Do you think this is the first time you have born in this world?

Chennai, India
August 12, 2016 1:07am CST
I have always wondered about the concept of rebirth. Because I heard many times from many people saying physical body die but souls never die. Then a question came to my mind, is the first time I have born in this world? Sometimes, I don't even remember what I did last month or last year. I have never seen any other planet with my eyes except earth. However, I do believe that they exist. The same way I believe rebirth may be true as well.
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13 responses
• New Delhi, India
12 Aug 16
If you believe in Hindu religion then you must know that you get human body after 83999 other births in different species and geners
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• New Delhi, India
12 Aug 16
@bsrikumar which sought of education? Are you talking about modern day education where they didn't even teach a single word of moral values?
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• Chennai, India
12 Aug 16
I belive in evolution of souls like eveloution of earth. However, I do not belive in these numbers. A person taken formal educatin can become a scientist or manager or programer or anything. But a person without any eductional background can also become all these
• Chennai, India
12 Aug 16
@ModernDayWriter Ya. The same like modern education will everyone take the same 83999 birth I don't think so
@skysnap (20153)
12 Aug 16
I think everyone has only one chance in universe.
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• Chennai, India
12 Aug 16
May be
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@wiLLmaH (8802)
• Singapore, Singapore
12 Aug 16
In bible, it says you only have one life in this world.
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@just4him (318846)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
13 Aug 16
I know this is my first go around. I know the soul doesn't die, but when this physical body does, I will be with my Lord and Savior in heaven.
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@Genipher (5405)
• United States
13 Aug 16
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@Sun7788 (260)
• Changzhou, China
12 Aug 16
Sometimes i feel that I am doing something new which I think I have done before and i go to a new place which i think I have gone there before. perhaps my preexistence have done all this things.
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• Chennai, India
12 Aug 16
I had this kind of feel many times. This made me to think and search more.
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@Sun7788 (260)
• Changzhou, China
13 Aug 16
@bsrikumar Well, or perhaps our brains conjure up such strange feeling? I have on idea. But I believe past lives and afterlife, so i wil do good things in this life for next life.
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• Chennai, India
13 Aug 16
@Sun7788 Nice idea
@Suza11 (29)
• Kathmandu, Nepal
12 Aug 16
Yeah I heard that too, But I never do believe them. Cause i don't think it is. We only live once in my opinion!
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• Jacksonville, Florida
12 Aug 16
@bsrikumar - the Bible says you only live once on this earth. Then you live in eternity, either in heaven or hell. If heaven...then God will create a new earth without sin, pain and suffering to live happy for an eternity.
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• Chennai, India
12 Aug 16
May I know the reason behind it.. I am eager to know that.
@Suza11 (29)
• Kathmandu, Nepal
12 Aug 16
@bsrikumar I don't really know the reason, It's My opinion only Ohh :o
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@sprite1950 (30451)
• Corsham, England
13 Aug 16
I have seen documentaries on children who in their very early years seem to remember a past life. I find this fascinating because some of the detail they remember is so accurate. I have wondered if when a life is cut short either from illness or accident whether that soul will return to finish it's earthly life. I really don't know if I would want to do this all again to be honest especially as we don't know what we would be returning to.
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• Chennai, India
13 Aug 16
I have also came across certain research article that say some children remember their past life so accurately
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@aarifa (1210)
• India
12 Aug 16
I dont believe re birth..its impossible..if ones our soul is seperated from body it may go to god for getting the reflections of good and bads what he done to this world..
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@Genipher (5405)
• United States
13 Aug 16
And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment...Hebrews 9:27 So...nope.
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• Hangzhou, China
12 Aug 16
I am not so sure about rebirth's exitence, but I think that it is a good idea to live this life a great one. Often I read books about it and often I am thinking abou it and wonder about its truth. It could be true about the rebirth of human life.
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• Chennai, India
13 Aug 16
A nice fantasy idea
• India
12 Aug 16
I don't know about the previous one but I want this one to be the last one.
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• India
12 Aug 16
@bsrikumar I have got very strange thoughts!
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• Chennai, India
12 Aug 16
I want this one to be the last one? This is completely a strange answer. I believe God more than anybody.
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• Mumbai, India
12 Aug 16
my grandfather says life come once before exile
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• Israel
12 Aug 16
I really don't know about it.. all speculation for me
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• Chennai, India
13 Aug 16