3 Idiots (2009 / Bollywood Film) - Movie Review #throwbackthursdays

November 30, 2016 10:24am CST
"Two friends looking for a lost buddy deal with a forgotten bet, a wedding they are forced to crash and an out of control funeral." This movie by Vidhu Vinod Chopra is a highly recommended film. It is a coming of age comedy-drama, and I really like this movie because it actually teaches real life lessons, not only pure comedy but also how to be strong inside, have hope in yourself and it values and proves the true meaning of friendship. It is really emotional in some parts of the story and some students will probably relate to the impossible curriculum that was implemented in the school that could drive someone crazy and could lead to suicide that is in the movie. This movie gives you hope for that kind of curriculum. I will say it again, I recommend this movie not just for laughs, but also for life lessons. *This movie lasts 2 hours and 51 minutes. It might be long but it wouldn't waste your time.
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5 responses
@4mymak (1793)
• Malaysia
1 Dec 16
"This movie lasts 2 hours and 51 minutes. It might be long but it wouldn't waste your time." -- Totally agree! This movie still remains as the Top Bollywood Movie in my household (my family loves watching Hindi movies..) Most of my friends who normally do not watch Hindi Movies - have watched this particular movie and loved it. And Aamir Khan is definitely my most favored Bollywood Actor - he is just the best. I would also salute Kareena Kapoor for her role in this movie.. I think everyone, every actor played their characters in the movie superbly and that is why is it such a great movie.. Rancho, Farhan, Raju, Pia, Virus and Silencer... my children still remembers all the characters and their stories.. Two of my children are in fact (sort of) living Rancho's life - they are both Engineering Students in college now... my third child is also planning to take up Engineering... But, it is probably mere coincidence that they are all into Engineering..
• Philippines
1 Dec 16
Aamir Khan's role in this movie made me motivate to live even in hard situations. I always say "Aal iz well" to myself, hahaha.
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@shshiju (10342)
• Cochin, India
1 Dec 16
3 Idiots is one of the best movie I have seen and Aamir act as superb. It is based on Chetan Bhagat's Five point some one.
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@ElicBxn (63796)
• United States
25 Dec 16
I've never actually seen a Bollywood film, but do they ever come out with English subtitles?
@youless (112882)
• Guangzhou, China
5 Dec 16
I like this movie a lot and actually I have watched it several times already. Yes, this movie seems to be a little longer and some can be cut, such as the singing and dancing parts. But this is also a style for Indian movies. So it's OK. This movie has changed my mind to Indian movies and it is so impressive
• Austin, Texas
7 Jan 17
Great suggestion. I love a good comedy. Last night I watched the movie ā€œIā€. It's not a comedy. It's a love story. The two lovers had great "chemistry". It was really good!
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