~Ouch! It Burns~

Valdosta, Georgia
November 30, 2016 6:43am CST
Oh my goodness my throat is on fire this morning. Ouch! I don't want to talk at all today for any reason. Lol. I officially have whatever my husband had. It's awful. I hope and pray Julian does not get this! Since I'm the one that takes care of him all day it worries me that he will get it. =( Regardless of being sick I have to try to get more packing done today but I won't push myself too much if I'm feeling terrible. The plan is to be all moved in this weekend. We will see how it goes. =)
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19 responses
@fishtiger58 (29820)
• Momence, Illinois
30 Nov 16
I'm sorry you are sick, I hope Julian doesn't get it either, sadly that's the way of illness, we pass it along to others. I have always said you can't go live in the barn while you are sick so not to infect others. We just have to be careful and hope.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
30 Nov 16
@fishtiger58 Thank you. Yeah there's no way not to pass it when you live in the same house, lysol only works so much. Lol.
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@fishtiger58 (29820)
• Momence, Illinois
30 Nov 16
@LovingMyBabies Good luck keeping everyone healthy.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
30 Nov 16
@fishtiger58 Thank you! =)
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@celticeagle (164984)
• Boise, Idaho
1 Dec 16
No giving the little love kisses for a while mom. Gargling with salt water can help your throat. Get well soon.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
1 Dec 16
@celticeagle Thank God my sore throat is gone. Now if only the stuffy nose and cough would go away it would be all good. =)
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@celticeagle (164984)
• Boise, Idaho
1 Dec 16
@LovingMyBabies ......Yea, glad to hear that. Steam, hot shower for the stuffiness. Echinacea for the cough.
@dodo19 (47305)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
30 Nov 16
I'm sorry to hear that you're not feeling well. I hope you feel better really soon. I also hope that the move goes well and as planned,
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• Valdosta, Georgia
30 Nov 16
@dodo19 Thank you. I hope so too. =)
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@LadyDuck (469488)
• Switzerland
30 Nov 16
I am so sorry you do not feel well, let's hope that Julian will not get the same. Good luck for your move.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
30 Nov 16
@LadyDuck Thank you. I hope he doesn't get it since he will have a hard time fighting it being a baby.
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@LadyDuck (469488)
• Switzerland
1 Dec 16
@LovingMyBabies So true, poor little thing.
@hostessman (11871)
• Tucson, Arizona
30 Nov 16
just make sure you take care of your self and thoess with you, if packing doesn't get done it will later
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• Valdosta, Georgia
30 Nov 16
@hostessman Yeah I'm going to try to take it easy today. =)
@Dena91 (16570)
• United States
30 Nov 16
Sorry that you caught it now. Hope that it goes away quickly and none of your babies get sick from it. Is Aunt Mary moving with you? I know you mentioned in another post about where you and your husband thought would be a good spot for her. I may have missed it if you said what she is planning on doing.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
30 Nov 16
@Dena91 Thank you. She is moving with us...we're planning on her staying in the garage since it's a finished one. We will put a heater in there for her so she doesn't get too cold.
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@Tina30219 (81712)
• Onaway, Michigan
30 Nov 16
Sorry to hear this gargle with warm salt water is what my mom always had me do. I hope you feel better soon. Hopefully you get everything moved this weekend then if you need to slowly unpack and take it easy for a bit it will still be waiting for you once you are feeling better.
• United States
1 Dec 16
Trust me I know the feeling...I hav actually lost my voice and barely able to talk the past few days! I hope you feel better soon adn that your little one will luck out and not get sick. It is so hard when your the one taking care of them...
@Juliaacv (50757)
• Canada
30 Nov 16
I'm very sorry to hear that. I like to take some tea with lemon in it when I get that. Maybe gargle with a little warm salt water-ugh, its not very pleasant but it might help. I hope that you feel better soon, and I really hope that Julian or the other children don't get it. Is Johnny feeling better?
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• Valdosta, Georgia
30 Nov 16
@Juliaacv Thank you. I was thinking about gargling with salt water to see if it helps. Thank you I hope so too. My youngest daughter has it already too. I'm just hoping the others don't get it. Yes Johnny is feeling better today. =)
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@kevinakash (2084)
• Sri Lanka
30 Nov 16
i'm so sorry to hear that. i'm sure Julian won't get it. it seems that you are very caring of him. i like it very much
• Sri Lanka
30 Nov 16
@HAPPSINGH yeah that's true
@JudyEv (337535)
• Rockingham, Australia
1 Dec 16
Is your husband a bit better now? I'm guessing so and here's hoping Julian stays well.
@NJChicaa (119104)
• United States
30 Nov 16
Good luck! Feel better!
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• Valdosta, Georgia
30 Nov 16
@NJCHICAA Thank you. =)
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@Happy2BeMe (99380)
• Canada
30 Nov 16
So sorry to hear that Jennifer. I hope it will pass quickly and that Julian will not get it. It seems everything always happens when you have things you need to get done,
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• Valdosta, Georgia
30 Nov 16
@Happy2beme Thank you. I hope so too. Yeah it's always something.
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• New Delhi, India
30 Nov 16
Oh. ..I am so sorry to hear that.... Plus take care of your self and maybe try gargles if need be with some salt in warm water.... Take care and keep shining.... :)
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• Valdosta, Georgia
30 Nov 16
@Magicweaver1 Thank you. Yeah I will garglr in a bit and hopefully that will help. Thanks. =)
@jstory07 (138935)
• Roseburg, Oregon
30 Nov 16
I hope the baby does not get sick and I hope you and your husband are feeling better.
@PatZAnthony (14749)
• Charlotte, North Carolina
30 Nov 16
Some of us just keep moving when things have to be done, no matter how we feel! Hope it all goes well and you love the new place.
@marlina (154131)
• Canada
30 Nov 16
Have your tried to eat a spoon of honey, sometimes it does help to s
@Tampa_girl7 (50028)
• United States
30 Nov 16
I am just getting over a bad cold. It just seems to hang on. I hope you are over yours soon.
@Ronrybs (18841)
• London, England
30 Nov 16
I hatge beng ill, but a sore throat is the one I dread. As soon as I feel the slightest tickle, I am popping medicine for sore throats like their sweets