What do you people think???

Mumbai, India
October 9, 2016 8:33pm CST
I think that a girl's life is much more complicated than that of a guy. After marriage we have to give up our career for 2-3 yrs to look after new born babies.After that there are a lot of responsibilities that a women is expected to fullfill.... When do they get a life of their own??? They end up fullfilling everbody's needs and still some people dont acknowledge them...i am 17 yrs old..and i sm very ambitious...but i am really worried about these things. Can anyone help with that
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3 responses
• India
10 Oct 16
Yes its right! Girl's life is much more complicated than man.. its harder too.. but if we enjoy and accept every part of our lives, we can stay happy nd let others live happily.. Dont worry about people acknowledging coz it doesn't matter really.. At the end, you will definitely find the fruit fr your work.:)
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• Mumbai, India
10 Oct 16
Thanks..its really suppoting :)
@ms1864 (6885)
• Bangalore, India
10 Oct 16
All we can do is give advice...which is easy for us to say but harder for you to do.. Also considering that you are Indian, a lot of this would be impacted by your family. I am 28 now and i am not married. My family is ok with my decisions and support my crazy ideas. So my suggestion would be to try communicate with your parents. What do they think on this? You are still young...there is still a few years for you to convince your parents if need be.
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• Mumbai, India
10 Oct 16
Yaa...its right am too young now...n i would say that you are so lucky to get such supporting parents..thanks for the advice...i think it wud help :D
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@marguicha (219877)
• Chile
10 Oct 16
There are different cultures in different countries. In my country, you are not expected to give up a career to take crae of your husband or children.