 16
Don't worry @nanette64 their greed will be their undoing .... too bad we'll have to suffer Mother Natures wrath as well
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@crazyhorseladycx (39509)
• United States
15 Jul 16
i've been workin' with folks to fight this fer sometime...i thought we'd got this stopped legally, but 'pparently not. jest breaks my heart, the senselessness 'n cruelty to be flung't those poor mares. 'n the selective breedin' the government seems to be intent 'pon inflictin' 's well - which'll turn out poorly no doubt.
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@Marcyaz (35316)
• United States
16 Jul 16
I can't imagine slaughtering a horse as it makes make me sick to think of that. Those beautiful creatures being treated wrong.
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@Marcyaz (35316)
• United States
16 Jul 16
That has to be horrible for the poor horses just the sights and smells alone, terror is right.
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@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
16 Jul 16
@crazyhorseladycx it says man will destroy themselves in the Bible. but obviously not before they destroy everything else keeping them alive.
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@jaboUK (64354)
• United Kingdom
15 Jul 16
What a terrible state of affairs.
I remember the excellent articles you did on Bubblews on this subject, but you weren't too well known then. I'm sure they'd get more attention if you brought them over here.
Sweet photo - those two don't know how lucky they are.
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@jaboUK (64354)
• United Kingdom
16 Jul 16
@crazyhorseladycx Have you never used Mr Cisco as a stud?
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@jaboUK (64354)
• United Kingdom
16 Jul 16
@crazyhorseladycx I wonder what brought about your uncle's change of heart.
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@crazyhorseladycx (39509)
• United States
16 Jul 16
@jaboUK no ma'am, i've not. 've'd some folks wishin' to have him service their mares though. 'fter seein' the mares they intended to do such with, i said a firm "no". ya can't breed bone'n brains back'n jest one foal. those backyard breeders sicken me. they give no thought to the offspring 'n the fact there's already too many horses without homes - that're good, strong'n dependable.
i've only one mare outta 4 that'd be a good match fer him. i'd not breed 'em though coz they came from the same gatherin', though from diff'rent wild bands. to me, such'd be irresponsible. i've no need fer more horses, folks 'round here've a distaste fer mustangs so their future'd be most dim.
the uncle though's been tellin' some big cowboy operations 'bout him. which's odd coz when i first "turned mustang", he told all they were good fer 'twas coyote bait. (aka: shoot'em'n the head'n leave 'em lie).
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@crazyhorseladycx (39509)
• United States
15 Jul 16
that's my fear :( one day we're gonna need to rely heavily'n our equine kin, 'n there'll be none left worth their weight'n salt.
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@Inlemay (17713)
• South Africa
15 Jul 16
@crazyhorseladycx I think I might have heard my granddad say something similar once
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@cindiowens (5120)
• North Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
15 Jul 16
It is too bad. Animals are at people's mercy. Greedy greedy humans.
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@crazyhorseladycx (39509)
• United States
15 Jul 16
i don't see the logic 'hind this, 's there's other, more humane ways. seems mankind feels the need to dictate what should live'n not 'n 'll take any measures to make such occur. seems odd, 'tis the humans that're o'ercrowdin' the earth 'n makin' her sick with their modernization 'n greed.
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@responsiveme (22926)
• India
15 Jul 16
I read the article.When will humans realise that the earth is not ours alone.
Also the methods described to limit the population are cruel and barbaric.
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@crazyhorseladycx (39509)
• United States
15 Jul 16
i dunno, hon. the blm 's done many shady thingies'n the past. culled herds to the point'f non-diversity jest so they can say they "humanely" put the offspring'f such a nightmare down. seems that mankind (not all, but oh so many...) believes they rule the earth, 've some right to play with mother nature to suit their needs...'n their pocketbooks.
jest breaks my heart that they choose not to see.
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@crazyhorseladycx (39509)
• United States
17 Jul 16
sadly lots don't go to good folks, but suffer lives'f abuse/starvation'n worse - they end'p 't the slaughterhouse. many're killed/'r seriously injured jest durin' the 'round-up' process. i've no qualms 'bout folks eatin' a critter, e'en my beloved horse - if'n they're starvin' 'n 've no other resource. but to do such to turn a big buck chaps my hide...jest's these mares bein' subjected to this 'xperimental sterilization process. these folks've obviously either failed 'r not taken 'animal husbandry' 'n 've nary a clue 's to understand not jest our equine beauties who've fought by our sides'n the past, but the rest'f the critters'n lands.
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@yugocean (9963)
• India
18 Jul 16
@crazyhorseladycx Human can be no human is follow the behave of beast. Human and animal both have feelings and needs love and care
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@crazyhorseladycx (39509)
• United States
18 Jul 16
@yugocean indeed they do, but sadly't seems that few seem to view't 's such.
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@Carmelanirel2 (8084)
• United States
25 Nov 16
Oh, that is so not right. I hate to think of what man has done to all creatures that we are supposed to care for.
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@Carmelanirel2 (8084)
• United States
28 Nov 16
@crazyhorseladycx I know how you feel, I am that way with dogs. It started when I was a child and watched my neighbor abuse his dog. When I told my mom and she called someone (maybe the animal shelter? because I don't think there was a humane society back then) and they said we had to get a picture of him doing it before they can take action. Believe it or not, for the next year I always had a camera near me when I was near to windows facing his house, but then they moved and all I could think about is that they moved into the country where no one can help those poor dogs.
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@Carmelanirel2 (8084)
• United States
29 Nov 16
@crazyhorseladycx It was a small village (so the shelter was probably in the next little town) and where the kennels were in his backyard was probably not seen well from the road. However, the kennel was back to back with my backyard, so I got a "front seat" view.
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@crazyhorseladycx (39509)
• United States
29 Nov 16
@Carmelanirel2 utterly heartbreakin' 'n laziness'n the part'f the authorities - they could'a jest done a drive by no doubt'n seen evidence 'f the abuse :( sadly, we ne'er know what's'n a persons heart, nor the 'xtent they'll go to - takin' their anger/frustration out'n those they deem 's weaker....be 't human 'r critter. i imagine that fella treated his family jest the same.
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@simone10 (54187)
• Louisville, Kentucky
16 Jul 16
Why do humans think that they have to capture wild life? Why not just let them live their lives in their own environment? We don't need to see them on display (zoos) and we don't need to capture them just so that we can break them and ride them. I say leave the wild life alone. Nature knows what it is doing a whole lot better than we do.
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@simone10 (54187)
• Louisville, Kentucky
17 Jul 16
@crazyhorseladycx I couldn't agree with you more. I don't know what makes humans think that having animals live in an environment that humans make is better for an animal than living free in the wild.
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@crazyhorseladycx (39509)
• United States
17 Jul 16
@simone10 'we' seem to want't all :(
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@crazyhorseladycx (39509)
• United States
17 Jul 16
coz they always take what's not there's'n tend to destroy such. then point the finger'f blame elsewhere. noperz, they don't belong'n zoos 'n many 's e'en pets. if'n they'd quit destroyin' entire ecosystems, nature'd take care 'f 't all by herself.
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@crazyhorseladycx (39509)
• United States
17 Jul 16
thanks fer stoppin' by, ms. maria. many don't seem to realize that horses're family units, not jest herds wanderin' 'bout. they've deep ties. to do such's they wish with the sterilization'f these mares's inhumane'n cruel. e'en the domesticated mares they've done such to've not all fared well. i can't imagine what sufferin' such'll cause these wild mares - jest the stress 'lone can cause 'em to colic 'n die...
@crazyhorseladycx (39509)
• United States
17 Jul 16
@rebelann thanks fer suggestin' this, hon. i 'ppreciate yer efforts to help me get the word out'n this matter.
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@crazyhorseladycx (39509)
• United States
17 Jul 16
@akalinus bless yer heart :) i'm certain they've restrictions 'bout such, lol. wonder if'n ya could sneak a miniature horse there'n profess somebody sold ya such'a a new breed 'f dog? ;)
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@crazyhorseladycx (39509)
• United States
17 Jul 16
there's o'er 30,000 horses that've been rounded'p that're sittin' 'n holdin' facilities 'cross the u.s. - some adopted out, others who've been taken'n by various rescues. put out to pasture'n sanctuaries.
'tis a blight'n our history's a country to treat these 'n all other creatures with such lil regards nor understandin' 'f their ways.
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@akalinus (43850)
• United States
17 Jul 16
@crazyhorseladycx I would love a horse but I live in a trailer park.
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@nanette64 (20364)
• Fairfield, Texas
15 Jul 16
Several years ago they were using helicopters to shoot and kill the mustangs from @crazyhorseladycx and that doesn't count the coyotes, wolves and other critters.
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@crazyhorseladycx (39509)
• United States
15 Jul 16
they jest tick me off 'yond words, ms. nanette :( the killin' 'f the predators's part'f the troubles. 'course, that keeps the ranchers happy...i'll not e'en tell ya my thoughts'n those folks.
the lil fella'n this picture's a result'f a helicopter round-up. his mother 'twas killed - broke her neck, so they claim.
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@crazyhorseladycx (39509)
• United States
15 Jul 16
@nanette64 they'd call foul play, discrimination 'n a whole host'f folks who're jest initials 'd be screamin' from the supreme courts steps!
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@nanette64 (20364)
• Fairfield, Texas
15 Jul 16
@crazyhorseladycx I wonder how these folks would like it if we rounded them up and treated them the same way. I raise my right hand and volunteer.
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@crazyhorseladycx (39509)
• United States
15 Jul 16
i can understand if'n one's starvin' 'n such's an only option, but to treat 'em 'n this manner sickens the heart. a 20% oops rate??? i can't believe we lost this battle :(
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@Lucky15 (37374)
• Philippines
16 Jul 16
@crazyhorseladycx we could.look for other source.but not horse.to be our source ;(
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@fishtiger58 (29820)
• Momence, Illinois
16 Jul 16
And what happens when they are gone, then what. Shameful what is going on to the wildlife in this great big Earth of ours. We are tricked into believing we have a say in things but truly we don't. I see a desolate police state in our future. I am frightened for my son's future. I am frightened for Mother Earth. I am thankful I won't be alive to see the total destruction of everything. And that is what's going to happen. History tells us that.
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@crazyhorseladycx (39509)
• United States
17 Jul 16
@fishtiger58 i'm sure that such'd be a huge shock to find out :( more'n most folks could prolly handle...
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@crazyhorseladycx (39509)
• United States
17 Jul 16
i dunno, outside'f folks'll turn their stock loose 'n such a process'll begin yet 'gain - takin' generations to rebuild the mind, heart, soul 'n other great attributes that mustangs possess.
there's more falseshoods 'n brainwashin' goin' than most folks'd like to hear. this lack'f self-independence perhaps?? that 'need' to be told what to do 'n think?
i fear the same, but there's so many doin' good'n the 'right' thingies'n this world. sadly we're jest not privy to that much. 'nstead they (the media/government/social sites) seem most content to continue to feed folks garbage...who'n turn seem content to eat such'n call't good :(
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@fishtiger58 (29820)
• Momence, Illinois
17 Jul 16
@crazyhorseladycx It's a shameful turn of events. We truly are only told what the power that be want us to know. I wonder how much we don't know.
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@celticeagle (170008)
• Boise, Idaho
16 Jul 16
Animals aren't well taken care of anywhere I don't think. I am amazed that people build into certain animals habitats and kill them if they get too close and lash out at humans. Doesn't make a lot of sense to me.
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@celticeagle (170008)
• Boise, Idaho
16 Jul 16
@crazyhorseladycx .....I guess if they are far away from it that it doesn't bother them as much. I think BLM has some good ideas and I understand why they have to do things the way they do. But, it is sad that this means what it does for the horses. Unless people can buy the horses there isn't much that can be done for them.
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@crazyhorseladycx (39509)
• United States
16 Jul 16
left'n their own 'n with natural predators, the horses/burrows'll "regulate" their own populations. i do find't interestin' though, that whilst they're stoppin' animal testin' fer other purposes, that more folks aint got their feathers ruffled o'er this. jest breaks my heart...
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@crazyhorseladycx (39509)
• United States
16 Jul 16
yes ma'am, i reckon such could be connected. i've yet to see the logic 'hind't? one'd think that the desire'd be fer natural selection 'n the strongest to survive 'n carry'n. not ones riddled with health issues 'fore they're e'en born.
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@allknowing (139138)
• India
28 Jul 16
I no longer read about animal cruelty. It disturbs me no end.
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@crazyhorseladycx (39509)
• United States
28 Jul 16
't disturbs me's well, hon, but without knowledge 'f such, who's gonna fight fer 'em?
@inertia4 (27960)
• United States
18 Jul 16
@crazyhorseladycx I hear you. Yes, humans are conditioned and conditioned poorly.
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@crazyhorseladycx (39509)
• United States
17 Jul 16
sadly i agree with ya, hon. seems we're too well-conditioned, takin' these 'powers that be' 't their gospel 'nstead 'f seein' the true evil'n destruction within. 't the detriment 'n horror to others :(
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@PainsOnSlate (21852)
• Canada
27 Jul 16
I didn't know Canada was doing that. I looked it up and was disgusted. There is a lot of land in Canada that is not used so I wonder who in this country started to take them down. Thanks to @rebelann for suggesting this post.
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@crazyhorseladycx (39509)
• United States
27 Jul 16
yes ma'am, they're doin' such'n canada. there's a huge market o'erseas fer 'blue meat'. the conditions're deplorable, the horses terrorized 'til the last minute...i dunno how those folks sleep't night without bein' haunted by their screams...
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@PainsOnSlate (21852)
• Canada
28 Jul 16
Just the thought makes me sick to my stomach.@crazyhorseladycx
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@bwjsdems (496)
• New Zealand
29 Oct 16
How on earth can they consider the cost of operating and post operative care cheaper than a vaccine astounds me. Methinks they need to negotiate with the vaccine company some more or is this the classic case where the company is charging top dollar to the tax payer?
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@crazyhorseladycx (39509)
• United States
29 Oct 16
i've yet to figure the wisdom 'f what these folks try to implement :( kinda like where we're tryin' to block the b.l.m. from gatherin' a bunch 'f mustangs 'n puttin' trackin' collars 'round their necks 'n turnin' 'em back out'n the range. why? so they can track 'em. a chip'd do the same 'n not cause any harm to those horses.
there's been many organizations who've volunteered to do much to help the horses/burros, yet the government mostly says no :( there's a couple'f range lands though where volunteers 've darted the mares to prevent pregnancy 'n follow the herds - all 'tis well documented 'n i dunno why such aint implemented elsewhere. 'xcept fer the fact the b.l.m. wishes 'em all removed so's they can bring'n big game 'n more cattle/sheep :(
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