I saw a cute snail

@5thHouse (1678)
Sheffield, England
October 2, 2016 12:30pm CST
I'm sure I'm probably in a minority, finding snails rather cute, but this one caught my eye yesterday morning when I went into the garden. It was such a tiny little thing and worthy of a photograph. Somebody pointed out that the shadow looks like a rude finger gesture, which I hadn't really thought of, but I suppose it could be that the snail is not impressed that I should try to take its picture. It's rather fun to take close ups of small creatures. You don't always appreciate the detail until you look at them in photographic form. Isn't the sheer variety of life forms quite fascinating? What animals have you enjoyed photographing?
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14 responses
@ms1864 (6885)
• Bangalore, India
2 Oct 16
I loved playing with snails when i was a kid...there were many in our garden. I haven't seen one in years. I used to take an insane amount of pictures of my dog...He was always annoyed by it.
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@5thHouse (1678)
• Sheffield, England
2 Oct 16
I have probably taken more photos of our cats than of any other members of the family!
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@MALUSE (69373)
• Germany
2 Oct 16
Obviously you haven't had snails in your garden which devoured all your lettuce plants or you wouldn't talk so positively about them. :-)
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@5thHouse (1678)
• Sheffield, England
2 Oct 16
True. I'm sure I would feel differently if I was a gardener. I even find it hard to kill slugs, which lack the cuteness of snails.
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• Preston, England
2 Oct 16
I enjoy getting all kinds of animal shots
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@JohnRoberts (109846)
• Los Angeles, California
2 Oct 16
I don't see a rude gesture but the V for victory or peace sign.
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@Ayuriny (5144)
• Denpasar, Indonesia
2 Oct 16
It looks really innocent. Lovely!
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@5thHouse (1678)
• Sheffield, England
2 Oct 16
I love the look of him/her.
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@Happy2BeMe (99380)
• Canada
2 Oct 16
My grand daughter loves snails. She is always picking them up and letting them crawl on her. It creeps me up a bit but it is cute to watch her with them. I like photographing my cats. I have hundreds, maybe even thousands of pictures of them. lol That snail picture you took is really cute. I will have to save a copy of it on my computer to show my grand daughter the next time she comes over.
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@Happy2BeMe (99380)
• Canada
2 Oct 16
@5thHouse that is awesome. Loves those memories.
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@Happy2BeMe (99380)
• Canada
5 Oct 16
@enlightenedpsych2 sounds awesome
@5thHouse (1678)
• Sheffield, England
2 Oct 16
My daughter was the same. She used to love to go snail-spotting on her walks to school when she was small. In rainy weather we would find dozens of them.
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@Tampa_girl7 (50028)
• United States
3 Oct 16
I enjoy taking photos of my pets.
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@moffittjc (121382)
• Gainesville, Florida
7 Oct 16
Snails are interesting little creatures, although it is not a good thing if yo have them in your garden, since they eat the plants you have there!
@JudyEv (337535)
• Rockingham, Australia
3 Oct 16
Vince is on a couple of FB photography sites and some of the members specialise in photos of insects. To see a bee's eye close up is really amazing.
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@RitzzView (2994)
• India
3 Oct 16
Know what..when I first read the topic "I saw a cute snail" I decided from then on..my first comment line would be- You find snails cute? Same here..I like insects, I am even affectionate towards them! ^_^ And BTW, those shadow doesn't make me look like any rude finger gesture. Only when you look at snail, like a snail, then you'd see the snail's shadow..not any "gestures". :)
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@5thHouse (1678)
• Sheffield, England
3 Oct 16
I find insects fascinating too. I love to photograph bees in particular. Also I enjoy taking photographs of spiders. I think there is so much interesting animal life around us. We tend to think we have to go to zoos to see the interesting creatures but they are everywhere if we just look.
@XinfulThotz (4140)
• Singapore, Singapore
5 Oct 16
It's nice that you appreciate your surroundings and find wonderful things to capture. It is indeed very cute!
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• Singapore, Singapore
7 Oct 16
oh it really is cute! yum yum!
@FayeHazel (40243)
• United States
7 Oct 16
Is that your photo? Nice job! Snails are pretty cool - I remember getting a nice picture of a hawk once and my cat if she could only hold still long enough ha ha
• Agra, India
5 Oct 16
I'm sure it was a great experience for you.... Great going ....
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