~This Is Long But I Think Worth It-An Explanation Of Sorts~

Valdosta, Georgia
December 11, 2016 6:35pm CST
Wow...after reading my discussion again about moving and the stress of everything...(My confession)...don't think I will ever do another post like that again. Some of you were supportive and I truly appreciate that. I was in tears when I wrote that by the way... Some of you well... your not perfect in case no one has told you lately-psst-you sin too! Usually I am a very grateful person. As some of you already know there is a LOT that I'm going through right now... At times I fall short because it all comes crashing down around me. First and foremost for those that don't already know...I am 31 weeks pregnant. Hormones do come with that (in case you didn't know) and can make an ant hill seem like a mountain. I have 4 children, who are amazing but who are also getting impatient about this move. I have Aunt Mary who complains every second of every day about every single thing you can imagine. I am packing an ENTIRE house by MYSELF. I am cleaning every corner of this house so it looks the way it did before we moved in. I have been getting very little sleep since Julian is on strike apparently, usually about 3-5 hours a night. I literally don't see my husband at all, he's been getting home at 10pm or later every single night- he gets home, showers, eats and goes to bed. (Understandable but I miss him too). I know the people that truly care about me and my well being here and I thank you! I AM GRATEFUL-just had a crazy lapse of judgment.
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22 responses
@Happy2BeMe (99380)
• Canada
12 Dec 16
You have so much going on right now and to add to all of the that holidays are two weeks away. You are doing the best you can do and if you ask me you are handling it very well. We all have our weak moments, none of us are perfect. Have a great evening and never feel badly about what you post. There are many of us on here who care about great deal about you and your family.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
12 Dec 16
@Happy2beme It all seems super overwhelming at times...last night was one of those times. I was definitely having a weak moment but maybe should have kept it to myself? I don't know, lesson learned I suppose. Thank you for always being here for me and caring so much! It means the world to me!
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@Happy2BeMe (99380)
• Canada
12 Dec 16
@LovingMyBabies no problem. That's what friends are for.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
12 Dec 16
Wow, you have a lot on your plate! And CONGRATULATIONS!! Even with the raging hormones, being pregnant is a most joyful condition. I loved being pregnant and got to do it twice! Pooh on those who judge. After living 62 years I've found that no, no one is perfect. I'm appalled at the me I used to be in my 20s and 30s, so judgmental and self-righteous, I knew everything and everyone was so dumb not to listen to me! How did anyone stand me?! Those who judge just need to grow up, ya know? Have a great night!
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• Valdosta, Georgia
12 Dec 16
@dragon45u Yes I really do. Thank you. I absolutely love being pregnant too! =) Thank God I never thought I was perfect, but I did think most of my life that I was unworthy and unwanted until I found the Lord.
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@patgalca (18439)
• Orangeville, Ontario
12 Dec 16
I just don't get negative, nasty people. I follow a few YouTubers who are really positive, inspirational people. They are all about positivity. Then you scroll down and read the comments and there's always a bunch of bad apples saying nasty stuff... literally FOR NO REASON. I just don't get it. Don't hesitate to vent here. I do it all the time and find tremendous support. We're a great bunch of people. Unfortunately there are few bad apples in this world we live in.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
12 Dec 16
@patgalca I don't think it was meant to be mean, but in my current state that's how I took it. I wasn't ready to share that here and I didn't realize it until it was too late. My mistake. I know there are so many wonderful people here who have been nothing but sweet and comforting-I appreciate it so much!
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@much2say (57326)
• Los Angeles, California
12 Dec 16
You are a wonderful person . . . believe that first! Every now and then we all get koo-koo overwhelmed with things . . . it happens to all of us - in different ways - but it happens - and that's life. We can all relate! You are most caring and I just know things will work out for you and your family!
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@much2say (57326)
• Los Angeles, California
13 Dec 16
• Valdosta, Georgia
12 Dec 16
@much2say Thank you! =) Yeah lately I am feeling overly emotional and just not like myself at all. I'm hoping things improve soon.
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@Juliaacv (52525)
• Canada
12 Dec 16
I am here for you. I think that you are a very strong person as well as family to undertake this move, like you said when you are that far along. I know that it must not be easy but know that you've helped pull me out of the dumps, so I am here to do the very same for you. I hope that Julian settles down and gets back into a sleep routine, and that you can too. Stay strong Jenn, stay strong.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
12 Dec 16
@Juliaacv Thank you, I know you are and I appreciate it very much. I appreciate your kind words. I'm sure I will feel better soon-my emotions have gotten the best of me lately.
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@Juliaacv (52525)
• Canada
13 Dec 16
@LovingMyBabies No, I don't think that you can blame it on emotions. There are some members who leave comments that they obviously do not read before the submit, because they are rude. I think that I read that comment, and I would have felt the same way, but what would I have blamed it on-LOL
• Eugene, Oregon
12 Dec 16
No one should have judged you for that discussion. You needed to vent and you did. You are going through a lot right now and we hope that things get under control for you soon.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
12 Dec 16
@JamesHxstatic Well thank you. =) I hope things calm down soon too, sometimes I feel like I'm going to lose it...But I know things will work out with time.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
12 Dec 16
@sugartoes I haven't really wanted to go back to that discussion just yet. There were a few comments that hurt more than helped. I was in tears as I wrote it and I think I needed more support than put downs.
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@AmbiePam (96397)
• United States
12 Dec 16
People actually CRITICIZED you for that post?! I'm so sorry. It's hard to be vulnerable, and when you get crapped on for it that's hard to do again. Please don't think about them when sharing; imagine how sad their lives must be to judge you based on that post.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
12 Dec 16
@AmbiePam It's possible my emotions just weren't ready to handle some of the comments I got. They might not have meant it the way I took it. I'm in a bad way right now. Super emotional and tired. Thank you for being supportive.
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@allen0187 (58574)
• Philippines
12 Dec 16
Seems you are going through a lot. Remember that all those things shall pass. Stay strong.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
12 Dec 16
@allen0187 I am, and most days I'm fine and can deal. But now and then I have some weak moments too. Thank you. =)
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@allen0187 (58574)
• Philippines
12 Dec 16
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@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
12 Dec 16
I hope that once the move is out of the way you get a bit of a break. You are dealing with a lot. Can you ask any family or friends for a bit of help in the days ahead?
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@Tina30219 (82719)
• Onaway, Michigan
12 Dec 16
You have every right to post about it you we're venting and we are here for you. These long work hours will be over soon and you will be moving into your new home it will all calm down soon.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
12 Dec 16
@Tina30219 Thank you for understanding. =) Yes it will be over soon as this too shall pass. It's taking longer than I expected but I know with time everything will work out.
@Tina30219 (82719)
• Onaway, Michigan
12 Dec 16
@LovingMyBabies Yep you can blame it all on pregnancy hormones and also just being excited to get into your new home. We all understand and are here for you to vent anytime.
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@silvermist (19702)
• India
12 Dec 16
@LovingMyBabies Hope now you are feeling okay.You must be busy with the preparations for moving.Take care.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
12 Dec 16
@silvermist I am going to be better soon. =)
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@silvermist (19702)
• India
14 Dec 16
@LovingMyBabies I am sure you will be back to your happy self.
@jstory07 (142301)
• Roseburg, Oregon
12 Dec 16
That is ok I can understand what you are going through moving and having kids to take care and pregnant with another one on the way. That is a lot to deal with. I raised six children and that alone increases your stress. You are doing the best that you can and we are all here to support you. Take care of you first.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
12 Dec 16
@Jstory07 It is a lot and with lack of sleep it feels like a whole lot more. I'm having a hard time lately but things will get better soon I'm sure. Thank you for understanding.
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@LeaPea2417 (37597)
• Toccoa, Georgia
12 Dec 16
You do have much going on and being as pregnant as you are, I don't know how you are doing it. But, I know God is giving you strength and guiding you. You are an inspiration :)
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• Valdosta, Georgia
12 Dec 16
@LeaPea2417 Thank you very much.
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@LeaPea2417 (37597)
• Toccoa, Georgia
12 Dec 16
@LovingMyBabies Your welcome
@LadyDuck (472507)
• Switzerland
12 Dec 16
I hope that no one dared to judge you for what you wrote. Some know nothing about you and type the first thing that go through their mind. Do not feel down for that, you know that most of us understand.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
12 Dec 16
@LadyDuck I don't think it was a judgment per se, just on the harsher side of things. Maybe I should have just wrote what I was feeling in a journal instead of here where everyone could see me lose it... Thank you for understanding and being supportive.
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@LadyDuck (472507)
• Switzerland
13 Dec 16
@LovingMyBabies Sometimes sharing with the others makes us feel better, it's not the same writing in a journal.
• Pamplona, Spain
12 Dec 16
How could anyone not be supportive? You just donĀ“t go and overdo things. I had to do everything every time we moved and I suppose it will happen again. I like to leave everything as it was but you must rest as well says me who was up till all hours of the Night still working away and heavily pregnant too. Mine was four times I know just how that feels. Hugs.
@Jackalyn (7558)
• Oxford, England
13 Dec 16
You sound overwhelmed. I think anyone in your situation would be. Moving is very high on the stress factor index and none of us would want to do it pregnant. Aunt Mary shoud help, shut up or get out. I do not know which post you are referring to, but I would delete whst upset you and keep the rest. At 34 weeks I was too big and too exhausted to do anything so having four kids and sorting out a house move with an absent husband seems beyond the capabilities of even Superwoman and without the hormones. Just share whatever you need to share to help here and as I say, delete anything not 100%supportive.
• United States
12 Dec 16
I didn't know you are moving again.......you just did that! Wow... you have too much your plate for sure.
@akalinus (44122)
• United States
13 Dec 16
It is a very stressful time for you, especially since the holidays are upon us, too. I don't know what people said to you. The posts I saw were positive. I am sorry if someone made you feel sad.
@moffittjc (122978)
• Gainesville, Florida
13 Dec 16
Haters are gonna hate. Don't let them bring you down! You're going through a lot right now, and it can get overwhelming. Just keep your head up, and know in your heart that you are a loving, caring person. Life can throw us curveballs every now and then, and sometimes we're not ready for them, and it can cause us to say or do things we later regret. But don't ever feel bad for expressing your feelings or frustrations you had at the time...those were legitimate emotions you were struggling with at the time.
@sayitnow (424)
13 Dec 16
You get a lot going on and thing will get better. I can understand why you are so stress out.