There's Some Light Shinning in all the Madness

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@Teep11 (7673)
United States
December 16, 2016 12:59pm CST
Some places may seem filled with nothing but darkness but there's light. The light will outweigh the darkness. Even when others are performing evil acts. There's the light making its way in. God may allow some things to occur but He's always right in the mist. Sometimes we're going through the darkness in order to find a way into his presence. Speaking about the Living God. The Creator of Mankind. No amount of troubles is too much to bare. God knows how much we're able to handle. He cares and loves each and everyone of His children and doesn't want us to be in harms way. There will be battles in which we must face but we'r e never facing the battles alone. Although it may seem as if no one even cares. There's always some glimmer of "light standing by." Evil lurks about whether day or night but we must continue to pray. The flesh is weak so therefore a lot of behaviors will be displayed through the flesh. Light is hope and the world. Envy has taken over and because of envy and greed so many become corrupt and so many areas seem to be filled with complete darkness but it's not so. Light will be there somewhere.
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2 responses
@puddleglum (1380)
• United States
16 Dec 16
Thanks for sharing these wonderful, positive truths. Faith, hope, and love abide always. The rest is temporary.
@Jackalyn (7558)
• Oxford, England
16 Dec 16
So true. Light overcomes the darkness.