I saw Santa. . . "WAAAAAH!"

@Plethos (13581)
United States
December 11, 2016 11:42pm CST
As I walked through the doors of my local mall, two things got my attention- 1) the flyer with the hours listed for a picture with Santa Claus and 2) a childs crying heard somewhere in the distance. A very childish thought came to mind so I ran the idea by my GF. I told her, "Hey, I feel like taking a picture with santa, but not just any picture. I want to take a "crying child " picture with santa. With me sitting on his lap and crying!" Right away she started to somewhat giggle and then (after she noticed that I was not joking) in her serious voice she says, "NO!" Me: "Aww why not? It'll be a ridiculous photo!" Gf: "Why do you want to put the poor guy playing santa through that?" Me: "First off, thats gender racism assuming santa is a guy, women can also be santa now, and secondly, it'll make a great cover for a christmas card from me!" GF: -stares at me with the "peoples eyebrow" while shaking her head no.- Me: "Cool impersonation of the "Rock!" GF: . . . ME: "Sooo . . . no ?" GF: . . . ME: "Okay. Want a pretzel ?" And that was one incident at the mall. I still think it would make a cool christmas card photo. I'm not a big fan or even like christmas at all, but i'm seriously thinking of still doing the photo. "Hee Hee Hee !". . . I mean . . . "Ho Ho Ho !" Picture taken by me, Plethos
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6 responses
@LadyDuck (468291)
• Switzerland
13 Dec 16
I can imagine the picture and I think you should do it. It will be a great photo.
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@LadyDuck (468291)
• Switzerland
13 Dec 16
@Plethos If you ever can get the photo, share.
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@Plethos (13581)
• United States
13 Dec 16
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@Plethos (13581)
• United States
13 Dec 16
thank you for your support.
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@Poppylicious (11133)
12 Dec 16
You should do it. Or maybe not even a crying photo, but a happy photo. So cute.
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@Plethos (13581)
• United States
12 Dec 16
i dont think i can do a happy xmas photo. and as for cute . . .
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@Fishmomma (11377)
• United States
14 Dec 16
I think males and females can be the Santa at a store. I'm certain I wouldn't want to put on the suit, as one of my girl friends use to work as a Santa and the number of times people put their little child on her lap and the baby had a wet diaper was high. She had to change several times one of the days I was at the store.
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@Plethos (13581)
• United States
14 Dec 16
that is gross and disgusting on the parents part. i once saw a mall santa with a red towel over his lap where he sat the children.
@jstory07 (138232)
• Roseburg, Oregon
14 Dec 16
You should go back and demand to have your picture taken with Santa.
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@Plethos (13581)
• United States
14 Dec 16
i should ! lol, and throw a fit by throwing myself on the ground and crying ?
@DianneN (247186)
• United States
20 Dec 16
Now that I would love to see!!!
• Macedonia
12 Dec 16
hahaha, well i think you should do the photo. I love Christmas and everytime when I see Santa on the streets I get pretty excited :D
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@Plethos (13581)
• United States
12 Dec 16
im not into christmas. but yet, i wouldnt mind being in the santa suit just to get an idea of what the people in the suit go through.