A Simple Mind Of A Child

@atoz1to10 (6780)
January 25, 2017 8:20am CST
'Do you like mummy to stay home with you?' I asked my son. After spending sometimes thinking, he asked me back 'Do you get money?' 'Yes', I replied, 'Mummy is home because mummy is sick.' 'Which one will give you more money? Staying home or going to work?' He asked again... I wish my mind is just as simple as his one.
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5 responses
@UmiNoor (4524)
• Malaysia
26 Jan 17
Children will say the darnedest thing. Sometimes you have to stifle a laugh so as not to discourage him fom being inquisitive. Even my teenage daughter still asks me silly questions.
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@UmiNoor (4524)
• Malaysia
26 Jan 17
@atoz1to10 Yes, children can sometimes be a handful. That's why we need to appreciate the times that they make us laugh.
@atoz1to10 (6780)
• Australia
26 Jan 17
Really... It's good to see our children still making us laugh...
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@dfollin (25308)
• United States
25 Jan 17
I guess it depends on how much of the pay from your outside home job that you have to spend on child care, transportation, work clothing,work time meals and other expenses.
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@dfollin (25308)
• United States
26 Jan 17
@atoz1to10 I know!
@atoz1to10 (6780)
• Australia
26 Jan 17
Money, money, money.... Why do we have to work and spend money on someone else...with joy...
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• Peoria, Arizona
25 Jan 17
Ahh if only the government works as well as a child's mind. Haha! I hope you feel better soon!
@atoz1to10 (6780)
• Australia
26 Jan 17
Thank you...
• Agra, India
25 Jan 17
Kids are kids and there is no means of understanding their minds
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@atoz1to10 (6780)
• Australia
25 Jan 17
So true[em]thumbup[/em
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26 Jan 17
I also have kids aged 4 and 2 and they are very easy to talk to they know what theh want and they are so vocal about it i just love them so much i just so amazed how kids communicate now a days