Someone is literally trying to scam me right now....

Perth, Australia
October 17, 2016 9:10am CST
Some dude from Nigeria added me on Facebook being all sweet and saying I was a nice person / beautiful person blah blah all the nice yet false things a scammer would say. And tonight....right now he is claiming he needs money to help him get through school. He is just $200 short. Has no one there to borrow money from. Naaaaw how sad. And just now he said and I quote: "And if you can lend me money, anything no matter how small... i will be glad and i promise you i will pay back. I have been asking people around me.. and i wouldn't ask you if i have found help But if you really want to lend me some money then there should be a way you can get it to me." yeeeeeah not gonna happen! We have only spoken for maybe an hour in total. I'm not going to be a victim of such a thing. I may not be the smartest person in the world but I know a thing or two about people kissing my ass trying to get what they want from me. He even called me hun. I HATE when guys call me that. Calling me affectionate names and being all lovey dovey makes me want to puke. Forcing a fake friendship / relationship just to get what they want makes me sick. And doing all this while asking me for money? Yeah go suck a nut. Has anyone ever tried to scam money from you? Want me to b*tch slap them? I will. I'm already ticked off anyway!
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27 responses
@topffer (42155)
• France
17 Oct 16
I receive scam emails from Nigeria every month. This guy took you for a "white goose" like we say here, "an innocent young thing", and you are demonstrating that you are not. You should ask him $10 in your PayPal for the fees needed to send him $200. Trying to scam a scammer is not a crime.
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@topffer (42155)
• France
17 Oct 16
@VivaLaDani13 I have earned a bit of money with scam sites, and I have not a regret about that. It is a French expression. I have just had a look to find the origin of the expression "white goose" : during the Antiquity, the vestals in Rome were charged to keep the holy white geese of the Capitol. All vestals were virgins, and virgin became a synonym of stupid in France.
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• Perth, Australia
17 Oct 16
@topffer ahhhhhhhh man I should have LOL scamming the scammer! lol nah I wouldn't though. I'd feel dirty trying to sink to his level. I'd rather make money an honest way not the way people like him do! White goose lol Never heard that before.
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• Perth, Australia
17 Oct 16
@topffer lol cool. And please don't take my comment as calling you a scammer! Meant no offence to you at all. I just meant me! Like I wouldn't do it. But for you or anyone to do it is hilarious. They need to get a taste of what it's like anyway! awww ok thank you for explaining. Well I learned something for today lol
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@owlwings (43907)
• Cambridge, England
17 Oct 16
Unfriend and block this person immediately! You do NOT want him scanning your 'friends' list to see who else he can try to con!
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• Perth, Australia
17 Oct 16
@owlwings oh he is long gone now. Pretty much told him to shove it and blocked him!
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@Daljinder (23236)
• Bangalore, India
17 Oct 16
@owlwings @VivaLaDani13 Let him reach me!
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• Perth, Australia
17 Oct 16
@Daljinder LOL I am very curious if he would dare try it on anyone from my friends list.
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@allen0187 (58574)
• Philippines
18 Oct 16
I've had my share of scammers. The most popular one is the one who will text me and say I won something, like a huge amount of cash or a car from a raffle that I did not join and then asking me to call another number and give my personal details so they can send my prize to me.
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• Perth, Australia
10 Feb 19
@allen0187 oh yeah I have had them in the past too! I feel awful for people who fall for this garbage! @Daljinder I'm sorry I don't even remember any of this now!
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@Daljinder (23236)
• Bangalore, India
10 Feb 19
@VivaLaDani13 I vaguely recall the incident but not the content. I just know that it happens but what happened, I have no idea.
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@Daljinder (23236)
• Bangalore, India
19 Oct 16
@allen0187 Your comment reminded me of this e-mail I received. I don't even know this person and they are offering to donate huge amount. @VivaLaDani13 Do you remember that one time I send you a message joking on something like "If I disappear, refer to the recent post on my timeline at facebook." Yeah I received an e-mail from them. I was thinking whether I should do a post on that or not? I want to show that e-mail to people here but some might take it in a bad light because the lady has signed herself as "Mother". Obviously there would be religious references and stuff in that mail. Sigh! Dunno what to do.... EDIT: I sent it to you on facebook. I started a discussion and felt not so good after posting it so deleted it.
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@jaboUK (64354)
• United Kingdom
18 Oct 16
The very word 'Nigeria' is like a red flag. I suppose some people might fall for his scam, but only if they'd been living under a stone.
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• India
18 Oct 16
Actually I feel it shouldn't be Nigeria all the times. Brings a notoriety to the country... What are they thinking?
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@jaboUK (64354)
• United Kingdom
18 Oct 16
@hora_fugit It shouldn't be, but it is.
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• Perth, Australia
10 Feb 19
@jaboUK So true! Nigeria is a red flag for sure!
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@boiboing (13153)
• Northampton, England
17 Oct 16
I don't understand why you'd have anything to do with someone like this.
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• Perth, Australia
17 Oct 16
@boiboing Well I don't want to lol Soon as I saw his true colours, I said goodbye.
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@Happy2BeMe (99380)
• Canada
17 Oct 16
Ya there are all kinds of them out there. I have had it happen to me a time or two but not in awhile. I guess they do find the people who fall for it. I see it on the news all the time about people who get scammed out of thousands of dollars because they are sending money to a person online they dont even know.
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• Perth, Australia
17 Oct 16
@Happy2BeMe All jokes aside, it is pretty sad that people fall for it. Yet I am a bit surprised that people do. The world is becoming more and more dangerous and full of evil / disturbed / lying people. As much I want to help those in need, I just don't appreciate people pretending to be in dire straits when there are people who REALLY need it!
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@Daljinder (23236)
• Bangalore, India
17 Oct 16
@VivaLaDani13 I am in dire need ...... of a house/ roommate Please help!
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@Happy2BeMe (99380)
• Canada
17 Oct 16
@VivaLaDani13 i agree. I don't mind helping people who I know really need it.
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@hora_fugit (5862)
• India
17 Oct 16
Calling you hun is affectionate and all lovey dovey? I think Attila the Hun has cried his sleeves off! Poor baby.
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• India
17 Oct 16
@vandana7 I feel like an obsolete old lady when I address someone as "dear" There's only one person who can safely use endearing words for me. I keep it simple. :)
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• Perth, Australia
17 Oct 16
@hora_fugit oh my god! LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ok I never thought of it like that before! LOL! But yes, guys use it to be flirtatious. Unless I have been taking it wrong this whole time.
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• Perth, Australia
17 Oct 16
@vandana7 You do have a point. I do know that it can be a harmless thing to say. I guess I have just had the experiences where the dudes who did use it, were not very nice. If a woman says it, then I am fine but when men say it, I cringe and feel very uncomfortable.
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@SIMPLYD (90721)
• Philippines
18 Oct 16
Yes, that man is a scammer . Imagine if he can dupe about 10 people for $200 , he would have lots of money .
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@SIMPLYD (90721)
• Philippines
11 Feb 19
@VivaLaDani13 They have no conscience.
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• Perth, Australia
11 Feb 19
@SIMPLYD You're so right about that! It's like the scamming phone calls I get. Some are just so so rude! And it makes me angry because THEY are the ones who are in the wrong. Not the victims. Yet they become really rude.
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• Perth, Australia
10 Feb 19
@SIMPLYD Oh for sure! Very said! I wonder how these scammers sleep at night!
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@waflay (2737)
• Nairobi, Kenya
17 Oct 16
No one has ever tried to con me from social media, but I receive phone calls claiming that I have won blah blah and that I have to send them money to process the lot before reaching me. Scammers are just the same. First they befriend you, then they lay a trap before attacking your innocence.
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@waflay (2737)
• Nairobi, Kenya
17 Oct 16
@VivaLaDani13 I spell out letters that make up 'finger sign' to them, leaving more annoyed than just a cool 'NO'.
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• Perth, Australia
17 Oct 16
@waflay LMAO! Good one!
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• Perth, Australia
17 Oct 16
@waflay lol yeah I've had a few of those. I get at least 3 calls a day for certain scams. It's annoying. What do you do when you get those calls? Hang up?
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@rebelann (113332)
• El Paso, Texas
17 Oct 16
oh lordy you are sooo funny. I now have a new phrase to use. Love the GS a N you mentioned My facebook account is set up as private so I do not get unwanted intruders posting on it. I do that for my own protection as well as to protect my real world friends who are the ones I usually chat with. I'll have to use that phrase on Nancy, she'll bust a gut laughin over that one.
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• Perth, Australia
17 Oct 16
@rebelann Glad you enjoyed it. I was letting off steam though. lol I usually become overly sarcastic when I'm moody. That's very wise of you! Good on you for protecting yourself and close ones. lol hope Nancy laughs.
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• Perth, Australia
17 Oct 16
@Daljinder lol oh no. *hides under blanket*
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@Daljinder (23236)
• Bangalore, India
17 Oct 16
@rebelann You haven't heard much funnier ones she comes up with. She has a way with words. Wanna know? Wanna know? Oh heck! I am going to say it anyways (Sorry @VivaLaDani13 ) I will share two "butt munch" "poop shoot"
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@skysnap (20153)
17 Oct 16
Looks like you won lottery that people are coming you for payday loans :P
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• Perth, Australia
17 Oct 16
@skysnap LOL! IF I did win lottery, very little people would know about it. I'd keep that a major secret!
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• Perth, Australia
17 Oct 16
@Daljinder Well I'd tell you. lol obviously!
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@Daljinder (23236)
• Bangalore, India
17 Oct 16
@VivaLaDani13 Yeeeaaaahhhhh
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@moffittjc (122829)
• Gainesville, Florida
18 Oct 16
Why do you accept friend requests from people you don't know? It's almost like you're asking for trouble! lol
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@moffittjc (122829)
• Gainesville, Florida
14 Feb 19
@VivaLaDani13 It's okay, I wasn't trying to lecture you! But I am glad you are being a little more cautious now with the friend requests that you accept. I was also like that before, where I would friend anybody and everybody on social media. Not anymore. I just don't have time for people's nonsense and drama on social media. I rarely ever accept new friend requests anymore these days!
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• Perth, Australia
14 Feb 19
@moffittjc It's all good. I didn't see it as a lecture. Though wouldn't that be interesting Mr Moffitt.... Exactly right! DJ had asked me why I did before and I explained because I know what it's like to have people not give me chances. So I thought I would be kind enough to accept friendships and give them a chance. Also because if I hadn't have given MyLot another go or if I completely shut myself down I never would have met DJ, never would have met you etc. But I think I'm ok with the friends I have now. I would rather stick with who I know now than meet more people who are most likely going to bring me harm. I'm not in the mood for that sort of drama anymore. So I don't accept anymore requests unless it's someone I know.
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• Perth, Australia
10 Feb 19
@moffittjc I know why I did. It was to give people a chance but now....I have changed. I can't be bothered giving people chances at the moment. Would rather just stick around with who I already know. Every one else can just shove sharp things up their poop shoot. I don't have time or energy for newbies.
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@shivamani10 (11035)
• Hyderabad, India
18 Oct 16
Before that I scam them. Once a lady from Ukraine contacted me over the Internet. She told me that she was coming to India just to have some fun with me. The next mail was that she was in the Airport. After two hours another mail..."I need your help..Here the passport authorities are asking for some payment towards the documentation. pls. help me . send some money to the address'. I replied ' I have already landed in Ukraine and coming to the address. I am on the way to your house. You need not come to India. I came just to meet you. Pls. give me your number. I am very eager to contact you". There was no further email from her. .. Ukraine ladies are really very good and attractive. But I do not know why they started doing like that. It is after seeing the Nigerians I think.
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• Perth, Australia
10 Feb 19
@shivamani10 haha yeah I've heard and seen A LOT of those sort of scams too! Just pathetic!
• India
17 Oct 16
Lol hun tell me his name. I will scam him lol
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• Perth, Australia
17 Oct 16
@nidhiS1997 Olamilekan Samson Moronfoye lol that's his name.
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• Perth, Australia
17 Oct 16
@Daljinder ....que?
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@Daljinder (23236)
• Bangalore, India
17 Oct 16
@VivaLaDani13 Hein? Ae kedi bhasha e? (Translation: Huh? What's this language?)
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• Torrington, Connecticut
17 Oct 16
Lmao this is epic, Thats a scammer alright and I went through the same with a girl from Malaysia, My response was probably the same, suck a nut lmfao
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• Torrington, Connecticut
17 Oct 16
@VivaLaDani13 Jajajaj yeah I feel your pain, iv even had friends do this to me, ask me for 50 dollars then after I send it through Western Union I never hear from them again.. smh
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• Torrington, Connecticut
17 Oct 16
@sugartoes LOL Modern terms of urban dialogue jajjajaa
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• Perth, Australia
17 Oct 16
@BACONSTRIPSXXX lol geeeeeeeeez man! Do you get this quite often?
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• Bournemouth, England
18 Oct 16
People try to scam me all the time. Emails claiming to be about tax refunds, emails supposedly from banks I don't even have accounts with, emails from people in far-flung countries who claim they need my bank details so they can get an inheritance and pay me a commission. Then there are the phone calls from scammers (usually abroad) claiming that the computer is running slowly or asking for personal details for a 'survey'. And there are the people who stop me in the street with stories about how they need money to get home because their car (which is never to be seen) has broken down and the ATM swallowed their card. Most days, relentless...and always ignored.
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• Perth, Australia
10 Feb 19
@asfarasiknow Best to be ignored! There are SO many types of scams out there. It's just unbelievable and worrying. Especially for those who are very gullible.
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@Dextoi (1845)
• Philippines
18 Oct 16
Well, I have been in that situation...but definitely not to the point when they're being too sweet. lol.
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• Perth, Australia
10 Feb 19
@Dextoi haha goody!
@ms1864 (6885)
• Bangalore, India
17 Oct 16
yesh.....i had a weird experience like this once...this guy claimed to be from the US or UK ...i don't remember...after initial conversation...he asked me if he could send me some of his personal items for safe keeping.....obviously a scam to get my address. His intentions were obvious....and i knew the person was probably someone from India itself. So i politely refused ...and then blocked him. A few days later i noticed his display picture was gone. When i checked...he had deactivated the account.
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• Perth, Australia
17 Oct 16
@ms1864 oh man. So many people have been a victim. Whether they scammed us or not, even being in the process of ALMOST being scammed is quite scary and annoying. Very glad he is out of your life now!
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@RitzzView (3038)
• India
19 Oct 16
You seem to be quiet smart that you're even able to tell that these kind of people just want money. Also, you seem to be knowing that he's just wanted a fake friendship or relationship. Not all could understand such things so soon. You even said that you never liked the hun kind of make you puke..which says that you're pretty uncomfortable with such things..ain't it? But, Babe, I didn't understand why you continued chatting and that too for an hour?
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• Perth, Australia
10 Feb 19
@RitzzView I think I'm just used to it. Not to mention my trust for almost everyone is lacking. I am very cautious. And yeah I am very uncomfortable with these things. I'm not sure lol This was quite some time ago now. Sometimes I do enjoy wasting scammer's time so that was probably why.
@CoolPeace (1566)
• Miami, Florida
18 Oct 16
I get emails like that from Nigeria people asking for money I just ignore them and they are scammers and no one is not going to give out money if they don't know you.
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• Perth, Australia
10 Feb 19
@CoolPeace Good on ya! Best to ignore these things!