I am happy today because...........Are you?

@jennyjoy (1961)
Bangalore, India
September 16, 2016 9:42am CST
I woke up this morning feeling happy but I can't put my finger on exactly why. Do I need a reason to be happy? Not really. Happiness is fleeting ,and there are so many things to be thankful for and which bring happiness. I am happy ........... Are you?
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14 responses
@epiffanie (11326)
• Australia
18 Sep 16
Today, I woke up really happy because I had a real good night sleep ...
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@epiffanie (11326)
• Australia
21 Sep 16
@jennyjoy Yes.. restful sleep is so awesome.. it's like a holiday
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@jennyjoy (1961)
• Bangalore, India
19 Sep 16
Great to hear that you had a restful sleep.It does give that extra ........what ever you want to call it.......
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@jennyjoy (1961)
• Bangalore, India
21 Sep 16
@epiffanie It's a blessing to sleep through the night. Yes,as we get older, a restful sleep is like a holiday.
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@jaboUK (64355)
• United Kingdom
17 Sep 16
Yes, I'm happy, and as long as my family is too, I will stay that way.
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@jennyjoy (1961)
• Bangalore, India
19 Sep 16
That's a lovely thing to say.
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@jstory07 (137351)
• Roseburg, Oregon
20 Sep 16
Good for you. You care about your family.
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@Deepizzaguy (99643)
• Lake Charles, Louisiana
17 Sep 16
Let me tell you what made me happy. Landing a job writing blogs for Niume.com and getting paid for it. I basically write blogs on my adventure of quitting my job as a script writer for WG Ventures since I was unhappy with the use of my original characters Donna and Debi Isthmus as dumb and stupid hero wannabes. The production of the show has been halted until further notice since the idiots that run the studio were rude to me when I simply asked them if they had received my scripts claiming they were "Busy." I got my sweet revenge with them since I bent over backwards to please them and they reward me with stupid comments. Revenge is so sweet.
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@Deepizzaguy (99643)
• Lake Charles, Louisiana
18 Sep 16
@jennyjoy I wish W G Ventures the best of luck with the cartoon that is supposed to come out in 2017 but since i created the Isthmus Sisters characters I know how they should be used since I did live in Panama from 1961-1978 and the powers that be at WG Ventures are Star Trek fans which does not suit me at all. Come on Idiel and Harobed Aleem. Give me a break. Keep it simple son is my motto. Not come up with names that do not even exist in a telephone book in New Orleans.
@jennyjoy (1961)
• Bangalore, India
17 Sep 16
Wishing you the best with your new job. Revenge is sweet but short lived. Are you rubbing your hands in glee with a smile on your face.Anyways.Stay happy.
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• Brussels, Belgium
17 Sep 16
...Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig 2 graves (Confucius). But I do also agree that it has a sweet taste for a little while :p
@Happy2BeMe (99355)
• Canada
16 Sep 16
You don't have to have a reason to be happy but it is a wonderful feeling. Happiness comes from within! I am happy too! What a wonderful day it is!
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@jennyjoy (1961)
• Bangalore, India
16 Sep 16
It is a wonderful day,isn't it!! Beautiful blue skies,cotton candy clouds sailing across the sky, birds flying overhead.Just another reason to smile and be Happy!
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@Happy2BeMe (99355)
• Canada
16 Sep 16
Definitely...there is good in every day! Have a great day and keep smiling! :)
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@jennyjoy (1961)
• Bangalore, India
16 Sep 16
@Happy2BeMe Thank you.Happy to hear from you.May you have a happy day, too.
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• India
17 Sep 16
Find a reason to be happy even if it's the most tough day... happiness makes you feel good!
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• India
22 Sep 16
@jennyjoy (1961)
• Bangalore, India
23 Sep 16
@shaheena11 Happiness follow you all the days of your live.
@jennyjoy (1961)
• Bangalore, India
19 Sep 16
That's so true.When we're happy all good things come our way.Happiness is like a magnet.
2 people like this
• Brussels, Belgium
16 Sep 16
Happy camper here too ! Including this morning ! Woke up, was friday, knew the tuff tasks were done at work so I went there totally relaxed and I have a music rehearsal tomorrow so after 3months baring life without sharing music with my best budies I'm so excited ! I'd say almost everyday is a blast for me. Got a great boyfriend, very interesting friends a beautiful new flat an adorable cat a good little part-time job that allows me to create and build by arts as much as I want to without being totally tired from a long day's work. Got water running in the sink, central heating, a hard but very educating childhood, ... Potatoe! I'm richer than 80% of the planet in all richness but the financial one ! How not to be Happy everyday ?
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@jennyjoy (1961)
• Bangalore, India
17 Sep 16
Happy for you.Have a great weekend.Give your cat a hug.(Animal lover.Have four dogs)
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• Brussels, Belgium
17 Sep 16
@jennyjoy Many thanks hope life treats you well too ! ** carresses her little indoors tiger as she passes by and miaous softly staring with her big green eyes filled with amazing twinkles of love **
@jennyjoy (1961)
• Bangalore, India
19 Sep 16
@Fangaliel Thank you.How long have you had the cat? What have you named her?
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@marsha32 (6631)
• United States
22 Sep 16
It's great to wake up in the morning in a positive mood. It makes the day go a lot better.
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@jennyjoy (1961)
• Bangalore, India
23 Sep 16
That's so true.It seems to attract more positive vibes too.
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@Hate2Iron (15727)
• Canada
24 Sep 16
I am definitely working on it... who doesn't want to be happy every morning :)
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@jennyjoy (1961)
• Bangalore, India
25 Sep 16
A special delivery just for you........
@jstory07 (137351)
• Roseburg, Oregon
20 Sep 16
Yes today I was happy. I sold something on ebay and that made me happy.
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@jennyjoy (1961)
• Bangalore, India
21 Sep 16
Hope that feeling of happiness is still with you today.Online marketing sites are a blessing.
@marlina (154131)
• Canada
20 Sep 16
It is now 5 days later and I was wondering if you still feel happy for no reason at all? I hope so! I certainly feel happy even though I feel anxious about something, I try my very best to stay in the "happy zone".
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@jennyjoy (1961)
• Bangalore, India
21 Sep 16
Hi! yes, I am still happy.that was totally without reason .Now I'm happy because I was able to complete a task that has been pending for a couple of weeks. Do you worry a lot?Please don't.It doesn't help.It will either sort itself out or disappear in time.Stay in that "happy zone".
@ms1864 (6885)
• Bangalore, India
16 Sep 16
yes i am.
@jennyjoy (1961)
• Bangalore, India
17 Sep 16
Stay happy and enjoy the weekend.
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• Allendale, Michigan
21 Sep 16
I am happy since I am meeting new people on the site. Most of everyone here seems to be very kind. I tell you Im thankful to be alive have family son daughter and six grandchildren I am thankful to have Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior who keeps going everyday.
@jennyjoy (1961)
• Bangalore, India
25 Sep 16
Family and Faith keep one going and Happiness is the icing
• Brussels, Belgium
19 Sep 16
For All of us Happy people ! And of of Them who need to get some love too ! **swings on her deskchair**
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@jennyjoy (1961)
• Bangalore, India
21 Sep 16
You avatar reflects the happy person.
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@poliugh (100)
• Dayton, Ohio
24 Sep 16
I woke up this morning, and felt the "it's going to be a good day" feel. I'm hoping you know what I mean.
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@jennyjoy (1961)
• Bangalore, India
24 Sep 16
Yes.I do.You get up on a high,float through the day,on that haze of goodwill.
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@jennyjoy (1961)
• Bangalore, India
24 Sep 16
yes,you walk around on a cloud all day.
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