Have you ever thought of changing your first or last name?

@amadeo (111938)
United States
November 6, 2016 7:19am CST
Good morning,how are you and getting an extra hour of sleep there? I still wake up the same time.This will take a while for me. Thinking the other day if anyone here ever thought of changing their names. I never did.But supposed someone here might have. Some names can be hard to spell or pronounced. They did not want to be call Mary,Jane,Althea etc. Very happy with mine.But I have never met anyone who change their name. maybe the last name.My daughters change their last and back to Rossi How about you.Ever thought of changing. Gotta go.We are off to an antique show at nine. See you later.Photo is public domaine
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16 responses
@puroypoi (272)
• Cainta, Philippines
7 Nov 16
I thought of this idea many years ago, I don't like my first name for I am bully about it. It really an opposite of my character. LOL
@amadeo (111938)
• United States
7 Nov 16
@pol martinez how do you pronounce your first name?I can see why.I love the last name
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@puroypoi (272)
• Cainta, Philippines
8 Nov 16
@amadeo it is sounds like as you read this "poy".. but it is just my nickname, my real first name is the one i am not keen on using.
@LeaPea2417 (37336)
• Toccoa, Georgia
6 Nov 16
No, I have never thought about or wanted to change my name.
@LeaPea2417 (37336)
• Toccoa, Georgia
6 Nov 16
@amadeo Thank you :)
@amadeo (111938)
• United States
6 Nov 16
@LeaPea2417 you have a lovely name there
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@LadyDuck (469488)
• Switzerland
6 Nov 16
It's a very long process to change your name in Italy, the last name you cannot. Anyway I like my name and I would never change it.
@amadeo (111938)
• United States
6 Nov 16
@LadyDuck changing names in USA not bad at all.But a lot of paper work.
1 person likes this
• United States
6 Nov 16
Since 99 percent of you don't know my 'real' name I will just say that I've changed my last name twice (two marriages) but have no desire or need to change my first name.
• United States
6 Nov 16
@amadeo My maiden name was nice and simple, first married name a little confusing, current last name no one can pronounce!
@amadeo (111938)
• United States
6 Nov 16
@AbbyGreenhill.That is what my two girls did.Not twice just once
• United States
6 Nov 16
I've never been happy with my name Marilyn but I never did anything about officially changing it.
@amadeo (111938)
• United States
6 Nov 16
@Marilynda1225 I see.Marilyn not too bad and easy to pronounce.
@teamfreak16 (43418)
• Denver, Colorado
6 Nov 16
I don't really care for my last name, but changing it would just be a hassle.
@amadeo (111938)
• United States
6 Nov 16
@teamfreak16 it is not too bad at least here.Not sure there?
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@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
11 Nov 16
I would love to change my first name to Patricia but the hassle tured me off as patsie is on all elgal documents amd would take forever to change to another plus social security too so I eft it be t
@dodo19 (47305)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
6 Nov 16
At one point I did consider changing my last name and take my husband's last name. But after a while, I just chose to stick to my maiden name. I've actually grown to like it. I'm happy with my decision.
@amadeo (111938)
• United States
6 Nov 16
@dodo19 good for you.
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@marguicha (221452)
• Chile
6 Nov 16
I am called by my second name. I liked better my first name when I was a child until I discovered that it didnĀ“t suit me after all.
@amadeo (111938)
• United States
6 Nov 16
@margucha how about that.
• United States
7 Nov 16
I have met people who changed their names. When I get married I will change my last name and switch my current given last name to my middle name.
@JudyEv (337535)
• Rockingham, Australia
6 Nov 16
On Friday we went to the unveiling of a monument to the many migrants who travelled to Australia then to our home town at the end of WWII. Some of them changed their names to Anglicised versions. Some had their first names changed for them by the nuns who couldn't manage their Eastern European names.
@amadeo (111938)
• United States
6 Nov 16
@JudyEv That is interesting.Never knew this.Thank for the information.
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@NJChicaa (119104)
• United States
6 Nov 16
No I never thought of changing my name, even though no one calls me by my given first name.
@amadeo (111938)
• United States
6 Nov 16
@NJChicaa what do they call you?
@Hannihar (130222)
• Israel
9 Jan 18
My name is easy to spell here. I changed my name when I got married to a shorter version of my Hebrew name and then took my ex's last name. I kept them after we got a divorce and i am keeping his last name.
@Julie555 (4155)
• Russian Federation
21 Nov 16
You should be proud of your name indeed.Sounds gorgeous.As for me I never had such intention to change in my names.It was given me by my parents,whom i deeply love and respect
@snowy22315 (178806)
• United States
7 Nov 16
I never really thought of changing my first name, but I changed my last when I got married.
• Bournemouth, England
7 Nov 16
I have never wanted to change my Christian or surnames. There was a middle name I was not given which was used by at least three previous generations on my father's side. I have sometimes thought of adopting it as an additional middle name for myself.