Good Riddance to Bible-Thumping, Fairy-Tale Believing Rubbish! ... I Mean, Peace Be with You

@mythociate (21437)
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
January 23, 2017 8:52pm CST
A former connection of mine posted some bad news on her Facebook & added the comment, "Please pray for these people." I've explained numerous times how this abbreviation of the actual process makes me sick ... and I replied with the comment 'pity you think God needs to be reminded what's bad.' I see now that maybe a better reply would've been 'Know that God knows what's happening and gives the help that's needed'; because apparently the response I did give was (along with a number of other responses to her 'Fairy-Tale God'-proclamations) too "confrontationally skeptical"). What she or I shoulda done is private-message, say "I believe one way; you believe differently (in the same God, just 'in a different section of the garden-maze'). It'll be more peaceful for both of us if we don't hear from each other again. Peace Be with You." hmm ... maybe this is why Jesus Christ "went into the clouds," and why He can't ever come back---because we are created to be sheep (goats, lambs, rams, etc.) and--though our intellect can be godly, angelic, sinister, heavenly etc.--our bodies will ALWAYS take precedence over our 'good intentions' in our minds' to-do lists. He can't come back until our bodies 'evolve beyond' caring for their own needs. But the point is ... God knows. He doesn't need you to pray. Victims of tragedies don't need you to pray. If you feel that they do, that's between you & God.
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1 response
@Mike197602 (15496)
• United Kingdom
24 Jan 17
God doesn't know sh*t. Its just an invention of humans who can't take the fact that when you die thats the end of things...pussi*s
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@mythociate (21437)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
24 Jan 17
That's a blunt way of looking at things ... kind of like 'cutting off your arm since you have no hope of using it anymore' (which I'm glad I didn't do when I was paralyzed from the neck-down ) because--when you 'very-little' ends for me (well, "a lot" ends; but relative to everything that keeps going, very little). And when I die, only I end (along with the things that went because I kept them going - various blogs, my discussions here, etc.) Almost the same way you 'abbreviate' "everything that has a beginning has an ending" into "when you die that's the end of things," God is an abbreviation of the idea that 'the world has gone-on long before any of us were born to know about it, and it'll keep on going long after we're gone; it's best to just go for as long as we live as if our ancestors had plans for us and our progeny'