Learn More Speak Less

August 31, 2016 6:44am CST
One must not keep thinking and imagining a different world while living because in a group of people it creates problem for other people to take care of you.It is a beautiful gift of god to be intelligent, but social consciousness in a gathering is necessary. Learning through books and studying ing for long hours can create listening ,eyesight, headache and stomach problems.Though you are famous and talented but it creates a bad atmosphere when you leave.One can be the champion in the things one wants,but inside the home one is a slave. If you speak less or discuss less,you keep your problems at heart,but if you are speaking more, you are solving many of your problems on the spot. Learning different subjects can create exhaustion in your mind and is a difficult task because one has to qualify for the examinations.It will take longer time which may or may not fetch results. But one must not give up the spirit.The warrior always has a chance to win a battle but not in the case of social life where speaking skills dominates.
1 response
• Dhaka, Bangladesh
31 Aug 16
i want to increase my speaking English skill.
1 person likes this
• Dhaka, Bangladesh
3 Sep 16
@gptprnv2289 thanks..