Share the golden moment of your Life!!

@Vakshu (63)
September 21, 2016 5:00am CST
Everybody has many golden moments in life.. a moment which can never be forgotten.. a moment which can be cherished forever.. share one particular moment and replenish your happy memories and cheer up your mood..
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5 responses
@Sampeet (64)
• Vijayawada, India
21 Sep 16
My golden moment was when my results were announced
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@Vakshu (63)
• India
21 Sep 16
college results? pass ? game changer moment is it?
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@HappyKez (125)
• India
22 Sep 16
Golden moment . It was when I got my first salary in hand. The first earnings, hard earned money, spent a part of it for my parents and rest of it on charity. What a feeling of fantastic satisfaction it gave me!!! Golden moment would be an understatement for the sense of achievement I had that day
@Vakshu (63)
• India
22 Sep 16
Agreed. That really a blissful moment... :) spending for our parents is a two way happiness... Wishing you many more golden moments Kezia
@aditer (67)
• China
21 Sep 16
My golden moment is that I was born in the wonderful world.
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@Vakshu (63)
• India
21 Sep 16
lovely response
@avi256 (8489)
• Pune, India
21 Sep 16
I think that moment is yet to come for me.
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@Vakshu (63)
• India
21 Sep 16
All the best dude..
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@crafty01 (480)
• Jamshedpur, India
21 Sep 16
When I was young between 5 to 10 years, my mother used to light the lamps,cook Prasadam (offering for the GOD) and read out the mythological stories as part of rituals, those things took me to a very different dimension of the Universe, I was able to visualize every incident is she read, I can say those years were my Bakthi Age or Phase Of Devotion, for now those are my cherishable moments of my life.
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@Vakshu (63)
• India
21 Sep 16
Those are the moments which has shaped us to what we are now.. is it ? bless you
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