Pune, India
September 27, 2016 3:16am CST
It was drizzling that day. I was sitting in my balcony wondering what surprises life might give me next. My thoughts were interrupted by the aroma of strong ginger- lemon grass tea. There she came with 2 big glass mugs of hot tea.. Rain water dripping and hot tea sipping are the best things I love about rains in India. We sat there staring blankly at the skies, beautiful flowers and plants in our garden. I noticed that day.. They looked much better from the balcony. There was silence in the atmosphere despite the drizzle and the wind shooshing. As soon as we were done with tea, she took the empty glass from me. She said," Darling what do you wish to eat today." I slightly jumped from my place In excitement and blabbered in a babyish voice," Paneer biryani". My mouth was watery even with the thought of spicy Paneer biryani. She makes it better than anyone in this world. She didn't say a word but I thought I should help her in the kitchen. I saw the slight smile on her face, when I started chopping onion. Once in a while she would look at me secretly and turn away when ever glances met. What was it? There was definitely something that she wasn't telling me. Once the dinner was over, we sat in together to watch our favourite Indian daily soap. The lead actor was perfect. Self made man, pretty, caring, honest and all the other adjectives that u can use. His perfectly chiselled nose, deep carved eyes.. He was Greek god. Suddenly she held my hand, massaging it lightly. She muttered, " how are your studies going on? Do you get along with your new room mates at hostel?" I thought, when I am away from her.. We talk 3 times a day. She knows everything in and out, then why this sudden interrogation? I couldn't help the puzzled expressions on my face. " everything is fine. Why?" She : You are all I think of now a days. You should sleep well, eat well. Next time when you come for longer duration please don't forget we have to go for your photo shoot. Me: photoshoot? Oh god not again. I will get married when I feel like. You don't need to irritate me with the same topic. What a typical Orthodox Indian woman. I am just 24, not a old lady that my marriage should be worry issue for her right now. I stampped my feet in anger and went to my room. I decided to clean my room in order to clear my head from all the mess that just happened. I started cleaning my cupboard. Suddenly something caught my eye; those were my 9th grade papers. Some papers were marked 5 on 30 or a bit more. I was a grumpy kid during my schooling. Mom had appointed personal tutor for improving my maths. But all In vain. She was very patient during that time. She taught me herself and I got more than 95 percentile in maths in my 10th grades. No longer I was scared of maths. THANKS TO HER! Every time she would go to market. She used to get lot of earrings, funky clothes that she thought will go with the current fashion. It was funny that she considered herself a fashionista! once she went for shopping on a occasion of a wedding at our home. Instead of getting herself a sari, she got me a very beautiful salwar kurta. I said," where is your saree ?" She chuckled and said," see I got u a dress. So pretty right? You will look so beautiful. Your dress was a bit heavy on price so had no money left for my saree." I thought is this woman nuts? I was already done with the wedding shopping. Why did she got another one? Me: what will you wear then? She: I will wear the voilet silk saree that I had worn in our other cousins wedding. I suddenly cursed myself for all thoughts I had in my mind for her a second ago. It was right. That woman is nuts; but for me. All she thinks of is me. Can someone be so selfless? So child like innocent. Salute to you woman. You pretty woman. My mom my amma my maa. Story to be continued...
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3 responses
@sammyy (527)
• India
28 Sep 16
A really nice write-up @desitunes I'm now 25 and similar things going on at my home, too... not my mom now, but my dad. He is asking me to put on some weight before the photo shoot next month Coming from a conservative muslim family I'm actually glad to have made it this far, without any hassles for marriage. Some of my friends even got married when they were 18 . But my mom, if she had her way, would not get me married at all. She doesn't want me to leave her and go after all...
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@sammyy (527)
• India
28 Sep 16
@desitunes yeah, you are right- life goes on. And I'm not much irritated now, just imagining how my guy would be...not so "factory-made", "fit-to-perfection" like that daily soap hero you described, but someone who would suit me. I do hope, you and me will find the right match...fingers crossed
• Pune, India
28 Sep 16
Thank you Samreen! What do you do? I am sure you will find a right match. All parents want their daughters to be get married and live a happy and prosperous life. I know at times it gets irritating to hear them say: Eat more, sleep more, put on some weight. But trust me our parents picture our marriage right from the day we are born. Even your mom would want the same. Don't think your dad wants you to get you married to get away from you. It will be hard for him as well so see you leave... But life goes on... right?! Don't forget to read My Maa-PART TWO.
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@sammyy (527)
• India
28 Sep 16
@desitunes its ok when parents worry about your marriage, I understand. But it does irritate the hell out of me when the distant relatives starts questioning...."what you up to these days?", "when will you get married?"..... as if they pay for our existence!!
@ms1864 (6885)
• Bangalore, India
27 Sep 16
Goodness...this is one of the best things i have read on here so mom is like this too....please so continue your story. I loved it.
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• Pune, India
27 Sep 16
Thank you Manisha. I will continue the story.
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• Pune, India
27 Sep 16
@desitunes Just for Information for my fellow Blogger friends who are from all corners of the world: 1) Saree is a beautiful indian attire worn by women. 2) Photoshoot is being done in the story for matrimony website as the mom wants her daughter to find a right match.
• Pune, India
27 Sep 16
Dear Manisha, I have written part two. You will find it by name: My maa- PART TWO. Please don't forget to give your reviews so that I may write further.
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@vandana7 (99882)
• India
28 Sep 16
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• Pune, India
28 Sep 16
Thank you Vanny!
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