Yep. I have a GALLSTONE!!!!!!!!!!

Perth, Australia
January 18, 2017 8:30am CST
So I had my ultrasound done. And the dude who did it was so nice. I told him that I was anxious and stressed about what it may be. While he was doing the ultrasound, I was watching the screen even though I had no clue what I was looking at. Was just cool to see my insides Anyway, the dude was looking around my stomach and asked me if I was feeling any pains and I said "Yes....hunger pains." He laughed. I had to fast before the ultrasound. But I was actually feeling some discomfort in some areas he touched. Eventually he looked at me with a "Sorry to tell you" kind of face. And said that it was a gallstone! He also said that he wasn't allowed to tell me but he wanted to because he said I looked anxious to know. That was nice of him. I don't know if it's the same everywhere, but the people who do your scans aren't meant to tell you anything. They send your scans to your doctor and the doctor is supposed to tell you. So I am happy that after all of these years, I finally know what has been causing these excruciating stomach and back pains. Been having them since I was 15. I am so scared if I have to have the surgery because I've never had surgery before. But I know it will be good to get the bugger out!
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20 responses
@WorDazza (15830)
• Manchester, England
18 Jan 17
You won't necessarily need surgery. When my wife was having her gall bladder investigated she was told that they can use some sort of sonic device to blast the thing into much smaller stones which can pass naturally through your system. It's probably dependent on size but it may be worth asking about!
7 people like this
@WorDazza (15830)
• Manchester, England
23 Jan 17
@VivaLaDani13 Here's hoping for a good blasting. Let us know how things progress.
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• Perth, Australia
23 Jan 17
@WorDazza Thank you so much! And I will.
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• Perth, Australia
22 Jan 17
@WorDazza I have somewhat heard about gallstones being blasted. I hope I can do something that that. Blasted sounds more better to me than surgery.
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@moffittjc (122829)
• Gainesville, Florida
19 Jan 17
The doctors should have treatment options beside just surgery to remove or eliminate the gallstones. Please make sure you ask what options are available. I wouldn't want them cutting you open to do surgery if there was a better or less invasive alternative. I'm so glad they found what was causing you all that pain. I'm sure when it's all said and done you will fee so much better!
5 people like this
@moffittjc (122829)
• Gainesville, Florida
22 Jan 17
@VivaLaDani13 Well, if surgery is the only option (or best option) they give you, don't feel too bad. I'm sure the incision will be small, and besides...I love scars! They tell a story, similar to tattoos!
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• Perth, Australia
22 Jan 17
@moffittjc lol But I don't want any scars.
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• Perth, Australia
22 Jan 17
@moffittjc I will definitely be asking what my options are. I will be making sure I have other options besides surgery. I really don't want surgery.
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@jaboUK (64354)
• United Kingdom
18 Jan 17
At least you know what it is now and can get the proper treatment for it. I know that the technicians aren't supposed to tell you anything. I had an X-ray on my knee 9 days ago and still don't know the result.
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@jaboUK (64354)
• United Kingdom
22 Jan 17
@VivaLaDani13 I suppose because they are not actually doctors, and may tell us something wrong.
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• Perth, Australia
22 Jan 17
@jaboUK Do you know why they aren't allowed to tell us?
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• Perth, Australia
22 Jan 17
@jaboUK aw ok true! I didn't think about that! Hope all is well with your leg!
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@RasmaSandra (82855)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
18 Jan 17
Don't stress it too much. I also stress things that go not the way I want them and speaking as an anxiety attack survivor I tell you now calm down and gather all the info you can. Here is something to start you off with
Laparoscopic gallbladder surgery (cholecystectomy) removes the gallbladder and gallstones through several small incisions in the abdomen.
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• Perth, Australia
22 Jan 17
@RasmaSandra Thank you very much! I really appreciate you answering this and giving me the information!
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@Daljinder (23236)
• Bangalore, India
19 Jan 17
@Ramasandra That's very nice of you! Thank you!
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@NJChicaa (121656)
• United States
18 Jan 17
Get that sucker taken out!
5 people like this
• Perth, Australia
22 Jan 17
@NJChicaa haha! Will do!
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@Happy2BeMe (99380)
• Canada
18 Jan 17
Have a surgery so that you can finally be pain feel. No sense suffering if you don't have to. Call he told you rather then make you wait to find out.
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• Perth, Australia
22 Jan 17
@Happy2BeMe Yeah he was very nice to let me know. I have to act like I know nothing though when I see my doctor lol I don't want to get that other dude in trouble.
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@Happy2BeMe (99380)
• Canada
22 Jan 17
@VivaLaDani13 yes that is for sure. Wouldn't want to do that.
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@Fishmomma (11377)
• United States
23 Jan 17
Sorry to hear you have a gallstone. I had surgery to remove a huge gallstone and have a scar from the removal. My daughter was lucky, as she didn't need the surgery. We were both told its our genetic makeup and likely to have more stones. Ask family members, if other members have had any kind of stone. I no longer have a gall bladder, as after several trips to the hospital for smaller stones its gone. I'm glad to no longer be making trips to the hospital and we moved near the hospital, so maybe that is giving me good news or at least going past the building has made me eat and drink correctly.
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• Perth, Australia
24 Jan 17
@Fishmomma I am glad that you don't have to deal with it anymore. Sounds like heaven! All the women on my mums side have all had their gallbladders taken out and most men on my dads side have had theirs out too lol So it's definitely in the family.
• Valdosta, Georgia
19 Jan 17
I'm sorry to hear you have gallstones. I have heard they are extremely painful. =( I hope you can get them taken care of soon so you will be pain free again.
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• Perth, Australia
22 Jan 17
@LovingMyBabies Thank you very much Jennifer! Really appreciate it!
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@marlina (154129)
• Canada
18 Jan 17
They will probably do a laparascopy which is very easy. Don't worry about it. The technician CAN NOT tell you about the results, he was wrong doing so.
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• Perth, Australia
22 Jan 17
@marlina Thank you very much for your answer!
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@JESSY3236 (20253)
• United States
18 Jan 17
I'm sorry it was a gallstone. I never had one. But I did have surgery for a boil a few years ago. I was scared, but I was glad to be rid of the pain it caused. I'm sure you will do fine if you have the surgery.
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• Perth, Australia
22 Jan 17
@JESSY3236 Oh I haven't had a boil but I have somewhat heard about them. Glad you have that all over and done with! Thank you very much!
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@Plethos (13581)
• United States
18 Jan 17
Wow, since 15? How did you cope with it?
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• Perth, Australia
22 Jan 17
@Plethos Yep. For that long. This whole time, whenever I got the pains I would get a heat pack and keep putting it on my stomach and back. Since they were both in pain. Or have a hot bath. But nowadays, well since the start of the year I mean, the pain is much worse that I need codeine. I HATE taking medicine of any kind but the tablets are the only thing to get rid of the pain.
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@Plethos (13581)
• United States
22 Jan 17
@VivaLaDani13 - I knew a guy who had gallstones. He had the sonic type of surgery. He never missed a day of work.
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• Perth, Australia
22 Jan 17
@Plethos wow. Tough guy!
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@fishtiger58 (29820)
• Momence, Illinois
18 Jan 17
I had my gallbladder taken out 17 years ago. I had multiple gall stones and was in pain off and on for many many years. Getting my gallbladder out was a good thing. No more pain. Good luck
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• Perth, Australia
22 Jan 17
@fishtiger58 Thank you for letting me know your story. Helps me a bit knowing how common this is. Thank you.
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@fishtiger58 (29820)
• Momence, Illinois
22 Jan 17
@VivaLaDani13 I would say the last 20 years of so having your gallbladder removed is getting more and more common. I think it's because of what we eat but that's just my guess.
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@Daljinder (23236)
• Bangalore, India
18 Jan 17
You don't need aliens, galaxies and god knows what in your "bladder of gall". Ask about your options first. I was reading about it on internet and found its an hour long procedure? I even went and read how it is performed and how it is taken out in detail. If doc says to have surgery then prepare yourself well in advance. I am hoping doc would detail you what to expect and not just expect you roll over at his/her command.
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• Perth, Australia
22 Jan 17
@Daljinder haha I told my dad about it looking like space in there and he agreed. I will be doing that for sure! Probably annoy the crap out of them with questions lol
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• Perth, Australia
22 Jan 17
@Daljinder Very true!
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@Daljinder (23236)
• Bangalore, India
22 Jan 17
@VivaLaDani13 Who cares as long as you get your answers?
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@MissNikki (5237)
• Maple Ridge, British Columbia
23 Jan 17
I'm so sorry you have to go through that! I hope the recovery process is easy for you
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• Perth, Australia
24 Jan 17
@MissNikki Thank you so much!
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
24 Jan 17
Now they have medications that can help desolve them, or do a surgery that breaks it up and from what I have gathered is not very painful at all. So hoping they can figure out what is best and that this in turn will help solve the pain the pain that you have been feeling.
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• Perth, Australia
24 Jan 17
@KrauseHome That sounds like a more better approach lol I like the sound of that. Anything to avoid surgery! Thank you very much.
@much2say (57291)
• Los Angeles, California
20 Jan 17
Oh wow - so what do they tell you will be the next step? It will be relief to get the treatment you need and be rid of this pain once and for all - but it is a relief now knowing what the culprit is.
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@much2say (57291)
• Los Angeles, California
22 Jan 17
@VivaLaDani13 It's amazing you've endured the pain since your teens! I hope there are alternative things you can do to get rid of it before having surgery . . . how great it would be to just melt it away somehow.
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• Perth, Australia
22 Jan 17
@much2say I am seeing a doctor soon to discuss what needs to be done. So will find out soon and yeah I am so glad I finally know.
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@sishy7 (27166)
• Australia
19 Jan 17
Oh, sorry to hear but I guess it's also a relief to find out for sure. Just wish you knew earlier so you could avoid some of the pain and discomforts and may even avoid surgery... Anyway, I hope the doctor can proceed with the best way to get them out...
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@sishy7 (27166)
• Australia
22 Jan 17
@VivaLaDani13 What's next? Surgery or laser procedure? Take care, okay...
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• Perth, Australia
22 Jan 17
@sishy7 Yeah that is what I am quite mad about. I've been explaining to doctors for a very long time and they never thought to think about gallstones. I've been through many tests and done many things that suggested but all failed. Even to the point some doctors "didn't know what to do." But, better now than me one day passing out from the damn pain! Or it getting even worse!
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• Perth, Australia
23 Jan 17
@sishy7 Not sure yet. Thank you so much. And you take care too!
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@PurnaSharma (2562)
• Guwahati, India
22 Jan 17
Don't worry now a days surgery isn't tougher then before.Laparoscopy surgery is available there.
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• Perth, Australia
22 Jan 17
@PurnaSharma Thank you very much.
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@xstitcher (33392)
• Petaluma, California
23 Jan 17
Yikes ! I hope all goes well with the "getting it out" part !
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• Perth, Australia
24 Jan 17
@xstitcher Thank you very much!
• United Kingdom
23 Jan 17
Oh dear, I hope that they can sort it for you easily.
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• Perth, Australia
24 Jan 17
@Clairelouiser Thank you! I appreciate that!