Why Islam?

@Refaat (108)
November 26, 2006 3:52am CST
I know there are a lot of discussions about this topic lately and it have almost turned into a war between me and 3 people on Mylot. But I want to give the Muslim community a chance and see what exactly do they believe about Islam and to try logically and "peacefully" to tell us why would anyone believe in Islam. And Before you people start I want you to take a look at this site: http://www.faithfreedom.org/comics/comics.htm I know it insults Islam and I'm sorry for it, but it contains a lot of strange things with proof from the Quran and Sunna and I ask this question "Why would anyone want to believe in this things?"
1 response
@luskas (3428)
• Portugal
26 Nov 06
LOLOL that was funny and somewhat very true... We have a nice example of the radicalism of islam when some journalist joke about Prophet Muhammad and they went all crazy... Useless violence that was! However everyone joke about God and i don´t see any war because of that... Well that´s my thought about it but i respect all religions so i dont mock any of them