Are your family jerks?

United Kingdom
January 9, 2017 5:14am CST
Some relatives on the wifes side are behaving like complete idiots at the moment, and it got me thinking about how sometimes family can be jerks. Most of my family aren't very nice people and so I thought it best to distance myself from them. How about you? Are your family jerks?
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10 responses
@yukimori (10143)
• United States
9 Jan 17
Both my husband and I have relatives who fall into that category. A lot of people will tell you that it's horrible to cut off people who are closely related to you, but it's necessary when they're toxic. We lost absolutely nothing by cutting those individuals out of our lives, even though they were biological parents. We gained the peace that comes with knowing that they will never have the opportunity to abuse our children like they abused us.
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• United Kingdom
9 Jan 17
I am glad that you have been able to do that, I don't think it is horrible, I think it is important. Why should you let them poison your lives?
@yukimori (10143)
• United States
9 Jan 17
@Clairelouiser You'd be shocked by the number of people who think that you have to be there for relatives even when they treat you horribly.
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• United Kingdom
9 Jan 17
@yukimori Oh I know, the wifes family are like that. They seem to thinkn "but they're family" excuses every awful behaviour!
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9 Jan 17
Am not yet married...and regarding my family...they are loving...but extra love iritates me... ;)
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9 Jan 17
@Clairelouiser too much of caring and loving....thats the extra love i am talking about...too much is in excess...though its not wrong...
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• United Kingdom
10 Jan 17
@immilind113 Ahh, I see what you mean now, smothering you with too much affection.
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• United Kingdom
9 Jan 17
@immilind113 What do you mean extra love?
@toniganzon (72281)
• Philippines
9 Jan 17
Hmmm, I'm trying to think if there's anybody who can be called a jerk in my family. Fortunately, I couldn't think of anybody at the moment.
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• United Kingdom
9 Jan 17
@toniganzon That's very lucky for you!
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@toniganzon (72281)
• Philippines
9 Jan 17
@Clairelouiser I believe so.
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@rina110383 (24494)
10 Jan 17
Yes, at times they are.
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• United Kingdom
10 Jan 17
Families can be a pain sometimes!
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@Happy2BeMe (99380)
• Canada
9 Jan 17
Yes there are some in my family who are.
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@Happy2BeMe (99380)
• Canada
9 Jan 17
@Clairelouiser yes I do.
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• United Kingdom
9 Jan 17
@Happy2BeMe That's a shame, do you try to ignore them?
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@Lisa810 (48)
• Tampa, Florida
9 Jan 17
My late husbands family are jerks. There is like a ton of them and about less than an ounce of them are not jerks Try to stay away from them if you can
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• United Kingdom
10 Jan 17
That must be difficult, do you have to have a lot of contact with them?
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• Tampa, Florida
10 Jan 17
@Clairelouiser not too much, I stay in contact with one of his brothers and his family and that is it, I see the others on FB and I do my best to just stay out of it, is much safer that way :)
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@GardenGerty (159942)
• United States
9 Jan 17
For the most part our family connections are good and our family are great. As you say, though, if they are jerks it helps to keep your distance.
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• United Kingdom
9 Jan 17
That's very lucky for you, it must be nice to have a reliable family.
@Plethos (13581)
• United States
9 Jan 17
every family has a jerk or two. i dont let their negativity affect me in any way.
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• United Kingdom
9 Jan 17
That's very true, some people are just like that I guess
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@JohnRoberts (109846)
• Los Angeles, California
23 Jan 17
The only family I have is my mother and there is the usual friction sometimes.
@atoz1to10 (6780)
• Australia
9 Jan 17
I think we all are jerks in some way.... I used to like my husband's family. Don't get me wrong, they are nice people. But since I live closer to them I see another side and I don't like them as much as I used to. Is it because I am a jerk or because they are jerks? I am still looking for the right answer. And I agree with you about distance ourselves from in law. Too much headache.
• United Kingdom
9 Jan 17
@atoz1to10 Ha ha, I know I am! That is a shame, living in close proximity to someone can be difficult as you start to get to see the real them. I'm sure it's they who are jerks though, not you.