Is it Easier to see the Bad in People rather than the Good????
By bird123
@bird123 (10658)
United States
7 responses
@Bluedoll (16770)
• Canada
27 Nov 16
Interesting postings from people here. I've not read all of it yet. I think it would have been better to leave the 'in people' out of the title, that is to simply say it is easier to see bad than it is to see the good. I am not a participant inside an organized religion. Perhaps some kind of (religious) belief is common for every person here?
@bird123 You did indicate your belief by referencing the bible. I think I share many of your beliefs but don't share all of your beliefs. For example, people might not believe there is an angel with the name satan. I do. If I were to suggest satan never existed then it would be a downward slope to no angels in darkness exist? no angels of light exist? no spiritual beings exist? no God exists? But I do know angels and God are real. They are also mentioned in the bible.
Understanding the bible is never easy and I agree there are many things that block the truth. Hell and the idea that babies are born bad is a misconception. This is not what the bible is saying at all.
The story of Adam and Eve is a blessing in the book of genesis. Though it is a very old and simplified story it helps to illuminate the rest of the bible. Mankind was doing well until ...
then it all went to hell and everything got badly

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@bird123 (10658)
• United States
28 Nov 16
Bluedoll, You are right about the title. Language is such a thing that can come out as meaning different.
As for satan, he is no more than a story just as the book of genesis.
God has many many children, some with great knowledge and capabilities greater than we. Children can make bad choices in the process of learning which can cause problems. There will be learning around these problems. The interaction between children of all capabilities supplies missing pieces of knowledge which advances everyone.
There are also wonderful, kind, generous children that volunteer to go through great adversity in order that others see and understand, advancing the learning and growing. I'm OK describing them as Angels.
Genesis is a story one might tell a child. I need more specific details on creation besides Poof, it's created. God has created the universe to unfold in such a way mankind will be able to figure it all out in time. Yes, I can see real genius at work.
When times are good, we sit back and enjoy the ride. When adversity hits, suddenly we have to think, study, analyze, plan, learn and grow in so many ways on the road to resolution. Everything has not gone to Hell. Adversity and the Challenges in life are part of the educational process. There is Genius behind the dynamics of what is really going on with this world. It is truly a Masterpiece!!

@dlr297 (5409)
• United States
30 Oct 16
@bird123 God has told me....Just because you can not here him,does not mean that he does not speak to us...I make no judgement because we are all sinners, You can call it as you is all about Good or Evil....You just choose to call Evil something else......
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
30 Oct 16
@dlr297 God would never intimidate your choices as you speak of. You would not learn unless you lived that free choice. Why would God want to prevent you from freely choosing what you wanted to learn?? He would not.
It's a far cry from actually talking with God compared to pretending God speaks to you through mankind's words in a holy book. Why do you think God needs that middle man?
Finally, it isn't about good and evil. It's about the education of God's children.

@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
31 Oct 16
Not all religions are alike. The Bible tells us not to judge people but like God to be loving and patient with all.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
1 Nov 16
Isn't it the bible that values judging to begin with? Doesn't it make the judgment call that everyone is rotten from birth?? Is the god of the bible really loving and kind when he creates hell knowing someone will go there?
You, on the other hand, must be special. You see and value the good parts. One can never go wrong being loving and kind. It is a lesson many need to learn.
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@bird123 (10658)
• United States
28 Nov 16
@Bluedoll You are right. It is all about People. People wrote the Bible, People judge others often using the Bible along with their concepts. People value the petty things like blaming, hating, judging, condemning, coercing and intimidation. Mankind's greatest problem which is that everybody wants to rule the world also comes in play. Mankind likes to control.
Religion is mankind's attempt to understand God which is a good thing. They fill in their missing facts with beliefs which are not always true.
Religion is a catalyst which brings so many of mankind's problems to the surface so they can be dealt with. That alone is Religion's greatest importance.
Now, Holy books are not all bad. Example: Much of what the Bible says about loving others and do unto others is really good. Perhaps, that is the only part that is really God.
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@Bluedoll (16770)
• Canada
27 Nov 16
No @bird123 the bible doesn't judge. How can it. The bible is a book. It does have words on a page. But isn't it the people that do the judging using the bible even though in the bible it says God is to judge. I agree with you that religions against other people can distort, misuse words and make huge mistakes.
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@Frederick42 (2043)
• Canada
8 Feb 22
It does not matter whether others are good or bad. We can be good to people even if they are bad to us.
We cannot say all religions are basically like this, but over the centuries , people in power made it like this. The people in power want to control and intimidating.
At present, I see people angry with criminals. Throw him to jail. Kill him. This is what I hear.
Why we can think only of punishing the criminal...
There have been examples of so many innocent people also caught and jailed.
So we need some other solution. I think it should be counseling, therapy and if possible, hypnosis. Criminal needs interaction. He should be treated, counselled, educated and healed instead of jailed or punished. Thus we can heal not only the criminal, but save also innocents from going to Jail
But why society wants revenge.
Love affection empathy and compassion are the magic qualities.
Which can transform life.
Regarding all this, I have written messages to many . On Facebook. To police officers, lawyers, journalist, teachers, doctors etc... If they like my views, they will share with their friends, relatives, colleagues.
I hope one day a group of people will rise up and work on it and will lead eventually to World transformation.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
10 Feb 22
@Frederick42 The answer is simple. Copy God. God places knowledge and truth all around. It waits to be Discovered.
Control is one of the petty things mankind holds so dear. Never fall into that trap.
If you place Truth in the world, it will be there when others are ready to Discover it. Even if you do not see others change immediately, you might be making it possible for someone else to change them later in their lives. In short, placing Truth in the world is never a waste for at some point Truth will become important to us all.
Adversity and challenges come to teach us. Problems will never go away until they are solved. Sometimes, the path toward resolution is slow.
Crime will never go away through vengeance and payback. As the intelligence of mankind grows, this will be Discovered. In the meantime, place truth in the world. You never know when that light bulb will go off over someone's head and they will Understand.
Each must Learn, Grow, and Discover for themselves just as you have.
@TerribleMan (579)
• India
12 Aug 22
Every person is bad. No person is without sin, no person who is not tempted by the devil. Some of us at least understand this fact and we read the book of God and we pray to God while the rest of us are selfish and arrogant. Such people will be severely kinkced and thrashed by God, the punishment they rightly deserve is the fire of hell and nothing else. The humble people who will beg for forgiveness will be gone to heaven but he'll is a terrifying place meant for the sinful and wicked sould

@TerribleMan (579)
• India
13 Aug 22
@bird123 yes, I heard it directly from God. I am not a fool like you who would blindly follow your wild hallucinations.
Your ego makes you laugh and mock the holy book and you will pay the price for your disdainful behaviour.
God is not to be questioned but to be adored and worshipped.
For your first question, the answer is FREE will
For the second, there is no justice better than hell.
Fir the third, God does not abuse. God justly punishes.
For the fourth, God does not demand you to beg for forgiveness. He has given you free will. If you so proud you feel you don't want forgiveness then the doors of the Devil's palace is wide open for you.
The Devil does not exist because you have not seen him? Just like some say God does not exist because they did not see God. The Devil does not tempt you because you are not observant enough to understand his cunning tactics? Just like some saying God does not shower blessings because they are not wise enough to understand the blessings of God.
Just like some say God hides from us. The Devil does not hide. Only he is too cunning for words.
You stink and rot in your questions. I know it is my duty to believe in God and his book and worship him and plead for his forgiveness. You proud and arrogant
It is good the arrogant will go to the devil so the rest of us can enjoy the peace in heaven.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
14 Aug 22
@TerribleMan You seem to know the Devil so well yet the Devil is nowhere to be found. Why does the Devil hide from me?? Is the Devil a coward??
God is hiding nothing. If you would look beyond your memorized holy book, you might just Discover something.
To Question is the start on the journey to Discovery.
1. Why does your god demand Belief??
2. Why does your god demand Worship? Does it fill his EGO??
3. Why does your god demand his children to be begging and pleading for forgiveness?
4. You say Hell is justice. What crime would justify burning in a fiery pit for eternity without the possibility of redemption?
Only a Monster would create such injustice. 5. Why is your god a Monster??
6. To question is the start on the journey to Discovery. The only ones who do not want you to question are those who do not want you to know the Real Truth. Why does your god not want you to Question. 7. Why does your god want you to not know the Real Truth? 8. What is your god really hiding??
9. If you heard directly from God, why did you not describe the encounter?
10.If your god grants free will and is not happy with people's choices, how could your god not know they would all fail and be sinners? 11.Why would God create a world of sinners?
12. Why does your god demand to be worshiped and adored? 13. Does your god have a self worth problem needing to be reassured??
14. If your god does not abuse and punishes kiddies eternally without the possibility of redemption, WHY does your god do this? 15. Revenge and payback for not getting his way??
Those who seek Real Truth will have a million questions. All I see from you is accept and recite. You must seek very little. Sad!!!
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
12 Aug 22
Did you hear this directly from God or are you assuming those beliefs in that holy book come from God? WE both already know the answer.
Clearly, you do not really know God. That holy book reflects mankind more than anything else.
Do you ever Question???
Question 1. Why would a Being as smart as God decide to create a world full of sinners?
Question 2. Why would a Being as smart as God create Hell, a place without justice.
Question 3. Why would a Being as smart as God abuse His children, thrashing?
Question 4.What would a Being as smart as God demand kiddies to BEG forgiveness??
Questions 5-8 The Devil does not exist. I have never been tempted by the Devil. If the Devil does exist, why does the Devil hide from me?? Why do you assume the Devil exists?? Why do you want the Devil to exist?? Why do you need to have someone to Blame??
Question 9-10 Finally, one who seeks Real Truth will always have a Million Questions. Seems all you do is accept then recite. Why are you not a Thinking, Questioning person?? Is it that you do not Seek Real Truth???
I can point you in the right direction, however you are the one who must learn to walk.

@Mike197602 (15514)
• United Kingdom
27 Oct 16
religion is irrelevant to me.
I take people as I find them so I'd say no, religion hasn't trained me to do anything apart from realise religion is a man made concept that has no relevance in 2016.
@Mike197602 (15514)
• United Kingdom
27 Oct 16
@yukimori As I'll mention in another comment...I think religion and the US is down to the history of america.
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@Mike197602 (15514)
• United Kingdom
27 Oct 16
@MALUSE look way back to the origins of the US.
Religious people from europe went there to escape persecution.
America as a country is very young compared to european countries.
With regards to their history it's no surprise to me that some US people are ultra religious.

@bird123 (10658)
• United States
28 Oct 16
@hora_fugit Perhaps then they need your influence. Can't do that ignoring them.