Abortion survey I took
By C
@ShyBear88 (59347)
Sterling, Virginia
September 21, 2016 8:35pm CST
Last night I was takin an abortion survey to get 44SB added to my account. When I started the survey I didn't know what it would be about. When the question started to come up with what I thought about abortion and if I felt the government has a right to say how a women should be treated and such.
I personally do not believe in abortions but I do not stop the right of a women choicing for herself. Yes I'm prolife but also prochoice. I believe it's a hard choice to make and that a women should be supported and not judge also recieved health care that deals with her abortion amd emotional health during that time. That doctors and nurses shouldn't judge a women for her choices of life. I know life doesn't go as planned and even when your plan and try your hardest to end up pregnant it can happen. We need to help each other in the best we can by showing love and support even when we do agree. I might have different point of view but I don't wish any women to feel bad for her choices she choices. As long as it's leagal and a womens rights to terminate are not taken away meaning forced to continue when she is still earlier enough to to terminate that pregnancy safely.
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18 responses
@1creekgirl (43092)
• United States
22 Sep 16
Abortion still takes a life. The baby didn't choose to be created and he/she has a right to live.
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@ShyBear88 (59347)
• Sterling, Virginia
22 Sep 16
I agree but you can't force a women to stay pregnant and had a baby. The court Es don't see an unborn child as living till they take their first breath of air.
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@1creekgirl (43092)
• United States
22 Sep 16
@ShyBear88 I guess that's were we differ in our beliefs. A baby at 5 months of the pregnancy (and sometimes earlier) can live. Abortions are allowed after that time, so abortion kills living, human babies.
I feel sorry for women who become pregnant because of rape or incest, although sometimes it's just because of an "inconvenience" that the pregnancy is terminated. Trouble is, that baby didn't want or deserve to be terminated, no matter how the life was created.
There are many, many couples who spend thousands of dollars trying to adopt a baby. This is a very viable option to abortion.
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@ShyBear88 (59347)
• Sterling, Virginia
23 Sep 16
@1creekgirl babies under 21 weeks will not live long outside of the womb. I haven preemies and have seen lots of families that watch theirs babies suffer to fight to live when they just can't they are not strife enough didn't make it long enough in the womb. They might have a will by the courts will not see it as that. I do see life is life from the second of conception but you can't force someone do something you want because of what you believe
@jillybean1222 (6407)
22 Sep 16
My one thought that I would like to share is this... when you WANT a child, you start thinking it is a child the MOMENT you find out you are pregnant. you watch the progress of your body, your baby, with joy and happiness. And if you lose that child at 4 months or 6 months pregnant, you are very, very heartbroken about the loss of child. Yet... if you do NOT want a child, you don't see it the same way. Your perception is different. I'm not saying anything about choice or not choice, but I am saying that the baby IS a baby once you conceive... You see that little heertbeating on the ultrasound screen, the little thumb sucking when they are itty bitty in your stomach.... you love that child, that life.... I know it is hard for many to conceptualize the idea of going through the pregnancy then giving the baby up for adoption.... but so many never even consider that. There are so many people who are waiting YEARS to adopt.... they would love to have that chance with someone's unborn child. So choice or no choice, regardless, that's a baby in there....
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@ShyBear88 (59347)
• Sterling, Virginia
23 Sep 16
Nice wording. I can see it at that. For me I knew that my baby was my baby from before the stick turned pink that no matter what pregnant or not I wanted that baby.
@ShyBear88 (59347)
• Sterling, Virginia
23 Sep 16
Even though I'm pro life I'm all for pro choice. Everyone has a right to choice what happens to there body.
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@dodo19 (47363)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
23 Sep 16
@ShyBear88 I agree with you. I feel the same.
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@IvySaysHi (4467)
• United States
22 Sep 16
I agree I would never get an abortion but I believe every woman has the right to choose what is best for her
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@ShyBear88 (59347)
• Sterling, Virginia
22 Sep 16
Ya, I might not like it but life is messy and can't force people do things they don't want to do, I've been pregnant three times all of which I wasn't trying to get pregnant it just happened even with protect and we choice to just have them they are all well loved even thought we are poor. But they don't know that.
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@1creekgirl (43092)
• United States
22 Sep 16
Another thought....why does society condemn a parent for killing her baby soon after it's born, but that same mom could have easily and legally killed her baby right before it was born?
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@ShyBear88 (59347)
• Sterling, Virginia
23 Sep 16
Because in the US a lot of people and the court say a baby isn't alive till its born and takes a deep breath so there for it cans not decided if it wants to love or not. I don't like that but you can't tell someone they have to be pregnant. A women body will naturally end a pregnancy or make you go to labor if it feels the mom is at threat of living.
The women that kill there babies some are suffering from depression but others are not. I don't think it's right either way. Like I said above to me a believe life being ba at conception.
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@frankie2013 (380)
• Canada
22 Sep 16
I agree with both of you. A child did not ask to be created but still deserves the right to live. On the other hand the woman who has the burden of bearing the child also deserves the right to choose if she wants this child, if she feels she can raise and provide for the child etc. The only advice that I can think of is first and foremost the use of contraceptives to avoid an unwanted pregnancy. Personally I had a tubal ligation at the age of 24 because by then I knew I never really wanted to be a mother.
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@ShyBear88 (59347)
• Sterling, Virginia
22 Sep 16
Yes I agree with protection but like I said there are a 1% of women that use protection that will still end up pregnant what they choice after that is up to them. Protectiion isn't just in. Womens hand but a mans as well, also not al for,s of protections will protect a 100% even those such as sterilization their is still a very small window a women can still get pregnant. Natural reversals do happen in rare cases. Nature does find a way some times to make things happen.
As a women that in the 1% I don't judge. I've been pregnant three times gotte pregnant while using protection correctly. ,aye. Or so much baby 3 but difiinally the first two. Even though unwanted pregnancies happen each time I still love my three living babies ans my one angle baby. I wouldn't change how things happened to use. It was meant to happened it happened. If so,some I know asked me what do to I say try to give that baby a life with someone who can. There are plenty of people in the world that want babies give it try you might find it brings both you and that person a lot of happiness.
Yes I do have a friend in Korea that had an adbortio last year she has two boys already and I told to her for several days before she ,add the choice to have an abortion to terminate her pregnancy even though I was against it she had every right to choice the path she wanted. I'm note sure if she is happy or sad about this but I'm always willing to leaned her a comforting ear.
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@ShyBear88 (59347)
• Sterling, Virginia
23 Sep 16
@tallawah it's called adoption but not all places have a good government to help or agencies to help with that.
@ShyBear88 (59347)
• Sterling, Virginia
23 Sep 16
@tallawah in the US moms an choice or both parents can choice who there baby gets as a parent if no one is pick the child is placed into foster care. A lot of parents choice adoption after having a baby and the mom has 24 hours to,change here mind as well as the father.
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@CinnamonGrl (7086)
• Santa Fe, New Mexico
22 Sep 16
I believe in choice. The reason being women who wish to terminate will do so whether or not it's legal or safe. Girls become desperate, especially the young ones who know they have parents that will kick them out on the street. Back alley abortions are deadly for the mother and the fetus. So keep it legal an dkeep it safe.
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@1creekgirl (43092)
• United States
2 Oct 16
That's true and I feel compassion for women who get pregnant and don't feel they can care for a child. But once that baby is conceived, it is a living person who has a right to live.
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@shivamani10 (11035)
• Hyderabad, India
22 Sep 16
A woman should have a choice with regard to abortion. Whether she is capable of withstanding the pain both physical and mental is known best to the woman only.
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@ShyBear88 (59347)
• Sterling, Virginia
22 Sep 16
Many women refract this after the fact which is why they need emotional support as well as physical support and ti should be give to the, with no jugementalnest. It's a hard choice.
@ValueAdder (409)
• Philippines
23 Sep 16
Most of us lives in a country where there is freedom from many areas of life, which includes the freedom to choose. In my own personal conviction, I am not in favor of abortion in a general circumstance. However, I believe there are events which may warrant the practice of abortion to be the best choice in a particular time and place. Moreover, it is my personal conviction that it's not about whether it is legal or illegal, it's about what God says that matter most.
What thinkest thou?
@ms1864 (6885)
• Bangalore, India
22 Sep 16
I am pro choice too...it is not so simple to bring up a child...the expenses are increasing everyday....even education has become one of the biggest expenses ...what if someone had a baby but could afford to give it a good life...the child would suffer.
We have this problem in India...people give birth to children taking them to be a Gift from God...but they can not afford to support the child...so the child gets no education...he just lives a life working and hoping for a better life...If people would see how much a child suffers in the pressures of life...they might want to think twice before condemning a child to that life.
@ShyBear88 (59347)
• Sterling, Virginia
22 Sep 16
Yes, as a mom of three little ones being broke six me the start it is rough having kids and not a lot of money but if you want them and are poor you do the best you can. Although here in the US school is free for the first 13 years then once you get to college you ah w to pay some countries schooling period is for free. As well as universal health care. In the us we do have medicaine that covers women and children I've had that with my first two. Ur our own insurances with our third. Like I said where I live school is for free, medical care spending on your position can be covered through the government we have many government programes that help. Our daughter did her first year of preschool last year for free through the country we live in but our son didn't get I tot his year or last year.
@ms1864 (6885)
• Bangalore, India
22 Sep 16
@ShyBear88 that is helpful....it might take India a while to get there..
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@CoolPeace (1566)
• Miami, Florida
22 Sep 16
It is like the saying "to each it own". God give each one of us a free will.
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@patgalca (18439)
• Orangeville, Ontario
22 Sep 16
This is really ironic as I just realized yesterday or the day before that I am both pro-life and pro-choice. Women want equality. It took years for women to be allowed to vote. So for that reason I am pro-choice. I still can't shake that I don't believe anyone has a right to play God, especially at the expense of a voiceless life.
This is the first time I've heard of someone being both pro-life and pro-choice, almost at the same time that I came to that conclusion myself. Huh.
@dfollin (25610)
• United States
24 Sep 16
I will check if that survey is still available. Most surveys I do not qualify for.

@marguicha (225681)
• Chile
23 Sep 16
I absolutly agree with what you say in your post. I aam pro choice even if I am pro life. And on top of that, I feel that no man has any right to rule on that for any reason. It is not their problem.
@carebear29 (31980)
• Wausau, Wisconsin
1 Oct 16
I never qualify for surveys anymore so i never take them