Secret Wisdom from Jesus' Parable of the Sower & the Soils

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@mythociate (21435)
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
January 30, 2017 12:19pm CST
You know the story Jesus told of the farmhand who went out to 'plant the seed,' but who just kinda threw it on the ground and considered his work done (though the full harvest only came from one-fourth of the ground he threw it on). And you've probably heard 'the symbolism Jesus meant in the story' (I think it's actually given--Jesus explains it to His Disciples--in the Bible): the seed is 'The Word' (what God wants people to know), the Sower is the apostle/preacher/parrot who 'spreads The Word,' the soil is 'us' (the minds that hear The Word mixed-in with whatever else we hear, and we hear it right-enough to grow good-fruit with it). The hidden message there (for us 'apostle/preacher/parrot's who want to effectively spread The Word and increase the harvest) is that it helps to formulate seed-with-an-additive ... an additive that tells 'the soil' that our seed is worth "holding on to." What do you think that additive is?
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1 response
@Chellezhere (5652)
• United States
31 Jan 17
IN this case, the additive is the testimony. That gains more followers that condemnation of their curent ways ever will.
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@mythociate (21435)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
5 Feb 17
Right! I know that--whenever I'm in the middle of some process that seems to be more 'punishment' than 'accomplishment'--"the testimony" is what 'keeps my nose to the grindstone' ... the idea that "if I'm doing this well-enough for long-enough, it'll eventually render fruit like the 'testifier' told us of!"