Dethroned or Resigned?

@puroypoi (272)
Cainta, Philippines
November 1, 2016 7:20pm CST
The recently concluded international beauty pageant held here in our country drew some noises all because of our local bet. Aside that she rant at social media about her experiences in that pageant, she was also caught on video telling her supporters that the winner has a fake nose, chin and boobs and divulged in one social media that the winners gown was originally for her. As a result she had a meeting with the organizers of the pageant and then the news circulated that she resigned already from her position. That leaves to everyone mind whether she was dethroned or just resigned. What do you think?
1 response
@mesbakh (2284)
• Indonesia
2 Nov 16
beauty peageant is like a double edge sword. in one side it promote goodnes, but in anothe rone it promote badness
1 person likes this
@puroypoi (272)
• Cainta, Philippines
3 Nov 16
that is what other says too..