A busy summer
By Sissy15
@sissy15 (12356)
United States
July 30, 2016 1:53am CST
It's that time of year again. It's time for school to start. My little man is starting kindergarten, and all day kindergarten at that. I'm not sure I'm ready for it, but he sure seems to be. He's getting rather impatient.
I have managed to keep him busy all summer. He did tball up until mid July 11th. He did Safety Town in June, Bible school for a week in late June/early July, we then went to Pittsburgh for a week in mid July (last week) while there we were busy with museums, and we went to a movie, and to the top of Mt. Washington, which my son hilariously thought we were going to have to climb, and was quite relived that we didn't. I wish I could have video taped his response upon learning we took a road to get to the top.
The Monday after we returned (this past week) he started wet n wild, which is a day camp where they get to go to the city pool and play on a splash pad and do various other games that get them wet like water balloons, needless to say I got a laugh out of the name. I laughed even more hysterically upon learning my mom told her friends she had to go to "Wet n Wild" and then had to correct herself and say she was taking her grandson. My mom is going to be 71 on Sunday, so this just cracked me up.
Anyway, after a very busy summer my son gets a couple weeks of down time where we get to just have some family time. I'll probably take him outside tomorrow if it isn't raining or storming, and we might watch a movie and play a game. These are the things he enjoys most. We have taken him to see about every children's movie that has came out this summer. "Finding Dory", "Secret life of Pets", "Angry birds" (which OK was actually in May, but still), I want to say there is another one in there somewhere. The county fair is also coming up, so I'm hoping to take him to that at least once. We will probably have a few lazy days at home too.
I have wanted to make this summer count for him, and he has had fun all summer long. He would get upset when one thing would end, but then be happy when he started something else. I never got to do anything during the summer as a kid, so I'm glad my son has had the chance to. It will be nice having things calm down a bit and getting to relax for a week or so. I'm also glad I've kept him fairly screen free this summer apart from taking him to the movie theater. He has only watched an hour or so TV a day and he has had a little time on his tablet, but being out and doing things has kept him from wanting to watch TV or play on his tablet, and it has kept him active. He has really tanned too, even I have managed to get a small tan with as white as I normally am. I don't normally tan, I also don't normally burn, which is odd since I am extremely pale complected. I usually turn beat red while in the sun but once I'm inside the redness goes away and I go back to just being tan.
That has been our summer, what has everyone else been doing this summer? Or I guess whatever season you're currently in depending on where you live.
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2 responses
@dodo19 (47363)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
30 Jul 16
It definitely seems as though you've had the busy summer. My eldest will be starting kindergarten next fall, and I'm not sure I'm ready for it either. I also too, my girls to see Finding Dory. It was a good one. My girls loved it, especially my youngest girl. We were getting sheets for their beds and she wanted Dory sheets. New school bag for her? A Dory one. Her godfather even gave her a Dory stuffy, which she loves as well. That's what she's into right now.
@sissy15 (12356)
• United States
30 Jul 16
Yeah, my son is starting kindergarten too. He was born in 2010, but has a November birthday so he had to wait until this year, which I was fine with. I liked the extra year of him not going to school all day. Dory was a cute movie. My son loved it, he loves fish in general, so the movie was a big hit. We took my son to the Pittsburgh zoo and they have the penguins in with their fish, and all of the other kids were looking at penguins while mine was still over looking at fish, we couldn't get him away from them to look at the penguins. Most of the Dory stuff they have is girl oriented, and my son would flip out if we got him anything "girly" he's going through that stage. He wants an angry birds themed birthday party. He wants everything angry birds, paw patrol, or super heroes. He has to be all boy lol.
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@sissy15 (12356)
• United States
30 Jul 16
I love rain, but I'm odd. I like to just sit and listen to it. We could use more rain. I thought we were going to get some yesterday but it sprinkled for about a minute and went away, meanwhile in both the city north of us and the city south of us got a downpour.