Playing the Trump Card

@RasmaSandra (83100)
Daytona Beach, Florida
October 8, 2016 3:18pm CST
Even though I am far from my homeland the U.S. I am very worried about what is going on when it comes to the elections that will be forth coming. Now these are only my thoughts but last night I had a horrific sort of nightmare. Everyone is always so concerned with things like the world ending and the coming of Satan and so on. Suppose this so called horned Satan is using Trump as a tool to gain his power over the world. I mean some of the things he does, says and those expressions he makes – is he really for real? Now just think of a man like that in the White House. That alone makes me nervous. When he would be traveling to meet the heads of other countries I don’t think he would be concerned with discussing the problems of the U.S. to come to some solutions. I think he would be too concerned discussing things that are of importance to himself and thus it would make it seem that the U.S. is no longer a strong nation to be reckoned with because the head of the country is a lunatic. I woke up in a sweat and then I remembered a most powerful song by Chris de Burgh called “The Spanish Train”. In the song the Devil and God are playing chess. On the line are the souls of the dead on the train. Guess who won? What do you think? Let’s all hope that Hillary can pull it all together and make it to the Oval Office.
Chris de Burgh - Beautiful Dreams Live (2005)
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4 responses
@JudyEv (348064)
• Rockingham, Australia
9 Oct 16
It seems a very difficult choice for the American people to make. I think Hilliary seems the lesser of two evils.
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@RasmaSandra (83100)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
14 Oct 16
@Hanyouyomi but at least I do think Hillary would represent herself well with heads of foreign countries but Trump would seem like a madman to them.
• Dallas, Texas
14 Oct 16
@RasmaSandra That's the problem as I think he's doing the "mad man" act on purpose. Fact is the common consensus is people would like a female president, and Hillary's popular enough to get people to listen to her. So why not direct the masses into voting for her, especially given the problems people have in trusting her with the scandals involving her e-mails, her family foundations among other things. And where this would be enough to damn any oher candidate, because she's popular and a white woman, they're doing their best to sweep of this under the rug. If Trump wanted to win this he'd rein himself in and get some help in broadening his voting base. i.e. get some spokesmen to win over minorities, but since he hasn't done and has so little mend the divide between him and minorities, he might not be in it to win it. Hence why he was lobbyed so hard by Republicans until now.
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• Dallas, Texas
9 Oct 16
@JudyEv She's not. Oddly enough Trump is, because this man couldn't conquer the free world by force if he wanted to. He's not that charismatic or subtle. True evil is subtle in it's manipulation, and while Hillary lacks leadership and is merely a puppet, she knows what to say and how to say it to win people over.
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@JohnRoberts (109846)
• Los Angeles, California
9 Oct 16
Hillary is no more of saint than Trump. You could say we have a choice between the Devil and Ms Devil.
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• Dallas, Texas
9 Oct 16
@JohnRoberts Finaly someone who gets it...
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@RasmaSandra (83100)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
14 Oct 16
Or the Mad Hatter and the Wicked Witch of the West either way this election will have people on the edge of their seats and many nails bitten to the quick @JohnRoberts
• Eugene, Oregon
8 Oct 16
What a nightmare! It would be awful if that blowhard, arrogant man won.
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@Hanyouyomi (2187)
• Dallas, Texas
10 Oct 16
@RasmaSandra After seeing BernieZ's comment I'll follow his lead. Because what I was originally going to type wasn't pleasant, because people like you I tend to take issue with. Simply because your understanding of this eternal war of souls hails from a source other than yourself. Because you overlook the fact that the devil used a serpeant, the most subtle of animals to beguile Eve. He used Job's wife and friends to try and break his faith in God, and he stood before Jesus nd tempted him with a kingdom if he swore eternal servitude. All while Jesus was fasting, mind you. And if I understand it correctly he came to Jesus again while he begged to not suffer for the sins of man. I understand enough to know this, true evil is subtle and knows how to play to people's fears and desires. Trump doesn't have a complete grasp on that, nor is he subtle. He's just a misguided idiot to says whatever's on his mind. Hillary knows what to say to appeal to people's fears and desires, if only because she's programmed to, as you can tell she's not completely behind this rhetoric that paints Trump as a Hellspawn. There's a quote ripped from Cinema that says:"The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world that he didn't exist." And to me, it looks like the second greatest trick he ever pulled was "convincing the world that he wasn't the evil one." Subtlty is the name of the Devil's game, ma'am. Always has been, and one of the ways to a achieve it is misdirection. To get you looking at Trump's garbage while painting Clinton to be a saint, so that she can blind side you later.
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