TV is a very unhealthy pastime ...

United States
September 24, 2016 8:04pm CST
I'm finding that watching TV can be really bad for your health. TV is meant to be fun, entertaining, relaxing and to make you happy, all which are good for your health. And it probably can be, if you can stay away from the cable news channels. Although I have many hobbies and money-making endeavors, an antiques business, a cat that could use some playtime, a house that could use some cleaning, I watch TV instead. I have become a cable news junkie and I'm not having fun and I'm not feeling happy. The political scene and the media vultures have become unbearable. The cop killings and the riots and the racial issues and the Syrian refugee tragedy are making me very sad. Also, I am actually dreading the Presidential debate airing Monday night. Despite that, I will watch every minute of it. I will watch as Clinton and Trump go face to face and do everything in their power to destroy each other. I will rant and rage and yell obscenities at the TV screen. Although we already know how extremely unfavorable both candidates are, I'm afraid we haven't seen anything yet. Just how low will they go? Will Hillary prove even more unlikeable and dishonest? Will Trump go ballistic and prove once and for all he lacks the proper temperament for the job? I guess we'll soon find out. Image: Pixabay
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7 responses
• United States
25 Sep 16
TV sure can be fun - just change the station.
1 person likes this
• United States
25 Sep 16
@LindaCPearson Not hard at all, just say no. I gave up drinking and smoking and I have no problem giving up all the BS.
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• United States
25 Sep 16
I try, I really do! I have actually taken a day or two off from the news but it is hard.
@BelleStarr (61102)
• United States
25 Sep 16
I don't think I have ever watched a debate but I am finding I am fascinated to see the fur fly at this one. One is a professional liar and the other one is a blow hard with attitude. Sound make for some fun. lol
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• United States
25 Sep 16
I really want it to be fun. I also am fascinated but I don't want them to be really hateful. It could go either way.
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@BelleStarr (61102)
• United States
25 Sep 16
@LindaCPearson If it isn't fun I will go to HGTV!!
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@marguicha (219801)
• Chile
25 Sep 16
I decided some time ago that I would NOT watch news. Many people think I´m barbaric, but I want some peace of mind. And my watching them will not help. So I prefer to watch Netflix or some serials I like on TV.
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• United States
25 Sep 16
Unlike me, you are probably extending your longevity by decades!! I would say you're more sensible than barbaric!
@LadyDuck (467132)
• Switzerland
25 Sep 16
I do not watch TV anymore, we use the TV set to watch videos that we have on DVDs. I read the news online in the morning. Most of the time they are sickening.
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@Jessicalynnt (50525)
• Centralia, Missouri
25 Sep 16
I have luckily managed to avoid getting sucked into that, I waste my time on other things, which are still waiting my time, but lol!
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• Eugene, Oregon
27 Sep 16
He certainly did and always does.
@Hanyouyomi (2187)
• Dallas, Texas
27 Sep 16
This is why I watch American and Japanese cartoons and sitcoms to relax as opposed to the news and political happenings. Because at least in that I can relax and television can serve its purpose. But the debate wasn't that bad, it could've been worst. But neither said anything to earn my vote of confidence, but it matters little when my generation at the end of the day will be the ones to decide the fate of this God forsaken nation... So for me I'mma keep watching my cartoons and sitcoms.