English and its appeals.

@Tridib14 (177)
September 22, 2016 11:09am CST
The english language sometimes is quite befuddling, which apparently serves to vindicate its aesthetic appearance. I recently had a shower thought and would like to share the same with you people. 'The word Wrong is always spelt wrong, unless it's spelt wrong'. Perplexing, eh? Quite a paradox in essence, albeit not in the strictest definition. Ever had such shower thoughts?
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4 responses
@ms1864 (6885)
• Bangalore, India
22 Sep 16
I know! it is so confusing...when i was in school i had major issues with my spellings because of this confusions in the language...i STILL make mistakes sometimes...bless the person who invented Spell Check.
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@Tridib14 (177)
22 Sep 16
@ms1864 Haha true indeed. May the good soul get all the happiness in this world. He voiced the concern of millions of people.
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@Mike197602 (15506)
• United Kingdom
22 Sep 16
But spelling wrong as wrong is right
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@Tridib14 (177)
22 Sep 16
@Mike197602 yeah apparently spelling incorrectly incorrectly is right too. ????
@kumbarn14 (735)
• Pakistan
22 Sep 16
We humans are ungrateful lot. You get qualified in English, roam the whole universe because of this language English:- a Gentle, humble, high quality of Pride, High Personality, Brings a great atmosphere wherever English is spoken,due respect, Today, the whole world is run by the language ENGLISH, you like it or not. It is hypocrisy to deny the fact. You and I can communicate because of English, please do give due respect before you use words against English.
@MALUSE (69378)
• Germany
22 Sep 16
Have you studied the history of the English language? Do you know *why* English has become the world language No 1?
• Jilin, China
23 Sep 16
@MALUSE I wonder why. Do you have the answer?
@Tridib14 (177)
22 Sep 16
@kumbarn14 dunno why you thought I disrespected the language? I'd no motive of doing so and I've got immense respect for this language which is why I'm doing my bachelor's degree in english. And the pride bit, I blatantly admit my mother tongue is more of a pride to me than English.