God vs science

January 21, 2017 12:49pm CST
I respect people's love for God but as an individual I don't believe in God and I think everything that happens, happen due to science and the things which are not contributed by science are sheer coincidence.Everything is science because we have seen science but we have not seen god so how can we believe that God exists.what do you guys think?
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7 responses
@NJChicaa (122034)
• United States
21 Jan 17
I agree with you. Science has EVIDENCE.
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21 Jan 17
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@Bluedoll (16770)
• Canada
21 Jan 17
I like science too but don't think there needs to be a comparison.
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@bird123 (10658)
• United States
21 Jan 17
All the secrets of the universe stare us in the face. How long did mankind watch birds fly before they figured out how? Can you see? Do you even look for God? Do you even want to find God? Even with those of religion, I find very few people who want to really find God. Since believing has never ever been important to God, it doesn't matter whether one chooses to believe or look for God. That's not what this world is all about. Let's look at an action of God. God doesn't give knowledge to people. God places knowledge all around us leaving each to Choose for themselves what to discover. The reward for the discovery of knowledge brings an easier life along with more ideas one can choose to venture and discover more. One can never separate God and science for science is studing God through God's creation. Science will discover God before religions will. Why?? Science strives for knowledge then corrects when an error is discovered. Religion claims to already know it all thus fighting the correction of their errors. Religion fails to strive toward the discovery of new knowledge relying on a closed ended box of beliefs which could never ever come close to defining God. Do people really want to find God? As for religion, memorize your box of beliefs, accept them, then do no more, prevents the discovery of so very much about God. If you follow holy books, you follow Mankind. Their stories are not what God is really all about. Discovery of God has never depended on anyone except yourself. Beliefs are no more than a patch to cover the missing pieces when the facts are not known. Without beliefs, we would lock up just like my old computer. On the other hand, one should always strive for the facts and value them above beliefs for beliefs are not always true. This lesson and the choices belong to each of us.
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@dlr297 (5409)
• United States
23 Jan 17
@bird123 Hello, You contridict yourself with everything you say. and you make no sense... First you say ( God doesn't give knowledge to people. God places knowledge all around us leaving each to Choose for themselves what to discover.) God gave us a brain for knowledge, if we did not have a brain all the knowledge around us to see would not mean anything..God gave us eyes to see and the knowledge of how to use them, If we could not see we would not be able to see the birds flying.. So God is responsible for the knowledge that we have....... We would not have been able to figure out how birds fly if God did not give us the knowledge to do so...... All discoverys are not for the good and many times they bring more harm to this world and the people in it.... Most times if it was done Gods way all the problems that we have would not even be here..Just a example of God telling us that evil is here to bring destruction to what is Gods... This world is all about God...It all starts with Believing their is a God.... So which is it do you believe their is a God or not....If believing is not important to God we would not need to believe that he exisits.... Believing in God and his word is not a patch for anything, but it is following the Truth of what God wants for us...God inspired the men that wrote down what God put in them to put to paper.. God inspired all of it, and all of it is the Truth.......
@dlr297 (5409)
• United States
25 Jan 17
@bird123 God gave us everything that we have...God Gave us legs so we could walk. God Gave us a brain and the knowledge in it to use so we can do and learn different things...without it we would not be able to do anything...God gave us the knowledge how to process everything that we see, hear, touch...ECT All that is needed to do is ask God and he will give you the answers that you need. Yes my beliefs are all that i need because God will lead me where i need to go. I do not need to search all i need to do is ask... Yes this world is running exactly according to Gods plan, He knows everything, from the beginning to the end..and he told us all what is going to happen.. You see you also have a box of beliefs they are just different from Gods....You like to make things up as you go..You make them fit what you want.. The worlds problems are not going to go away because their are to many like you that think you know better than God..God told us what to do, how to solve them..but most do not listen...and yes God told us evil is the one destroying everything that is good... I have already LEARNED THE LESSON, and live my life according to the word of God. God does exist, and YES i believe that. All you have to do to find God is to open up your heart and believe he is right their..No searching involved... Nothing is hard for me because God is right their to help me with anything that i need.. Their are not any levels....we are all the same in Gods eyes...He Loves us all the same....And he will let us all choose our own paths....No Blame, Hate,Ruling, Controlling, Intimidating, Coercing, Condemning, Punishing .....God lets us all make up our own minds as to what we want....We all have the same choices to make......I choose to live my life following God and his word, i choose to spend eternity with God... You choose to spend your life searching for something that does not matter one way or the other, discovering things that mean nothing to anyone but you..Thats fine if that is what you want to do.. Hopefully all the searching and discovering will lead you to the Truth someday.. Their will always be consequences for our actions.....Every choice we make tells God where we stand with him....So make your choices wisely because you are not promised tomorrow...
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
25 Jan 17
@dlr297 I am sorry you are confused. You must open your mind beyond the stories and beliefs you have been taught since you were a little girl. You have been learning longer than you realize. God did not give you the knowledge of walking. You discovered how at an early age. The physical body does have senses. You can see, however you are learning even today to interpret what you do see. Still, we are blind to so very much. You have a brain, however you are choosing what to put in that brain. God does not tell anyone that evil is bringing destruction to what is God's. That is your Religion giving you their version of their beliefs. This world is God's world and it is running exactly the way God wants it to. It is a Masterpiece!! You would say the same if you understood God and God's world at all. Like many people, you want all the world's problems to go away. Problems and adversity are part of the learning process. LEARN THE LESSONS!!! When kiddies learn their lessons, they move on to more challenges. You can dream of a world with no problems, however you are not living in reality. God will teach His children. Children tend to not want to go to school, however after everything is said and done, they are glad they went. Don't fight the learning so much. You will be much happier. God's system needs no holy books. God's relationships with His children need no middle men nor messengers. Those that follow religions follow mankind. You asked if I believe there is a God. Beliefs are no more than a patch to cover the missing pieces of fact or truth. When you rely on beliefs instead of facts, you can never be sure you have truth. That is why one must strive to discover truth. When one discovers God, beliefs about whether God exists or not are meaningless. My answer: God exists not as a belief. You will not find God in a box of beliefs. One must be willing to venture on a road to discovery, leaving beliefs behind. God can be found. I know this is hard for you. You have memorized your holy book so well. God is so much more than you can find in any holy book. Further, God is beyond the petty things mankind holds so dear in their holy books such as Blame, Hate,Ruling, Controlling, Intimidating, Coercing, Condemning, Punishing and so much more. God is truly at a Higher Level. We all can choose to let those things go and be at that High Level as well. Religion attempts to put God in a nice little box of beliefs. It's going to take much work to walk yourself to a Higher Level and discover God for yourself. Choices belong to each of us.
21 Jan 17
I believe in both... Since is still improving... There is alot to do..
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21 Jan 17
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21 Jan 17
I think it's very wrong to put God and science in constant confrontation. They should be complementary.
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21 Jan 17
Yes bro you are right at your own place.but I think it is right
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21 Jan 17
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21 Jan 17
Even if you don't believe in God,i think you should fear God,because science you can see and understand but God you cannot. Do you know why? I'll tell you why because he is a God that is unexplainable even science will take till the end of the world to explain God but still will not be able,Even the word Big is not Big enough to explain how Big God is. So friend ask God to reveal God to you am sure he will because only he can.
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21 Jan 17
I don't fear God because I haven't done anything bad to anyone.to worship God it's better to help poor people and needy people.that I do so u don't fear god
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21 Jan 17
@Demonicjester not a problem friend,i hope you get to see him someday so that you can believe.
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@reskyyandi (3608)
• Indonesia
21 Jan 17
I believed God. Everything happen in earth because of God.
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22 Jan 17
I think that science itself is god
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