Prank Calls!
@DaddyEvil (143039)
United States
November 5, 2016 10:57pm CST
You know the kind I mean, surely!
Someone calls, you answer and the person asks if your clock/fridge/stove are running.... then tells you to catch it before it gets away, giggling as they hang up on you... 
Well, I've had those calls at my house and called the police so they can trace the call and warn off the kids doing that
... but when
a little old lady called my work today

Let's just say I was very startled to hear her asking me if we sold various sexual aids... 

Of course, I did the first thing that came to mind! (giggling in an embarrassed kind of way... SMH!) I told her I was putting her on hold and "accidentally" hung up the phone! 
I reported it to my manager and she started laughing at my "handling" of the call, then told me our store has been/is being targeted by some locals checking our responses to their (usually) funny questions/comments...
Have you got any stories to tell about someone pulling one of these pranks on you?

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23 responses
@DaddyEvil (143039)
• United States
6 Nov 16

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@Daljinder (23236)
• Bangalore, India
6 Nov 16
Not prank calls but blank calls where no one would speak from the other end 

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@vandana7 (101493)
• India
6 Nov 16
@DaddyEvil .. Somebody is nuts about you at Walmart...hopefully it is a lady..
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@DaddyEvil (143039)
• United States
6 Nov 16
Yeah, DJ, I get those all the time at work... SMH! I don't see a real purpose in breathing heavy into the mouthpiece of a phone, either. It's not like the person can tell who will answer the call, so are ready to start sexually traumatizing the next pretty young woman who answers the phone in my area! SMH!
And in the off-chance the person has met me and is trying to get a 'rise' out of me, well, let's just say.... until video calling has been installed at Walmart, the heavy breather has nothing to worry about with me! (I'm visually oriented, not aurally oriented. Sounds don't do anything for me!)

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@DaddyEvil (143039)
• United States
6 Nov 16
@vandana7 SMH! But that is not the problem here, vanny! NOBODY is going to do it for me over the phone!
I am too busy at work to cater to that kind of mentally disturbed person!

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@vandana7 (101493)
• India
6 Nov 16
@DaddyEvil .. I am a blood thirsty
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@DaddyEvil (143039)
• United States
6 Nov 16
*DE looks panic stricken, looks around wildly, trying to think of a way to handle a love stricken vampire queen, then thinks of the perfect defense!*
@Daljinder HELP! 

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@topffer (42155)
• France
6 Nov 16
I had a friend who was very good for prank calls when I was a student. He was looking for an interesting name in the phone directory and was calling. The first prank in your post reminds me a call that he gave to a guy named "Lelièvre", it would be "Hare" in English... at 2 am !
The phone rang during 2 mn before a man not completely awakened said "Hello"
- Mr Hare ?
"Yes it is me."
- I'd like to speak to Mrs Hare. Could you pass her the phone, please ?
"What ? Don't you know that it is 2 am ? She is sleeping. What is it about ?"
- I cannot tell you, it is personal. Sorry to have awakened you but I would not have done it if it was not important. Hand her the phone, please.
"Who are you ?"
- It is a personal call, she will recognize me.
"Wait a moment."
2 mn later, Mrs Hare said "Hello"
- Have I the honor to speak to Mrs Hare ?
- Sure ? What is your first name ? I want to be sure that I am speaking to the right person.
- Ok Magalie. I wanted to tell you... that you are not running very fast for a couple of hares !

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@topffer (42155)
• France
6 Nov 16
@DaddyEvil I suppose that the Hare did not appreciated. This guy was able to keep a straight face with everybody laughing around when he was doing a prank. He should have been a great actor.
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@DaddyEvil (143039)
• United States
6 Nov 16
OMG! Now THAT is funny, Top! I bet Mr. Hare was not a very happy bunny when Mrs. Hare got done with him about waking her up for that call! 

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@DaddyEvil (143039)
• United States
6 Nov 16
@topffer Actor or comedian, Top! I would say you are probably right!
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@crazyhorseladycx (39509)
• United States
6 Nov 16
fer pity sakes :( aint folks got better thingies to do? ya know, like chase those poke thingies'n fall 'nto holes? noperz, aint been privy to any pranks, though many years 'go used to get some odd calls - courtesy 'f my phone number bein' one number off a popular tourist attraction :)
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@DaddyEvil (143039)
• United States
6 Nov 16
When my first wife and I bought our first house our phone number was one digit off from a local church! People kept waking us up on Sunday mornings needing the pastor of the church to do something for them or calling to say they weren't going to make Sunday morning services...
My ex doesn't have much of a sense of humor and that got old after a couple of months for me, too!
One Sunday morning, we get a call at 7 am wanting the pastor to come help change a car tire so the family could make it to church on time. My ex caught that call and told the person the pastor was "ministering" to a goat and would need to pull his pants back up before he could help with the tire.
We never got another phone call for that church/pastor again! 
(but not too much! I thought it was hilarious at the time and still chuckle about it now!)

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@crazyhorseladycx (39509)
• United States
6 Nov 16
@DaddyEvil oh my! i fear i couldn't 've said such to somebody :( used to get some calls when i worked the hospital switchboard somethin' akin? but not quite. the number t'was one off a local veterinarians.
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@DaddyEvil (143039)
• United States
6 Nov 16
@crazyhorseladycx I couldn't have told them that, either... I did like it when it stopped the early morning calls to wake us up, though!
I would have worried about it more (and been more sympathetic) but the pastor and congregation didn't care that we were being waked up when we should have been let sleep. We called several times and delivered the messages to the pastor, each time asking him to tell people to be careful what number they dialed...
The pastor told us instead of looking at those calls as interrupting our sleep/peaceful Sunday at home, to thank the lord for the timely alarm that would allow us to attend their church service instead of spending our time in slothful ways.
My ex did warn him that he wouldn't like what happened if someone woke us up the next Sunday! I think he finally got the message!
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@DaddyEvil (143039)
• United States
6 Nov 16
LOL! Yeah, it is pretty funny now, but when it happened, I was actually in the middle of setting up a contract for phone service to a couple who were trying to rush me already. Answering a prank call and then making the mistake of telling the couple what was said didn't help matters any. (In my opinion, the woman shouldn't have ask if she really didn't want to know why I hung up on the caller!)
I only called and reported the one from years ago because the prank caller ignored me calling them back. I would have settled for talking to the parents, but when nobody returned my call, I followed through on what I said would happen.
Prank calls in my part of the United States are considered nuisances and carry a fine when reported. (They can also lose phone service if the originating phone uses a landline.) At least I didn't report it to the phone company, right?

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@DaddyEvil (143039)
• United States
6 Nov 16
@ms1864 Yes, it does happen a lot around here. Not so much on cell phones, but if you have a landline phone, you are still a target for them. (I discovered something new at Walmart yesterday, though! The work phones now display the person's name and a return phone number. I was told my office phone is one of three with that new feature in the store. Those three phones won't let a call come through if the caller has a blocked ID, either! LOL!)
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@allknowing (141996)
• India
19 Feb 17
The only time I have fooled anyone is on April Fools' day.
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@DaddyEvil (143039)
• United States
20 Feb 17
That is because you are a wonderful and kind woman, Always smiling. Most people are not that kind to their fellow man.

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@Jlyn10 (11965)
• Malaysia
18 Feb 17
@DaddyEvil Oh, no, MysD is a nice person. I don't think she would steal anything from me. She hasn't had her skates on for a very long time and I don't think she could run fast enough to escape with a whip.
She wasn't going to buy that whip for me, she was just saying it to cheer me up. She already spent her money on a bed for her Chicca. Maybe that's one of her pranks on me.
And @pgntwo wasn't in the picture too when it was in use. So, he couldn't have taken it.
I kind of think that the whip you gave me was my original one. Maybe that's why you offered to lend it to me... so I wouldn't suspect you. 

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@DaddyEvil (143039)
• United States
17 Feb 17
Here you are, @Jlyn10, clear down at the bottom of this thread! Why are you hiding down here? Did you really think I had stolen your bullwhip and hidden it down here?
I honestly believe either @pgntwo really does have it or @mysdianait is the one who took it and she is hiding it somewhere.
Hmmm.... as a matter of fact, MysD stealing it and wanting to keep it could be why she offered to buy you another bullwhip! (It does make logical sense, you know! Think about it!)

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@DaddyEvil (143039)
• United States
18 Feb 17
@Jlyn10 No, Jlyn, I will not lie about things. I will and do tease but I would be too uncomfortable stealing anything from anyone. I promise you, I bought that whip I offered to you. (I believe the discussion (part of a discussion) that Daljinder showed to you proves I didn't steal the whip I had in my possession.)
When describing the whip, I said I bought it and described a whip that has never been used. If you know anything at all about bullwhips, then you should know they are easily damaged and do not retain the new look for very long is someone handles them or makes them pop!
I have no clue who stole your whip, and am honestly wondering if you even left it here when you disappeared from myLot. Did you say in a discussion back then that you were leaving it here? Is there any proof from before you left that indicates in a logical manner that your bullwhip was left here at myLot?

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@Jessicalynnt (50523)
• Centralia, Missouri
7 Nov 16
hahahahahaha, I am surprised you didn't have a quip come to mind!
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@DaddyEvil (143039)
• United States
11 Nov 16
@Jessicalynnt OMG!
You are worse than me, I swear!
(I admit, that is something I will have to remember in case that scenario ever happens again!)

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@Jessicalynnt (50523)
• Centralia, Missouri
11 Nov 16
and that was the more polite version of what I was going to go with, like I know there are chains in the camping section, hehehe

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@Jessicalynnt (50523)
• Centralia, Missouri
10 Nov 16
@DaddyEvil Hmmmn, "well our selection in the pharmacy is quite limited, but I believe the produce section and automotive there might be something that might work. Or the dog toys. Those are machine washable, always a plus."
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@DaddyEvil (143039)
• United States
6 Nov 16
@pgntwo I thought you wanted LESS skin shown on this thread, pgn, not THAT much more! LMFAO!
It's actually a decent song, too.... (grinning at you!)
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@DaddyEvil (143039)
• United States
6 Nov 16
Yeah, I saw that picture... as I said, "one I wanted to use on this discussion". 

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@pgntwo (22408)
• Derry, Northern Ireland
6 Nov 16
@DaddyEvil Ah. How embarassing can we get...
I think "embareassment" might work, try this (pay close attention at the start of the song!):

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@DaddyEvil (143039)
• United States
23 Nov 16
Now THAT would have been funny, pony! I just can't seem to think of things quite that fast! (I am usually taken by surprise or shocked for a minute or so! SMH!)
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@DaddyEvil (143039)
• United States
23 Nov 16
@TheHorse Yeah, that's the thing that threw me off so badly with that one... I would swear that really was a little old lady! SMH!
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@TheHorse (224348)
• Walnut Creek, California
23 Nov 16
@DaddyEvil If it was really a "little old lady," I wouldn't
want to have too much fun at her expense, though.
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@DaddyEvil (143039)
• United States
9 Nov 16
@just4him Oh, my! Were you not aware you have to register every year? Registrations must be done yearly or the numbers that fall off the list are put into a list that is distributed as allowing the calls!
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@DaddyEvil (143039)
• United States
7 Nov 16
You still get those political calls, Valerie? Once I registered my phones with the National Do Not Call registry, I haven't even gotten any of those... and politician's calls aren't affected by that list... I still don't hear from the political offices, though.
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@just4him (318846)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
8 Nov 16
@DaddyEvil I registered on the do not call list a long time ago, but it didn't make any difference.
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@DaddyEvil (143039)
• United States
6 Nov 16
LOL! I did well enough. My Department Manager said next time just hang up instead of telling the pranksters I was putting them on hold first!
What would you have done?

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@DaddyEvil (143039)
• United States
6 Nov 16
@JudyEv Then you might like this, Judy.....
Last year, we had someone who called, I answered and the person sounded like a little old lady then, too. She ask me a question and I answered her....
She said, "What? I can't hear you." I raised my voice a bit and answered her question again....
She said, "What? You're speaking too softly. I can't hear you." Once again, I raised my voice and repeated the answer to the question she had asked.
The 'little old lady' then tells me, "You don't have to yell, I'm not deaf! But, can you tell me what question I ask you? Your yelling made me forget completely what I wanted to know!" and she hung up on me! 
Were you THAT gullible? (grinning and having fun with this topic!

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@JudyEv (347875)
• Rockingham, Australia
6 Nov 16
@DaddyEvil I guess I would have hung up once I knew they were pranksters. I'm a bit gullible sometimes. :)
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@Hannihar (130213)
• Israel
12 Nov 17
They were probably too embarrassed so you could not find anyone to fit the bill. I think people that make prank calls need to get a life. I have at times when kids are on vacation calling me up and then hanging up or asking for someone and keep calling. I have a private phone number so they pick a number to call and stick with it. They must be very bored or Mom and Dad are not home to tell them to stop it.
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@DaddyEvil (143039)
• United States
13 Nov 17
Yes, very bored or parents aren't home.
Once my niece called but didn't tell me it was her. She called several times only to hang up when I answered the phone.
She wasn't happy when I reported her to the police! 

@Hannihar (130213)
• Israel
13 Nov 17
DE, I bet she wasn't but serves her right for hanging up on you. Here the police instead interrogate me and if they do show it the noise has stopped when I call on someone making so much noise at the wrong time.
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@infatuatedbby (94912)
• United States
11 Nov 16
No prank calls! But I've encountered a prank text back in the days!
A guy I know got a new number (not on purpose, his contract was out & over a decade ago it was common to just get a new number then to stick with the same number)
Anyway every night he would text me saying he's outside my house waiting for me. To peek outside my window blah blah.
Went on for a few days or week I don't remember. Ultimately I said if he doesn't tell me who he is I'll report him or her to the police.
He confused
I was so annoyed!

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@infatuatedbby (94912)
• United States
11 Nov 16
Haha he had something to say every night at the same exact time! Lol
Have a nice day at work!
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@DaddyEvil (143039)
• United States
11 Nov 16
OMG! Now, THAT is funny! Poor dude and poor you, too!
I have to go to work now. I'll see you tonight!
Hope you have a great day!

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@Beatburn (4286)
• Philippines
18 Feb 17
@DaddyEvil My sisters are now older and have their own families.
Hey, no holding back. We're friends! Cheers. 

@DaddyEvil (143039)
• United States
17 Feb 17
Yes, it is much easier to get the phone number from a cell call, even if you tell your phone not to show the number to the dialed party, for one thing.... There are also better laws against harassment now, at least in the United States!
Now, people wanting to get your sister's attention will send texts or call her friends to set him up with her!
(I started to make a different type of comment here, Beatburn, but I am not sure what you would consider crossing the line and what might be acceptable when playing. I took the safer route with you.)
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@DaddyEvil (143039)
• United States
14 Nov 17
You would have preferred an answer similar to some of the ones given by other myLot members? (Some of the people who responded to this discussion caused me to turn red! LOL!)
I am not as quick with a comeback in real life as I can be on myLot, sad to say.
@PainsOnSlate (21852)
• Canada
6 Nov 16
I must live a boring life, no one ever does that to me. and NO I will not give you my phone number. Funny about the lady on the phone at work!
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@DaddyEvil (143039)
• United States
6 Nov 16
Uhm... did you forget, pains? You already gave me your phone number quite some time ago! LOL! You are very lucky I won't do something like that to anyone!!
I can just see you telling Mr. pains that you have to change the number but won't tell him why! 
(Your phone number is still 1, right? LMFAO! 


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@CoolPeace (1566)
• Miami, Florida
6 Nov 16
I use to get called from people that don't say nothing when I answer.
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@DaddyEvil (143039)
• United States
7 Nov 16
I'm very sorry, Cool! I'd say you got your share of the perverts, then.
I used to get an occasional call like that, too (maybe once every six months?). If they were heavy breathers, I would ask them rude questions, referring to the tiny size of their equipment and suggesting that calling like that was the only way they could get a good looking person to talk to them. (Yes, sometimes I am not the nicest person you could be talking to/with. shrug!)
I seriously doubt I got a second call from the same person!
Uhm... I've never really talked to you before. Did you do an introductory post? One that tells your age, what type of work you do or if you are still in school? (If you don't want to talk in the open forum about stuff like that, I could send you a pm and we could talk that way, if you want?)
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@CoolPeace (1566)
• Miami, Florida
7 Nov 16
@DaddyEvil I have talked to you before on your post about government cell phones and two other posts of yours. I worked in Mental Health for the past couple of years and I am in my early 30's.
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@DaddyEvil (143039)
• United States
9 Nov 16
@CoolPeace LOL! Yes, I do remember talking with you before, but those talks were quick and not very personal.
Usually, when someone interests me, I start stalking them to find out more about them... after warning them first, of course!
It just happened that we met when I had my plate too full to manage my normal approach to a new to me person... I am still in a bind for time, so I proposed the other way I use to learn about someone on myLot. (I do appreciate the information you volunteered, though. Thank you!)

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