Positive Mental Attitude and Illnesses

@HazySue (39267)
Gouverneur, New York
September 3, 2016 12:03pm CST
I have always been a proponent of positive thinking even before it was popular. It seemed to me, way back when, that a positive attitude was more healthy and successful than an negative one. I can remember when I felt almost as though I stood alone in this belief. About 40 years ago, I was told I had MS and would be in a wheel chair by the time I was thirty. That is definitely not a happy thought. I listened to this news, thought about it, then decided that I was going to do everything I could to ensure that their prediction would not come to fruition. The doctors thought I was crazy. They thought that I should be taking the news seriously. I was. I just process in a way that was different than they did. I was not going to let it drive me into invalidism. I continues to coach cheerleading, teach a little dancing, and raise my girls. I fought through the pain and the frustration and kept a goal in mind. I was not going to be relegated to a wheel chair for the rest of my life. My doctors pled with me to go talk to someone. I would not. I kept going and going, like the energizer bunny. I exercised, ate healthy and got rest. I am way past 30 and I am not sitting in a wheelchair. I get around on my own two feet. I fight the pain and am blessed with the rewards of a positive mental attitude. I am now being told that with all of my physical issues that I probably would not be here on earth if not for that positivity. One of my doctors call me the most stubborn person he ever met. I am happy to say that I passed this valuable trait down to my girls. How do you feel about positive thinking? Do you think it has a big impact of illnesses?
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7 responses
@patgalca (18439)
• Orangeville, Ontario
3 Sep 16
I have always had trouble being positive. My sister made a comment recently about my mother being negative, that it was just her nature. I feel I have inherited that trait from her. I know one must overcome negative traits but I am at a loss as to how to do it. Counselling throughout the years hasn't helped. There is little to be had here. I even went to a life coach for one free counsel. But all this costs money. I WANT to be positive and happy and continue to pray and go to church in hopes that God will help me to change. He must be working very slowly. LOL!
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@patgalca (18439)
• Orangeville, Ontario
4 Sep 16
@HazySue My younger daughter just left for university today. I cried (it's her 3rd year). I said she is the only person who is nice to me in the house and I'm going to miss her so much. I know she'll be home again in a little over a month but it makes me sad. My older daughter makes herself pretty scarce on the weekends (at her boyfriend's) and my husband is away. Hard to find anything positive, especially when my legs are killing me from 4 days of treadmill work, which in turn disrupts my sleep.
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@HazySue (39267)
• Gouverneur, New York
3 Sep 16
@patgalca being positive is not always an easy thing to do. I started so long ago I don[t even know how to tell you what I did. I do know that it is a concentrated effort, day after day to guide your mind away from negative and towards the positive. I have a mother that has a very negative personality. I knew it was not the way I wanted to be so with a lot of work and faith I forced myself in a different direction. Keep the faith, start looking for the good things in your life, and please don't give up.
@HazySue (39267)
• Gouverneur, New York
4 Sep 16
@patgalca I am so sorry. I know you will miss your daughter. I see something to be positive about - you can write a lovely post.
@skysnap (20153)
3 Sep 16
I think being positive helps.. but during mental illness or depression or with negative thinking. you have to understand that you can't be positive overnight. one step at a time makes you positive.
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@HazySue (39267)
• Gouverneur, New York
3 Sep 16
@skysnap it takes a lifetime of training yourself to be positive. It's something you have to work on day after day.
@skysnap (20153)
3 Sep 16
@HazySue yes one day or one hour at a time.
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@Vjvals (906)
• Roseville, California
3 Sep 16
Good for you, the inner critic is always there when having a positive attitude or others will bring you down. You are lucky to be strong or stubborn as describe itl
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@HazySue (39267)
• Gouverneur, New York
4 Sep 16
@Vjvals I make it a point to stay away from negative people for the most part.
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• United States
3 Sep 16
i'm so proud 'f ya, hon. yepperz, i'm a firm believer'n one's attitude goin' a long ways 'n both their physical 'n mental state. when i checked myself outta the hospital some years back, i was told i'd die 'fore i made 't home. seemed a challenge to me which i hit head'n.
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@HazySue (39267)
• Gouverneur, New York
3 Sep 16
@crazyhorseladycx it looks like we are cut out of the same cloth. I am so glad that you are a member of the PMA gang.
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@JudyEv (347847)
• Rockingham, Australia
4 Sep 16
Well done you! May you have many more years. Just last night on the news we were told of a 50+ year old lady with MS who is in the paralympics. She has had MS for over a decade. I'm not sure exactly but I think she runs marathons or perhaps pentathlons. She just refused to give in too and says exercising has kept her going - and I'm sure a positive attitude is included in there too.
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@HazySue (39267)
• Gouverneur, New York
4 Sep 16
@JudyEv I think that is terrific. It is amazing what you can do with a positive attitude, stubbornness , and a bit of support.
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@Naryas (160)
• India
4 Sep 16
@HazySue, Wonderful story. Thank you for sharing. And I too believe that positive thinking changes the world and improves health. After all the outer world is simply what we make/ think of it - the projections of our thoughts.
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@HazySue (39267)
• Gouverneur, New York
4 Sep 16
@Naryas I do believe that you can accomplish more with a positive attitude.
@CinnamonGrl (7086)
• Santa Fe, New Mexico
3 Sep 16
I think it has a big effect on every aspect of life. My Nana was very much the same as you, she willed herself through life through every twist and turn and lived till she was 96. I am not going to say that you can stop every negative thing in your life through positive thinking, however. I have been close to a few very positive people who lost their lives to cancer. They certainly were not whiners. Cancer just doesn't care.
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@HazySue (39267)
• Gouverneur, New York
3 Sep 16
@innamonGrl true, there are some things that you just can't stop. But you can certainly fight to the bitter end.