I Cannot Unlike what I Liked 3x!

@puroypoi (272)
Cainta, Philippines
November 2, 2016 10:35pm CST
Just a moment ago, I went to browse a topic here. After reading the article I liked the write up. But since I don't see the thumbs up mark as a sign that I liked it, I keep liking the article few times. Then I saw my internet loading and waited until it subside. When the loading stopped, I saw that I liked the article 4 times then i clicked again the like button and the other one vanished but the remaining 3 prevails. Does this happen too to you? Will I be punish by if I liked an article few times unintentionally? Hayst it is not a good day today I guess.
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2 responses
• Philippines
3 Nov 16
It will only count as one though. I tried it and refreshed my page, it counted as one. The website is responsive so even if you are typing your comment and someone likes the article and decided to like it, you will actually see the changes fast. So basically, when you press Like a couple of times, it processes the pressed button first and it increments and after you refresh the page, it will only put one liked by 'You'.
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@puroypoi (272)
• Cainta, Philippines
3 Nov 16
that is a relieve for me, thankyou @GopherDanny for the clarification. :)
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@ms1864 (6885)
• Bangalore, India
3 Nov 16
lol....this just happened to me...i liked a comment 5 times...
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@puroypoi (272)
• Cainta, Philippines
3 Nov 16
thought it just happened to me because of my intermittent internet
@ms1864 (6885)
• Bangalore, India
3 Nov 16
maybe mine was slow too...i didn't realize.
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@puroypoi (272)
• Cainta, Philippines
3 Nov 16
@ms1864 maybe it is all because of our internet connection too.
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