an inspector calls

October 13, 2016 1:30am CST
Today is a film. The title of the film is The Return of the Ofsted Inspector. It is a most marvellous film, its genre a mix of mystery, comedy, thriller and farce. It is scriptless, an improvised percussion of stressed tutors crying into their thousandth coffee of the day, drowning in paperwork, whilst immature sixteen year olds run in corridors, smoke in non-smoking areas and refuse to wear their lanyards. The Senior Management Team surround themselves in an aura of panicked authority, promising doughnuts, cake and alcohol {I think that bit isn't true} to all members of staff who tell the truth, if only it is a positive truth. No negativity here, folks. The place stinks of fresh paint. For the Ofsted Inspectors this is what the world must smell like. Paint. Fresh. Clean. They rarely see the dirt, swept under the carpet. The ending of the film is a surprise. It may Need Improvement. It may be Outstanding. We want it to be Good. Good gives us another few years of freedom. Needing Improvement and Outstanding endings bring with them the promise of a rapid sequel, with only fifteen days to prepare a script and ensure the production will run smoothly, with everyone knowing their lines and where they need to be. I am off now, to enjoy the film. May it end Good. *smiles*
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3 responses
@WorDazza (15830)
• Manchester, England
13 Oct 16
Has the script got that bit in it where those who are more inclined to improvisation are carefully spirited away only to return after the closing credits?
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13 Oct 16
Lolz. College did seem quite empty, right up until 4pm!
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@WorDazza (15830)
• Manchester, England
14 Oct 16
@Poppylicious It was common practise at the school my kids went to. Although they would strongly deny it!!
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@Fleura (29769)
• United Kingdom
13 Oct 16
I hope it all goes smoothly and results in the best outcome!
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13 Oct 16
Me too. Ofsted is just far too demandingly stressful and tends to bring out the worst in people.
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@CoolPeace (1566)
• Miami, Florida
13 Oct 16
The ending everyone being happy and changes will be made in people behaviors.
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