My keys are missing, since Saturday

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Eugene, Oregon
November 21, 2016 9:40am CST
I started to write car keys, but the keys also include house key, mailbox key and key to the club house where we live. We did some shopping Saturday afternoon and I used my keys to open the front door, so I am almost positive they are in the house somewhere. I have spare keys, but that key to lock/unlock the car with a button is expensive to replace. I have retraced my steps several times and so has Anne. I repeatedly checked pockets, couch cushions, etc. This is one of those little things, like forgetting your driver's license that can make you crazy, or, in my case, crazier. Have you ever lost a whole key ring?
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20 responses
• Agra, India
21 Nov 16
Yes I lost ...when I was studying I lost my cupboard and hostel room keys
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• Eugene, Oregon
21 Nov 16
That must have been quite inconvenient.
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• Agra, India
22 Nov 16
@JamesHxstatic yes no doubt it was a bad time
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@spaceseed (2843)
• India
22 Nov 16
Did you ever get em
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@Happy2BeMe (99380)
• Canada
21 Nov 16
I have and never did find them. The good thing is that they are in your house. So they have got to show up somewhere but where? I wish you all the best finding them!
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@louievill (28851)
• Philippines
21 Nov 16
Lost in the house is a better senario like that other mylot member who lost her low batt celphone, at least it was inside her house.
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• United States
21 Nov 16
Yes I've lost my whole key ring to find it shortly after in panick! But knowing I got inside the gate and front door it must be in the house. I retrace and look in spots I've never think my keys would be at and it's usually there I hope you find yours soon :)
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• United States
21 Nov 16
@JamesHxstatic I hope it turns up soon :)
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• Eugene, Oregon
23 Nov 16
@infatuatedbby Well, it is Tuesday and no sign of them yet. Very odd.
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• Eugene, Oregon
21 Nov 16
We keep doing that and looking in odd places like the fridge even, but nothing yet.
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@LadyDuck (472507)
• Switzerland
23 Nov 16
My husband had lost his whole key ring. We checked everywhere until I discovered that there was a hole in one of the pockets of his coat and the keys had dropped from the pocket at the bottom of the coat, between the interior and the exterior of the coat.
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@LadyDuck (472507)
• Switzerland
24 Nov 16
@JamesHxstatic For a moment I hoped. Have you checked behind the cushions of the coach? Inside an umbrella? It happened that I let drop my key inside the umbrella. I never understood how it happened. I found them a day that it rained and I had to use the umbrella.
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• Eugene, Oregon
24 Nov 16
I checked since I read this and no holes. I almost wish there had been.
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• Eugene, Oregon
24 Nov 16
@LadyDuck Though we get a lot of rain, Oregonians seldom use umbrellas. I have checked those couch cushions several times. We are leaving soon to drive to Portland and I am hoping the keys will appear somehow when we return.
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@moffittjc (123005)
• Gainesville, Florida
23 Nov 16
Your keys are in your hand, man! lol I actually lost my keys for a period of a few days, and then one day as I was preparing a nice dinner, I found them in the refrigerator! Apparently, when I was putting the groceries away I somehow placed my keys in there! lol
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@moffittjc (123005)
• Gainesville, Florida
23 Nov 16
@JamesHxstatic You don't think you left the key in the door lock, forgot about them, and then someone came by and snatched your keys in the hopes of waiting for the opportune time to come back and rob your house?
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• Eugene, Oregon
23 Nov 16
@moffittjc Oh fine, Jeff! Anne would say that I am already paranoid enough. It did cross my mind, but is unlikely here in a 55+ community. (I hope)
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• Eugene, Oregon
23 Nov 16
Yes, I even checked there and the freezer as well, no luck so far.
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@JudyEv (348064)
• Rockingham, Australia
21 Nov 16
We have and our current key rings have a collection of keys like yours. I do hope it turns up. It's not fallen into a shopping bag or got packed away with some groceries? Hope you find them soon.
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@Jackalyn (7558)
• Oxford, England
26 Nov 16
@JamesHxstatic You still have not found them?
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• Eugene, Oregon
26 Nov 16
@Jackalyn No, not a sign yet.
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• Eugene, Oregon
24 Nov 16
No luck yet, but I will keep hoping. I checked the bags we brought home too.
@celticeagle (172754)
• Boise, Idaho
21 Nov 16
Oh, yes. Several times. Luckily my daughter has them and we got copies I always worry that someone found them and might come in our home or all manner of other things. Ugh! Makes ya crazy. But, I think it makes you a bit more careful the next time. I have left important documents in a public printer before too. Luckily I realized it and got back there quick and got it. Whoa! Does make the ticker do a flip flop doesn't it? Let us know what happens.
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@celticeagle (172754)
• Boise, Idaho
24 Nov 16
@JamesHxstatic .....I wonder what became of them. Doesn't sound like you at all.
• Eugene, Oregon
24 Nov 16
As of Wednesday night there is no sign of the keys. I am glad we have duplicates as well.
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• China
22 Nov 16
Oh!It certainly worried you very much.Sometimes you find stuff that is nowhere to be found by chance.
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• Eugene, Oregon
24 Nov 16
That is the way it will be, and we will be surprised at the simplicity of it.
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@hereandthere (45638)
• Philippines
23 Nov 16
i remember a post about car keys that fell from the bedside table straight into the shoes so it took awhile to find it. have you tried under tables, chairs, beds, furniture, appliances?
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• Philippines
24 Nov 16
@JamesHxstatic i guess not just under but behind them, too.
• Eugene, Oregon
23 Nov 16
I will check and recheck those spots. Thanks!
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@Gina145 (3949)
• Johannesburg, South Africa
4 Mar 17
It's been a long time now, so I'm curious to know whether you ever found them. I lost my keys for the first time on Thursday, but was lucky enough to know where it had happened so I got them back. Your post was one of the side links from mine.
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@Gina145 (3949)
• Johannesburg, South Africa
5 Mar 17
@JamesHxstatic Yes I saw your comment there. Thanks. Your idea that they may have fallen in the trash sounds like a likely explanation. I'm sure I've lost things that way too.
• Eugene, Oregon
5 Mar 17
No trace has been found. I also responded on your post.
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@PatZAnthony (14749)
• Charlotte, North Carolina
21 Nov 16
Retracing your steps seems like a good idea. We are missing one now that has the fob to the main car we drive. We think it might actually be in the car-so tomorrow we will take 'another look' just like the two of you are doing, in all the same places we looked today, with one exception. Maybe the trunk has the answer for us. Will know tomorrow.
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• Eugene, Oregon
21 Nov 16
I checked the trunk on both cars, back seats, front seats, everywhere but under the hood, no luck yet. I wish you well!
@marlina (154129)
• Canada
21 Nov 16
Not lost keys, but lost my glasses once.
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• Eugene, Oregon
24 Nov 16
I left my glasses in the freezer once.
• Peoria, Arizona
21 Nov 16
I have never lost a whole key ring, but I have lost simple things. I suggest look in the most bizarre places, we have found a remote in the freeze before. I have played a water bottle in the shower before. Check pockets, check bags, check couches, anywhere that you touch or even not touch. I hope you find them!
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• Eugene, Oregon
21 Nov 16
I am wracking my brain about all those strange places to look as well, no luck yet. Thanks!
• Peoria, Arizona
22 Nov 16
@JamesHxstatic I had a case where I left the keys in the door haha! I was so confused after a while.
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• Eugene, Oregon
22 Nov 16
@DesirousDreamer I must confess that I have done that too.
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@spaceseed (2843)
• India
22 Nov 16
with me this is a big issue, when ever i think of going out......... I have to invest atleast 5 minutes in searching my vehicle's keys. No matter how diligently I place them after use. My kids are so much in love with the key-chain attached to it..
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• Eugene, Oregon
22 Nov 16
I would give them the key chain and get a plain one. My keys are still absent.
@Jackalyn (7558)
• Oxford, England
21 Nov 16
Yes. My son once hid them in a drawer among the jumpers when he was three so we had to stay home. We did for three days till I put the washing away.
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@amadeo (111938)
• United States
21 Nov 16
No lost.So far.But it could happen.
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@teamfreak16 (43418)
• Denver, Colorado
21 Nov 16
Lots of times. I only have two now, so I wear them around my neck, and hang them in the same place.
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@Hannihar (130213)
• Israel
17 Nov 17
Did you find the keys James? That is horrible. I have put my keys at times where I thought I would check and tore the apartment apart to look for them and finally found them. I hope you find them soon.
@5thHouse (1678)
• Sheffield, England
21 Nov 16
It's always a real panic when keys go missing. I managed to lose a bunch of keys once and they turned up on my mother's drive. I'd been juggling a big pile of Christmas presents at the time and somehow I'd dropped my keys in the process. It was a relief when one of mum's neighbours picked them up and returned them. Must admit though, in some ways losing them at mum's was the worst place because she's never stopped reminding me of it since.
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• Eugene, Oregon
21 Nov 16
I am sure she enjoys that too.
21 Nov 16
2 years before I lost my bike was not found.
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