What's your fave 90's song?
@akiizej (7)
7 responses
@Mike197602 (15515)
• United Kingdom
25 Jul 16
Energy 52 Cafe del Mar (oakenfold mix)...obliterated on E's somewhere in the balearics
Can't remember much but it was hot and wet

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@Mike197602 (15515)
• United Kingdom
25 Jul 16
found it
big tune for me...my first out of UK superclub experience.

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@moonchild117 (1991)
• Philippines
25 Jul 16
Christina Aguilera's voice is amazing even until now.
It's hard to pick a favorite song from the 90s. I listened to a lot, from ballads to grunge to boy bands to dance. I guess Quit Playing Games by the Backstreet Boys? I remember my female friends and I were screaming when we saw the video the first time.

@josephtee (9)
25 Jul 16
Ah man, I'd do anything to go back to the days of bouffants and shoulder pads...
Sometimes all I want to do is listen to whitesnake, def leppard, Billy Joel, Pink Floyd...
@wronganalog (35)
• India
30 Jul 16
So many . When I come around , Basket case , All apologies , Bittersweet symphony
@Hanyouyomi (2187)
• Dallas, Texas
30 Jul 16
Favorite 90s Song? Larger than Life by Backstreet Boys and Youth Of The Nation by P.O.D. off the top of my head...