Looking forward to the future...

@cpefley (1926)
San Jose, California
August 4, 2016 12:06am CST
Things are gradually getting better. My friend took us in until we find a place to live, and the danger of sleeping in our car is no longer looming over our heads. I was so stressed out, and now things are started to head in the right direction. My kids should have their money for college by Friday, which is awesome. My baby shower is Saturday. We are still looking for a place to live, but I'm hopeful. I'm tired of hitting dead ends, but at least we are in a safe space. School starts for the kiddos on Monday, and we are almost ready for that...almost. I have a good feeling that things are going to get a lot better from here...
8 people like this
9 responses
@jstory07 (137749)
• Roseburg, Oregon
4 Aug 16
At least you will have a safe place to live. What a good friend you have to let you stay there.
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@toniganzon (72277)
• Philippines
4 Aug 16
Good to know you won't be sleeping your car. Everything will be fine. Tomorrow is going to be a better day.
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@sishy7 (27167)
• Australia
4 Aug 16
Glad to hear that and hoping things will get better for you indeed...
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@sol_cee (38219)
• Philippines
4 Aug 16
Your friend is such a good samaritan. Bless her/him.
@lilnana1111 (2305)
• United States
7 Aug 16
I'm glad you and your family are safe.
• New Delhi, India
4 Aug 16
Its good for you that now you don't have to sleep in the car. More good things will come in your life don't worry. Just wait for the perfect time.
@PurnaSharma (2561)
• Guwahati, India
4 Aug 16
All days aren't same.Some are goods and some bad.Now your bad days have gone,it turns to good day.
@sallypup (59860)
• Centralia, Washington
4 Aug 16
I am glad you have such a good friend. I hope all goes well from here on out.
@rina110383 (24494)
4 Aug 16
I'm glad things got better for your family.