Do you read and respond to every post you see here?

@shaynas (5487)
December 24, 2016 2:22am CST
I don't. I read and respond only to the subject and posts that look interesting to me and i feel i can make a point on the topic. what about you?
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6 responses
@dpk262006 (58676)
• Delhi, India
27 Dec 16
I just cannot respond to every posts. I do not like to discuss some of the topics such as Politics or Religion. Sometimes, I find it difficult to search posts of my choice. I have noticed that there are many posts which do not have much to discuss or to contribute. Some even start narrating their daily routine on mylot posts and some start giving weather reports in their discussions, I wonder how could I contribute on weather reports or on the issues where there is hardly any scope for discussion. I just cannot understand some of the posts because those posts are written in such a fashion that only the host could understand the post.
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@dpk262006 (58676)
• Delhi, India
27 Dec 16
@shaynas So we are on the same page.
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@shaynas (5487)
• India
27 Dec 16
I feel the same. Just don't know what to write on such posts. :D
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@shaynas (5487)
• India
27 Dec 16
@dpk262006 yeah :)
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@just4him (317013)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
28 Dec 16
I read and respond to every comment someone makes on my post then I do the same for the person who comments - I read and comment on one of theirs.
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@just4him (317013)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
28 Dec 16
@shaynas If I read a post and don't agree with it, I will not 'like' it. However, since I read it, I will make a comment on it about why I disagree with it.
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@shaynas (5487)
• India
28 Dec 16
I too reply on almost all the comments i get on the my posts. But i read some posts where i have no opinion and i leave them. Or may be i don't agree with the posts point of view, and i leave it unattended than contradicting.
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• United States
26 Dec 16
I don't respond to all because sometimes I cannot respond to them. And I am not on myLot 24/7, so I won't be able to respond to all. :)
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@shaynas (5487)
• India
26 Dec 16
Same is case here. I am hardly here, plus many posts i don't feel i have any opinion to give.
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• United States
26 Dec 16
@shaynas If I can't or if I thought I can and opened the page already ~ I'd still comment something or try. Sometimes it can be vague too.
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@skysnap (20153)
24 Dec 16
most of the surveys quit before we are even allowed to choose options.
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@JudyEv (338119)
• Rockingham, Australia
27 Dec 16
I read the posts of the people I am following and if something else catches my interest I read that too.
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• Surat, India
24 Dec 16
I don't either. It's just that I like to talk on interesting topics like you.
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@shaynas (5487)
• India
28 Dec 16
very much like me :)