July 31, 2016 7:50am CST
There is nothing as frustrating than wasting time on jobs that rewards poorly.I love pay to read mail jobs(ptr) I do not claim to know all,I know there folks are there that folks there that can recommend good paying internet jobs that can pay handsomely.If you know one,kindly recommend same.Remember genuine ones are what I need not the ponzi schemes.Lets I forget happy new month in advance if your continent is yet to enter the Month of july
1 response
@skysnap (20153)
31 Jul 16
Hard to do such low paying jobs. I'd rather work on better skill and do the work.
1 person likes this
1 Aug 16
Can you recommend something fairly ok? Not the so called model of work that throw a lot hurdles in ones's way Thanks for your response all the same