My son
By Sissy15
@sissy15 (12356)
United States
November 7, 2016 2:04am CST
As my son's 6th birthday approaches, I can't help but go back through and look at pictures of the little pudgy baby he was, he was such a little chunk, and you wouldn't guess it now, because he's tall and skinny. He still hasn't hit the 50 lb mark and I know kids younger than him who are shorter and weigh more.
Every time I look at him lately all I can do is see the baby he used to be, it's hard to believe he's not a baby anymore. How did 6 years fly by so darn fast? It's funny because our family is always telling us to kiss the baby for them, but he's not a baby anymore, and he'll be the first to tell them that too lol.
He's such a smiley kid, he's always been happy. I remember after he had his cleft surgery he barely cried after. He was even trying to smile despite the pain it caused him. The nurse kept telling us she wished she could take him home. She loved holding him, and told him she was going to miss him.
My son used to be a little terror in his toddler years, into everything, and tantrums galore, but a couple years of preschool and he outgrew it, and now I'm constantly being told how well behaved he is. All of the work we put into him has finally paid off.
It's funny how much they change and don't change at the same time. His first week of preschool he cried everyday for nearly two weeks. He didn't like going with people that weren't us or my mom. When my boyfriend's parents took him the one year he screamed, but eventually he was fine. Now he'll happily go with anyone that he knows as long as I say it's OK, he knows to always ask me before going with anyone.
He has become so outgoing, which is something I used to worry he would never be, now he talks to everyone. He gets along with everyone. He isn't shy, and loves talking to anyone who will listen to him. What a difference a couple of years make.
He's always asking me a million questions, and he loves helping people. He's polite, sweet, caring, kind, smart, stubborn, and determined. He can be a snot, but over all he's such an amazing kid, and I couldn't be prouder of him.
I think most parents feel this way about their kids. I have to say after being out and dealing with other peoples kids, my son is really well behaved. Some people have little monsters for kids, because they don't ever get after them, nor do they want anyone else to do it. So many kids are entitled nowadays, and that's an issue.
No one is entitled anything, and that's what I teach my son. Needless to say my son is my world. I never thought I could have a child, I didn't really want one, until my son came along. I have always said he was my miracle, because he was everything I never knew I wanted.
I was so terrified when I found out I was pregnant, I wasn't ready to be a mom, but I got ready. My son was not a mistake, he was just an unplanned surprise. I have found that it's a rarity that babies are really planned, sometimes they are, but more often than not they aren't, but most people who have kids will agree that taking that leap to be a parent is the best thing that ever happened to them. All of the sacrifices are completely worth it.
I'm not going to make parenting sound like it's a picnic, because it's not, it's hard but it's also the most rewarding thing you can do with your life. My sons joys are my joys, his sadness is my sadness. I never could have imagined this is how my life would go, I wasn't sure I wanted kids, I loved kids but I also loved giving them back to their parents, and now I couldn't imagine not being a mom. I think sometimes the things that we don't plan can turn out to be the best things that happen to us.
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5 responses
@Happy2BeMe (99380)
• Canada
7 Nov 16
What a wonderful post. Treasure every moment with him because in a blink of an eye he will be married and have children of his own. My son will be 26 in a few weeks and I often sit back and ask myself, "Where did the time go." I long for those times where they were little. He sounds like a fine little boy and you are doing well raising him. Parenting will always have their challenges but it all worth it. They bring you so much joy and happiness.
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@sissy15 (12356)
• United States
8 Nov 16
Thank you, I agree. My son turns 6 on the 17th, it just doesn't seem possible. I am just trying to enjoy each moment with him. In his first year of life all I could think is "I want sleep, when will I get sleep?" Now all I want is to go back to that time and enjoy it more. I enjoyed him when he was a baby, but I wish I had clung on a little more, a lot of it was sleep deprivation, but it was worth it. I just wish I wasn't in such a hurry to see the next milestone.
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@sissy15 (12356)
• United States
9 Nov 16
@Happy2BeMe I know, I miss it so much. He was such a happy baby and I often miss his little baby belly laughs. He still has some of his baby laugh and will get laughing so hard he falls over, but I miss him being that baby. He's so different now, tall and skinny. Back then he was long and chubby. Hard to believe how quickly that time goes by.
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@Happy2BeMe (99380)
• Canada
8 Nov 16
@sissy15 I can understand that one. That is the way most people are when you first have a baby. You just want sleep. We just never realize at the time how quickly the time will pass.

@dodo19 (47363)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
7 Nov 16
I can certainly understand how you feel. My eldest will be turning 5 in about a week and a half, and there are times when I can't help but see the baby we brought home from the hospital. She's grown so much. They grow up so fast. I hope your son has a good birthday.
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@sissy15 (12356)
• United States
7 Nov 16
Thank you, I'm glad you love reading about him, I love talking about him lol. I've been through a lot with him, but he's always handled everything like a champ. He is always scared, but he toughens up and eventually adapts. He is going to go to the cranial facial clinic for a check up this month, it's hard to believe how far he's come.
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@sissy15 (12356)
• United States
7 Nov 16
Thank you, I try. They have a way of doing that. At 3 usually comes the Threenager stage lol, I remember that well. My son didn't start to mellow out until 4. The funny thing is as much trouble as he gave me the second he started walking, I often miss those ages. You don't think you'll miss the tantrums and the attitude, but you'll miss everything that comes along with it. 3 years makes such a huge difference. My son will be 6 and I can't believe how far he's come in all of this time. Even at a young age you can usually get a basic idea of their little personalities. It's amazing how much they can completely change everything for you, and how in awe of them you can be.
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@Moonbby (8)
7 Nov 16
@sissy15 exactly! It's so funny how you said threenager haha because he's so mister independent! He wants to do everything by himself, he lets me know he doesn't like when i kiss him in public or call him cute! Hahaha. His imagination is wild and he's so smart it amazes me. He's a big time clean freak and it's such a pain but at the same time, a good thing. He will be 4 in march and I think I'm going to cry lol. It's so crazy!
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@sissy15 (12356)
• United States
7 Nov 16
@Moonbby Lol, that's the age. My son knew everything at three...ok that part he never grew out of. He will ask me a question and then tell me my answer is wrong lol. My son doesn't mind being called cute, I'm working on teaching him how to be at least a little modest lol. He gets a lot of compliments on his eyes because they're this pretty blue/green color and he has long lashes, and when people tell him he has pretty eyes or he's cute he says "I know." He has never had an issue with that lol. My son freaks out if anything is on his hands or face. Lol, my son turns 6 next week. I always want to cry when he turns another year older. That feeling never seems to go away. My son is really creative, and he loves to draw and play with legos and he loves anything that involves using his mind. I was so happy when he started to outgrow a lot of the threenager stuff, but now I find myself missing that age for all of the other reasons. My son has been extremely cautious most of his life, but he used to be a little daredevil up until he was about 3 or 4. He only did things he thought he could do, but sometimes he was mistaken lol. They just grow up so quickly. I'm constantly reminded of that when I go through pictures and see how much my son has changed. I think you'll find that while they grow out of things, it's never really easier, it's just a new kind of difficult, and you will miss this age, you'll miss every age, because each age comes with something else that's new and fun.
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